
  • 网络Fu Lei;Foley
  1. 同为大翻译家的鲁迅与傅雷也是如此。

    So did Luxun and Fulei , who were great translators too .

  2. 傅雷是一位伟大的翻译家,也是一位杰出的艺术批评家。

    Fulei is a great translator as well as an outstanding art critic .

  3. 大师之间的差异&傅雷与张爱玲的冲突及其原因之我见

    On the contradiction and cause of formation between FU Lei and ZHANG Ai-Ling

  4. 傅雷还要求艺术家坚持不懈地进行专业技术的修炼。

    Fu Lei also requires that the artists should consistently exercise their professional skills .

  5. 艺术功能论傅雷艺术批评思想研究

    On Study of the Function of Art

  6. 傅雷对巴尔扎克的接受与传播

    Fu Leis Acceptance and Dissemination of Balzac

  7. 傅雷中国诗词审美教育对傅聪钢琴演奏艺术的影响

    FU Lei 's Chinese Poetry Aesthetic Education for FU Cong in the Arts of Piano

  8. 热情、认真、执著、理想,是傅雷精神的主要内涵。

    Enthusiasm , earnestness , devotion and idealism are the main essence of Fu Lei spirit .

  9. 傅雷是公认的20世纪中国最伟大的翻译家之一。

    Fu Lei is well known that he is one of great translators in 20th Century in China .

  10. 在中国,十九世纪末严复提出了信、达、雅的观点,随后的翻译家如林语堂、傅雷、钱钟书等在此基础上不断完善更新翻译的标准与方法;

    In China , Yan Fu advanced his three-character standard for translation : faithfulness , expressiveness , and elegance .

  11. 傅雷(1908&1966)是中国现代杰出的翻译家、文艺理论家和艺术鉴赏家,也是我国为数不多的真正懂得艺术规律的学者之一。

    Fu Lei ( 1908-1966 ) is an outstanding translator , an artistic theoretician as well as a connoisseur of arts .

  12. 傅雷是20世纪中国文学翻译史上一个具有特殊地位的伟大翻译家。

    Fu Lei , a great translator , has a special status in the 20th century 's history of translation in China .

  13. 傅雷作为法语汉译大家的声名多少掩盖了他作为艺术理论家的功绩和贡献。

    Fu Lei 's good reputation for a translator from French to Chinese conceals his contributions as an artistic theorist more or less .

  14. 鉴此,本文拟从一个与以往不同的视角&生态翻译学视角,对傅雷先生丰富多彩的翻译思想进行解读和探讨。

    From a dimension different from the previous studies , this paper explores Fu Lei 's resourceful translation philosophies in terms of Eco-translatology .

  15. 傅雷是中国现代著名的翻译大师,一直以来,人们称道并且关注他在翻译领域的成就。

    Fu Lei is a famous translation master of modern China . His great achievement in the translation field has been always appreciated .

  16. 《傅雷家书》中体现的傅雷德育观集中于他对德育地位、目的、任务、原则以及方式的主张。

    Fu Lei 's outlook on moral education in his Letters Home focuses on the position , objectives , tasks , principles and approaches of moral education .

  17. 通过对小说《围城》和《傅雷家书》的语料分析,可以透见交际者进行跨语言语码转换的社会文化及心理动因。

    By the analysis of the conversations in The Besieged City and Letters from Fulei , this essay tends to clarify the cultural and psychological factors in code-switching .

  18. 在丰富的翻译实践与深刻的理论思考中,傅雷先生形成了自己完整科学的翻译理念。

    Fu Lei , China 's great translator and translation theoretician , had formed the entirety of his translation theory through his rich translation practice and profound theoretical reflection .

  19. 傅雷是我国著名的文学翻译家,他在文学翻译的理论和实践上都作出了巨大的贡献,产生了深远的影响。

    Fu Lei is a famous literature translator in our country , he makes a great contribution not only to the practice of translation but also to the theory of translation .

  20. 傅雷的美育目的观集中体现在《傅雷家书》这部教育著作中,即德艺俱备、人格卓越。

    Fu Lei 's concepts of the objective of art education are embodied in The Correspondence between Fu Lei and his Son & be a person with virtue and art , and with noble characters as well .

  21. 而傅雷守望古典审美理想也有其现实背景,是他对当时艺术的教条主义的反思,也是他对中国艺术界的重新唤醒。

    Yet there is the realistic background for Fu Lei to insist on the classical aesthetic ideal , and the ideal itself is his reflections on the doctrinism on arts at that time and his re-waking the Chinese artistic circle up .

  22. 摘要在巴尔扎克走入中国的最初几十年里,除林纾、穆木天、傅雷等翻译家为之作出过努力外,语言学家高名凯的贡献也不少。

    During the first several decades when balzac 's works were introduced into china , Gao mingkai , a linguist , made adequate contribution to the translation of balzac 's works , besides some translators such as Lin shu , mu mu-tian , Fu lei , etc.