
  • 网络Fou Ts'ong
  1. 傅聪钢琴表演美学思想并及音乐作品原作问题研究

    On the Aesthetics of Fou Ts'ong 's Performance and the Original of Music Works

  2. 今年,正逢海顿逝世200周年纪念,傅聪将奉献海顿专场音乐会,与乐迷一同回顾“交响乐之父”的音乐魔力。

    In order to tribute him , Fou Ts'ong will play a totally Haydn music , and present his charming music for the fifth time in Shanghai Concert Hall .

  3. 傅聪,中国籍,任总干事顾问。

    Fu Cong , a Chinese national , is adviser to the Director-General .

  4. 傅聪:黑白键上50年

    Fu Cong Has Played Piano for 50 Years

  5. 来自中国的傅聪先生将任总干事顾问。

    Mr Fu Cong , from China , is appointed as Adviser to the Director-General .

  6. 傅雷中国诗词审美教育对傅聪钢琴演奏艺术的影响

    FU Lei 's Chinese Poetry Aesthetic Education for FU Cong in the Arts of Piano

  7. 一个莫斯科钢琴家的笔记&读帕佩诺回忆中的傅聪

    Notes of a Moscow pianist

  8. 傅聪是享誉全球的华裔钢琴演奏家,肖邦的《玛祖卡》是他最为擅长、影响最大、也最为人称道的曲目体裁之一。

    Fou Ts ' ong is a global-famous Chinese pianist . Chopin Mazurkas are one kind of his best pieces which is also most influential and highly regarded .

  9. 从心所欲见真章&《傅聪:望七了!》读后感读《我看到希望的曙光》及点滴联想

    After Reading the Article " Fu Cong : Going to be Seventy " Some Associated Thoughts inspired by the Article " I See the Dawn of Hope "

  10. 音乐会上,傅聪将演奏近10年未在公开音乐会上演奏过的6首肖邦练习曲,经典值得期待。

    In this concert , Fou will play the6 Etudes worked by Chopin , which he hasn 't played for10 year in any concert , you can not miss it .

  11. 我臆造了一位从东方来的演奏家,那不是真正的傅聪,完全是我的想象。

    While I heard Fou Ts'ong play , I imagined a man from the East , not the real Fou Ts'ong of course , but a man of my own imagination .

  12. 从傅聪诠释的肖邦玛祖卡舞曲看技道并举与中西文化融合然后是波尔卡舞、苏格兰轮舞、玛祖卡舞,这些都将用一个弗吉尼亚短舞打头。

    On the Combination of Skills and Ideas and the Integration of the Chinese and Western Culture from FU Cong s Interpretation of Mazurkas ; The dances following , the polkas , the schottisches , the mazurkas , will be preceded by short reels .