
yuán dài mǎ
  • source code
  1. 动态存储分配器完整的源代码可以直接使用。

    Dynamic Storage Allocator complete source code can be used directly .

  2. 数据嵌入在炒数字视频完整的源代码,已经过测试。

    Data embedding in scrambled Digital video complete source code , has been tested .

  3. 拥护者认为开放源代码软件安全性更高。

    Supporters say open source software is more secure .

  4. (Web服务器配置通常比源代码更安全)。

    The Web server configuration is normally more secure than source code .

  5. 这是一个遗传算法的c的源代码。

    This is a genetic algorithm c source code .

  6. 从“StandardMakeC++Project”开始,为您的项目创建源代码文件。

    Start with " Standard Make C + + Project " to create source code files for your project .

  7. 使用Java™建模来编辑/变更源代码

    Using Java ™ modeling to modify / change source code

  8. 基于Linux的源代码开放浏览器

    A Explorer With Source Word Be Opened Based On Linux

  9. 编译Java源代码需要用到以下组件

    Compiling Java source requires the following components

  10. 在上面的示例中,脚本指向一段C源代码,对五个源文件进行了索引。

    In the example above , the script pointed to some C source code and it indexed five source files .

  11. XML文本格式的源代码被转换成了DOM树。

    Source as text in XML format is transformed into a DOM tree .

  12. ApacheAnt是一个基于Java的开放源代码构建实用工具。

    Apache Ant is an open-source Java-based build utility .

  13. XML以三种不同的格式显示,包括树表、元素视图和源代码视图。

    XML is displayed in three different formats , including tree table , element view , and source view .

  14. 根据我的实践经验,构建Java™源代码时总是会遇到一些问题。

    My own experience has taught me always to expect problems when I build Java ™ source code .

  15. 下载最新PHP版本的源代码。

    Download the source for the latest version of PHP .

  16. 源代码管理(SCM)实践是用于团队的。

    Source code management ( SCM ) practices for the team .

  17. 机灵的C或C++专业人员甚至可以浏览不熟悉的源代码,并以极低的成本检测内存问题。

    An alert C or C + + practitioner can scan even unfamiliar source code and detect memory problems at very low cost .

  18. 通过对网页源代码、页面视觉信息进行综合利用,来确定一个页面中的deepweb查询接口。

    This method makes full use of web page source code and visual information to determine the deep web query interface on one page .

  19. Linux源代码分析&存储管理

    Linux Source Code Analysis-memory Management

  20. 这是一个VC图象处理源代码,用拉普拉斯锐化进行边缘检测。

    This is a VC image processing source code , using Laplacian sharpening edge detection .

  21. 清单5显示了JavaScript源代码。

    Listing 5 shows the JavaScript source code .

  22. 不管是哪种情况,新的字节码都作为类Java的源代码声明或者String中的块传递。

    Either way , the new bytecode is passed as a Java-like source code statement or block in a String .

  23. Linux是一个源代码公开的免费操作系统,有很强的移植性。

    Linux is a free operation system with open source code , and it is easy to be ported .

  24. 这可能会花一段时间,因为您正在获取的文件包含完整的Linux源代码树。

    It may take a while , since the files you 're grabbing include a complete Linux source tree .

  25. 清单4显示了为了实现这种功能而对HTML源代码所做的修改。

    Listing 4 shows the changes to the HTML source code to make such a change .

  26. 本示例的Web应用程序源代码位于代码下载文件夹的waronly目录中(请参阅下面参考资料的下载部分)。

    The Web application source code for this example is in the war_only directory of the code download ( see the Download section below Resources ) .

  27. Expect是一个基于C源代码的库,而这些C源代码则深入到Expect可加载的包和Expect可执行程序。

    Expect is a library based on C source code , which goes into both the Expect loadable package and the Expect executable .

  28. 这些屏幕的源代码在zip文件中。

    The source for these screens is in the zip file .

  29. 也许相对于支持Internet的协议、主干线和服务器来说,开放源码许可更加促进了源代码和思想的交换。

    Perhaps more than the protocols , backbones , and servers that underlie the Internet , open source licenses have facilitated the exchange of source code and ideas .

  30. 如果您想添加更多的类,您可以选择更多的Java源代码来将它们在当前的类图中可视化。

    If you want to add more classes , you can select more Java source code to visualize in the current class diagram .