
yuán wén jiàn
  • source file;source document
源文件[yuán wén jiàn]
  1. VHDL硬件描述语言是设计源文件可以采用类似与C语言的书写形式,并采用结构设计方法。

    The VHDL hardware description language is designs the source document to be possible to use is similar with the C language written form , and uses the structural design method .

  2. 该模型针对网页木马攻击的隐蔽性和局部性特点,利用DOM结构将网页源文件映射成为DOM元素序列。

    The model uses the inherent DOM structure to map the source document into a sequence of DOM elements , which could reflect the two characteristic of webpage trojan attack : hidden and locality .

  3. 同样,当前开始调试的源文件会在Source编辑器中显示出来。

    Also , the source file currently being debugged is displayed in the Source editor .

  4. 它定义了XML源文件和目的表格之间的映射。

    It defines the mapping between XML source files and the destination tables .

  5. src&应用程序中所使用的全部Java源文件的包

    Src & The packages of all of the Java source files used in the application

  6. 您可以将这个源文件复制到某个源物理文件(sourcephysicalfile)中并创建CL程序。

    You can copy this source file to a source physical file and create a CL program .

  7. 这样便完成了Web组件的导入,包括Java源文件和用于应用程序的所有库。

    This completes importing the Web components , including the Java source files and all libraries for the application .

  8. 添加的HTML文件是由XML源文件的结构确定的。

    The HTML files added are determined by the structure of the XML source file .

  9. imports语句在源文件内位于声明语句之后。

    An imports statement follows a declaration statement within a source file .

  10. 从existingsource创建项目,并指向解压的源文件目录(参见下载获得源代码)。

    Create the project from the existing source and point to the extracted source directory ( see Download for the source code ) .

  11. DistributedScanner程序扫描根目录中所识别的源文件。

    The Distributed Scanner program scans the source files that are identified in the scan roots .

  12. 如果在任何时间更改了源文件的内容,请转到/var/yp目录并再次运行make来重新构建数据库

    If at any time you change the contents of the source files , change to the / var / yp directory and run make again to rebuild the databases

  13. 可以将APP变量改变为任何您所使用的源文件。

    You can change the APP variable to whatever source file suits you .

  14. TestCoverage报告识别了需要运行,以涵盖给定的更改后的源文件集合的测试。

    Test Coverage reports identify the tests that need to be run to cover a given set of source files that have been changed .

  15. 同一编码首选项将很难同时适合(比方说)Java源文件和XML文档。

    It is very unlikely that the same encoding preference will suit , say , Java source files and XML documents .

  16. 或者,也可以从下载部分下载源文件,解压,并在浏览器中打开outsidein.html文件。

    Or , you can download the source files from Download , unzip it , and open the outside_in.html file in your browser .

  17. 其结果将是一个中间文件集,这个文件集包含map步骤的输出,通常要比源文件小得多。

    The result will be an intermediate set of files that contain the output of the map step and are typically much smaller .

  18. 观察一个典型的C源文件,您会发现其中有很多由include所引用的各种头文件。

    If you have a look at a typical C source file , it will incorporate a number of # include references to the various header files .

  19. 请确保关闭Java源文件,然后在新的测试用例中右击,然后选择OpenBehavior访问新的源文件。

    Be sure to close the Java source file , then right-click on the new test case and select Open Behavior to access the new source file .

  20. TestNavigator并不展示Java源文件,所以你会需要适当地改变视图。

    The Test Navigator doesn 't show Java source files , so you 'll need to change your view or perspective appropriately .

  21. 如果您在从源文件构建RPM的过程中,需要任何帮助的话,请参考官方的RedHat文档。

    If you need any help building RPMs from source , please consult the official Red Hat documentation .

  22. 如果一个.svg源文件不是格式良好的XML,不可解析为有效的SVG,那么它就是没有用的。

    If a.svg source is not well-formed XML and parseable as valid SVG , then it 's simply broken .

  23. 事实上,有很多方法可以更改相关的默认的HTML编辑器或查看器查看源文件。

    In fact , there are many ways to change the associated default HTML View Source editor or viewer .

  24. 代码就是您识别Eclipse中Java源文件内未使用导入的所有逻辑规则。

    That code is all of the logic that you need to identify unused imports within a Java source file in Eclipse .

  25. 库被捆绑在一个插件中,该插件包含有定义对象和类型的JavaScript源文件。

    The library is bundled in a plug-in that contains JavaScript source files that define objects and types .

  26. 包含要转换的activex控件的源文件名。

    The name of the source file that contains the ActiveX control to convert .

  27. 选择cobol、PL1,或C源文件。

    Select the cobol , PL1 , or C source file .

  28. 试着对C源文件运行该命令&它应该输出整个main(){}块,包括开始的“main()”和结束的'}'。

    Try running the command on a C source file & it should output the entire main () { } block , including the initial " main ()" and the closing ' } ' .

  29. 可测量性:从Design-TimeTemplate中创建的Web页面在它们的源文件中拥有模版内容拷贝。

    Scalability : Web pages created from the Design-Time Template have copies of the template 's content in their source files .

  30. 请注意下面并没有介绍整个API,但是./linsched中的源文件提供了更详细的列表。

    Note that the entire API is not disclosed below , but source files in . / linsched provide a more detailed list .