
dú lì shì jiàn
  • independent event
  1. 两所省重点中学高二学生对相互独立事件的理解

    Students ' Comprehension on Independent Event

  2. 其四,投资决策不是独立事件,其他企业会对你的投资决策做出反映,这将影响你的未来现金流;

    Fourthly , the investment decision is not an independent event . Other firms will respond to your investment decision and it will affect your future cash flow .

  3. 用Venn图表示相互独立事件及其概率

    Illustrating Independent Events and Its Probabilities by Using Venn Diagrams

  4. 本文应用主分量分析法确定单因素的重要性测度,类比独立事件的概率和计算公式,提出因素集合X中每个子集A对客体的重要性测度的计算公式。

    This paper introduces a new approach which derives the important measures of the single quality factors of an object by principal component analysis and presents a new calculative formula of the important measure of the subsets A in the factors sets X of an object .

  5. 联合机率,独立事件,重复测试。

    Joint Probability , Independent Events , Repeated Trials .

  6. 学生从图示的角度是如何直观地解释相互独立事件概念的?

    How did the students explain the concept of independent events by diagram ?

  7. 教师对相互独立事件内容是如何处理的?

    What teaching methods the teachers adopt for the topic of independent events ?

  8. 融资消息是一个独立事件。

    A funding announcement is a stand-alone event .

  9. 古典概型的极大独立事件组

    The Maximum Independent Events in Classical Probability Spaces

  10. 看来这是起独立事件。

    Looks like this is an isolated incident .

  11. 但是该报纸宣称这是独立事件的说法似乎已经瓦解。

    But the newspaper 's claim that they were isolated cases appears to be falling apart .

  12. 本文给出了古典概型中极大独立事件组的判定准则。

    In this paper we give a criterion for judging maximun independent events in classical probability spaces .

  13. 关于独立事件的三个命题

    Three propositions about independent events

  14. 希腊违约不会是一个独立事件,而是必然会将动荡扩散到整个欧洲银行业。

    A Greek default would not be a self-contained event . It would spread instability across the European banking sector .

  15. 在高频度的战争中,诸如决定性的机动,战斗以及入侵等这样的独立事件将不断地快速涌现。

    In high-frequency warfare , individual events such as decisive maneuvers , battles and invasions happen very rapidly in succession .

  16. 尽管许多市场学者会认为这是个独立事件,但股市自1937年起再一次下跌。

    Although many market scholars would count it as a separate incident , a further drop in equities began in 1937 .

  17. 德银表示,共发现4起引起关注的独立事件,但补充道,该行高管们对此并不知情。

    The bank says it has found four isolated incidents raising concerns but adds that senior executives did not know about the activities .

  18. 但子宫内膜接受性和胚胎活化状态是两个独立事件,只有同步进行,胚胎才能正常植入。

    However , the endometrial receptivity and embryo activation are two independent events . Only when they developed simultaneously , can the embryo implant .

  19. 就是说两个相互独立事件的同时发生的概率,等于他们各自独立发生概率的乘积。

    That says that if you have independent probabilities , then the probability of two events is equal to the product of their probabilities .

  20. 福喜集团周一称,公司认为中国媒体报道的是一个独立事件。不过该公司也表示将负全责,并采取相应措施。

    On Monday the company said it believed the Chinese media reports depicted an isolated incident , but said it takes full responsibility and would act accordingly .

  21. 研究目的是希望通过调查高二学生对相互独立事件概念的理解以及访谈部分数学教师对此内容的教学方法,发现学生理解相互独立事件概念的困难,为改进教材编写和教学提供一些理论研究的依据。

    Questionnaire and individual interviews were conducted in this study . The purpose of the study was to find out students ' difficulties in comprehending the concept of independent event and to provide some suggestions for textbooks editing and practical teaching .

  22. 在使用BusinessEvents操作CBE等时,您现在可以对之前独立的事件进行比较,并应用业务规则来确保相关服务得到了通知且正常运行。

    In using Business Events to manipulate such CBEs you can now possible collate previously isolated events and apply business rules to ensure relevant services are notified and run .

  23. ETS为这一独立的事件表示遗憾并正采取相关措施保证今后不再发生类似事件。

    ETS regrets that this isolated incident occurred and is taking steps to ensure against a similar occurrence in the future .

  24. Poisson回归要求事件的发生相互独立,事件的条件均值等于条件方差,这一假设在实际应用常常显得过于严格。

    Poisson regression is assumed the event rate is invariant , and the mean of event is equal to the variance . In practical applications this assumption is often too strict .

  25. 大肠癌p14ARF基因高甲基化与p53基因突变可能是相互独立的事件,两者的失活可能各自出现于不同的大肠癌亚组中;

    P14 ~ ARF hypermethylation and p53 mutation may be mutually exclusive events in this kind of tumor . The inactivation of these two genes appeared to occur in different tumor subgroups independently .

  26. 两个完全独立的事件,或者两件事,对这两件事我们想要同时确定他们发生的概率。

    Two completely independent events , or things whose probability we want to determine together .

  27. 它为变量生成了独立的事件。

    It generates separate events for variables .

  28. 我判断这是两起相互独立的事件。

    I 've detected two separate events .

  29. 而每一个故障现象都会作为独立的事件被网络故障诊断系统所捕获。

    And every phenomenon will be captured by network fault diagnosis system as an isolated event .

  30. 本文建立关于独立随机事件的一个存在性准则,这一准则适用于任意的概率空间;同时,应用这个准则可以得到关于数论的一个十分有趣的命题。

    In this paper we establish a criteria of existance for independence of events and give its an application for number theory .