
dú lì quán
  • right of independence
  1. 定向独立权模型及其在矿产资源预测中的应用

    Oriented isolated weight model and its application to mineral resources prediction

  2. 1981年的今天,伯利兹被英国准予完全独立权。

    Belize is granted full independence from the United Kingdom .

  3. 论东南亚国家的政治、经济和文化独立权

    Independent Power in Politics , Economy and Culture in Southeast Asian Countries

  4. 我们民族的独立权是实现世界和平的前提。

    The right of our nation to independence is a condition for world peace .

  5. 第二部分:参加生产劳动使广大妇女获得了经济独立权。

    C. The second part : Taking part in work and construction gave women 's independent economic rights .

  6. 它以国家名义提起公诉,并负责对特定主体犯罪的侦查,以维护国家利益为根本使命,与审判权相对应,实施监督法律的独立权种。

    Procuratorial organs take public prosecution in the state name and investigate the crime of a specific subject to maintain national interests and supervise the law enforcement .

  7. 大英帝国准备在圣地麦加职掌者的要求范围内承认及支持阿拉伯人在鄂图曼帝国辖区内的独立权。

    Great Britain is prepared to recognize and support the independence of the Arabs in all the regions within the limits demanded by the Shereef of Mecca .

  8. 危害中国人民生存的,首先是帝国主义的侵略。因此,争取生存权首先要争取国家独立权。

    When imperialist aggression became the major threat to their lives , the Chinese people had to win national independence before they could gain the right to subsistence .

  9. 在销售管理部中,包括全公司各个部门的原有营销团队,可以有一定的独立权,但是受同一个领导管辖,统一指挥方便协调资源,方便公司级别的项目运作。

    The new sales management department should integrate all old sales function department as one , and the staffs can have some independence , but obey to the unique manager , unified command and coordination of resources to facilitate the company-level operation of the project .

  10. 债务人在代位权诉讼中为无独立请求权的第三人;

    The debtor is the third party without independent request right ;

  11. 论祭奠权应作为自然人的一项独立人格权

    On the Right of Sacrificing as an Independent Personal Right

  12. 论重构我国的无独立请求权第三人制度

    On Reconstructing the Third Party without Independent Right to Claim

  13. 中心具有电影独立拍摄权。

    Our company has the right of filming independently .

  14. 现在她想拥有孩子们的独立监护权。

    Now she wants sole custody of the kids .

  15. 别跟她说我们要独立抚养权的事。

    You don 't tell her that we 're going for sole custody .

  16. 论与无独立请求权第三人有关的上诉程序

    On the the Party in the Appealing Procedure

  17. 企业具有独立经营权、自主决策权是财务管理应用的前提。

    Being an independent enterprise is a major premise to using function of financial management .

  18. 应正确认识无独立请求权的第三人的诉讼地位,对其参加诉讼的程序加以理顺。

    We should correctly recognize the status of the third party having a limited title .

  19. 关于债权人的代位权问题,理论界存在诸多争议,司法实践中的标准不一,在代位权诉讼中,债务人的地位是无独立请求权的第三人,应允许其自愿参加诉讼;

    There exist disputes in theory and in judicial practice concerning subrogation of the creditor .

  20. 论无独立请求权的第三人

    Third Party With Non - Independent Claim

  21. 反垄断执法机构是否该拥有独立审判权?

    Whether law enforcement agency to anti-monopoly law should have independent judicial authority or not ?

  22. 无独立请求权第三人参诉方式的解析与革新

    Analysis and Innovation of the Mode of Intervention of the third Party without Independent Claim

  23. 本文一共分为四个部分:第一个部分是对无独立请求权第三人制度的概述。

    The first chapter is about the overview of the third party without independent claim system .

  24. 第四部分则提出了我国目前无独立请求权第三人制度存在的问题。

    Part IV has put forward the problem of third party without independent claim in our country .

  25. 对此,首先应尽快立法确认隐私权的独立人格权地位,对其进行直接保护。

    So , at first we must determine the independent personal right status rapidly , and protect it directly .

  26. 通过分析,导出权利型无独立请求权第三人的概念。

    Through analysis , we can introduce out the concepts of power-type and non-independent requirements for the third individual .

  27. 我们认为《独立代理权》是商业合作伙伴不断提高经济效益,提高服务质量及声誉的好方法。

    We understand franchising as business partnership contributing to economic , quality and image growth of the contracting partner .

  28. 诉讼第三人制度是民事诉讼法中的一项重要制度,而其中的无独立请求权第三人制度是我国民事诉讼法中一项比较具有中国特色的制度。

    Third Party with no independent right to claims is a procedure system with Chinese characteristics in civil litigation .

  29. 达规判定标识负责人,需要在商业部门有独立行使权。

    A person in charge of labeling of the Grading , needs to have an independent authority from business section .

  30. 最终形成独立监督权与控制链下的经营权进行制衡。

    Checks and balance eventually will be conducted under the independent supervision ship and power of operation in the control chain .