
yuán yǔ yán
  • source language;original language
源语言[yuán yǔ yán]
  1. 惟一的限制是XSLT专门用于处理XML输入,因此源语言必须被定义为XML方言。

    The only restriction is that XSLT is designed to process XML input , so the source language must be defined as an XML dialect .

  2. 在许多方面,Tiger肯定是迄今为止在Java编程方面(包括对源语言语法的重大扩展)所取得的最大进步。

    In many ways , Tiger promises to be the biggest leap forward in Java programming so far , including significant extensions to the source language syntax .

  3. 此优化编译器的目标机器是一具有单指令流多数据流体系结构的计算机。为充分利用目标机器的计算能力,此编译器的源语言对C语言有所扩充。

    This optimizing compiler 's target machine is a Single Instruction , Multiple Data ( SIMD ) machine .

  4. 指出在图像文件中找不到指定的源语言id。

    Indicates the specified resource language ID cannot be found in theimage file .

  5. 给出基于源语言VISUALBASIC6.0在线进行过程行为实时可视技术设计与实现原理,并提供应用实例。

    This paper gives a implementations principle of process state real-time visualization online base on visual basic 6.0 , and gives a application example .

  6. UNIX系统源语言调试器的分析

    Analysis of UNIX System 's Source-Level Debugger

  7. 并发CHILL源语言调试器的研究

    Researches on Concurrent CHILL Source Level Debugger

  8. TM就是在翻译时对等地收集了译文及源语言的一个数据库

    A tm be a database that collect all of your translation and their source - language equivalent as you translate

  9. 通过把某种语言中的词汇映射到ontology中的概念,可以支持在源语言分析时进行歧义消解和目标语生成时的词汇选择,并可以作为源语言和目的语言之间的中介表示的概念来源。

    By mapping words in a specific language to concepts in the ontology , the system can support disambiguation in source language analysis and words chosen in target language generation .

  10. 这个TPM文件包含了一些信息,例如:如何把类型和名称转换成源语言,输出代码结构应该如何。

    The TPM file contains information such as how to convert types and names into the source language , and how the output code should be structured .

  11. 创建一个转换参数模型(TPM)文件,这个文件与描述如何把UML元素翻译成源语言的UML模型联系在一起。

    Create a transformation parameters model ( TPM ) file , which is a file tied to the UML model that describes how to translate the UML elements into elements in the source language .

  12. GCC是基于Linux下的开放源码的优化编译系统,可以接收多种高级源语言,广泛支持多平台操作系统。

    GCC ( GNU Compiler Collection ) is an open source compiler system based on Linux . It is able to accept many kinds of high-level language and can support multi-operating system with perfect efficiency .

  13. 翻译者要把握源语言文本的核心意义,然后用一种全新的文本(即目标语言文本)表达出来(Farahzad,1998年)。

    The translator uses the core meaning present in the source text to create a new whole , namely , the target text ( Farahzad , 1998 ) .

  14. 翻译的职责就是要创造一种条件,让目标语言的读者和源语言的作者能够有所交流(Lotfipour,1997年)。

    The translator 's task is to create conditions under which the source language author and the target language reader can interact with one another ( Lotfipour , 1997 ) .

  15. 如果srclang属性设置为某种特殊的语言,则该文件主要用于单向翻译:从源语言到另一种语言。

    When the srclang attribute is set to a specific language , the file is intended to be used only for translating in one direction : from the source language to another language .

  16. 英蒙机器翻译系统(EMMT)是把源语言(英语)转换成目标语言(蒙古语)的系统,其中转换规则库是最重要的知识库之一。

    From English to Mongolian Machine Translation ( EMMT ) System would be a kind of system converting the source language-English into the target language-Mongolian . Transforming rules are one of the most important knowledge base .

  17. 基于源语言的过程行为实时可视技术设计与实现

    Design and implementations of process state real-time visualization base on VB

  18. 一个或多个运算的一种源语言组合。

    A source - language combination of one or more operations .

  19. 英语为源语言词典编纂中的用户友善问题

    User - Friendliness in Making Dictionaries with English as the Source Language

  20. 点击翻译按钮选择源语言和目标语言。

    Press the translate button to select the source and destination languages .

  21. 源语言调试器是程序员不可缺少的软件开发工具。

    Source-level debugger is one of the indispensable software-tools for a programmer .

  22. 强制性认定及源语言分析与目标语生成同步进行。

    Targer language is generated in the process of source language analysis .

  23. 基于源语言的开放机群管制系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation for opening computer cluster control system based on source program

  24. 英汉辅助翻译系统用户需求调查及源语言辅助分析技术

    The Users Requirements for English-Chinese Computer Aided Translation System and Source Language Aided Analysis Technologies

  25. 文学作品的翻译是沟通目标语读者和源语言文化的桥梁。

    Translation of literary works serves as a bridge linking target readers and the source-language culture .

  26. 一种表示源语言指令中两项之间关系的术语或符号。

    A term or symbol that indicates the relation between two items in a source-language instruction .

  27. 此外,翻译实践者必须对源语言和目标语言非常敏感;

    Moreover , translation trainees should have a good ear for both source and target languages ;

  28. 要做好翻译,需要在源语言和目标语言二者身上花相当大的精力。

    To be a good translator requires a sizeable investment in both source and target languages .

  29. 因此,用不同的源语言产生的目标模块可存放在同一个程序库内。

    Thus , object modules generated by different source languages can be stored on the same library .

  30. 在掌握了良好的源语言和目标语言能力之后,译员就可以开始实际的翻译了。

    After developing a good competence in both source and target languages , actual translating may begin .