
  • 网络The Independent;Independent Newspapers
  1. 《独立报》在一篇社论中暗示这场胜利可能会变味。

    In an editorial , The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty .

  2. 《信使报》正携手《独立报》一起为20多年来英国举办的首届大型通俗艺术展览提供赞助。

    Mercury , in association with The Independent , is sponsoring Britain 's first major Pop Art exhibition for over 20 years

  3. 对北爱尔兰问题作出最佳阐述与分析的莫过于《独立报》戴维·麦基特里克的文章了。

    Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent 's David McKittrick .

  4. 我所能追溯到的最早进行这个思想实验的人是英国《独立报》(theindependent)某位不知名的创始人。

    The earliest such thought experimenter I can trace is an unnamed founder of the independent newspaper .

  5. 在接受南非《星期日独立报》(SundayIndependent)采访时,乔达安说,这笔付款的时间证明,它不可能是行贿。

    In an interview with the Sunday Independent , a South African newspaper , Mr. Jordaan said the timing of the payment proved that it could not have been a bribe .

  6. 瑞伊在接受《独立报》(TheIndependent)访谈时说,筹备期间世界小姐英国分赛区负责人告诉瑞伊,国际赛事的评委团希望她“尽可能再瘦一些”,这样才算严肃对待比赛,瑞伊因此选择退出。

    But she dropped out after the UK head of Miss United Continents told her the international directors of the contest wanted her to " lose as much weight as she could " to become a serious contender , the size 10 model claimed in an interview with The Independent .

  7. 《独立报》(Independent)前记者约翰•哈里(JohannHari)最近讲述了他服用抗嗜睡药物Provigil的经历;在承认剽窃后,他离开了该报,后来撰写了一本有关禁毒战争的书。

    Johann Hari , a former Independent journalist who left the newspaper after admitting plagiarism and then wrote a book about the war on drugs , recently told of his use of the anti-narcolepsy drug Provigil .

  8. 这部电影由莎伦·马奎尔执导(她也是第一部BJ电影的导演),将于今年九月上映。该电影剧本基于《BJ单身日记》作者海伦·菲尔丁于2005年至2006年在《独立报》上连载的专栏文章。

    The film , released this September , is directed by Sharon Maguire ( who also directed the first movie ) and is based on columns written byBridget Jonesauthor Helen Fielding forThe Independentbetween 2005 and 2006 .

  9. 2007年,英国《独立报》评选出10l款改变世界的小发明,排在第一位是有近2000年历史的中国算盘。

    In 2007 , the British newspaper The Independent listed 101 small inven-tions that changed the world , among which , the Chinese abacus which has enjoyed a history of 2000 years or so , ranked the first .

  10. “女生爱旅行”社区的创办人海莉?伍德兹告诉英国《独立报》:

    Girls Love Travel founder Haley Woods told The Independent :

  11. 英国《独立报》去年改版,结果销量大增。

    It changed to tabloid last year and saw its sales increase greatly .

  12. 我们从人类身体中获得了灵感,沃斯告诉《独立报》的克里斯·格林。

    We took inspiration from the human body , Wass told Chris Green at The Independent .

  13. “我要以积极的态度投入到下场比赛中去。”他对告诉独立报。

    " I feel quite positive going into the next race ," he told the independent .

  14. 《独立报》报道克劳德。马克莱莱是克劳迪奥。拉涅利的尤文图斯在转会市场上的一个目标。

    The Independent reports that Claude Makelele is a transfer target for Claudio Ranieri at Juventus .

  15. 他告诉独立报说:现在准备(死)要更容易些了。

    He told The Independent at the time : It is easier to prepare for death now .

  16. 据埃及《独立报》报道,萨迪克的埃及国籍已在去年被取消。

    Mr Sadek had his Egyptian nationality withdrawn last year , according to the Egypt independent newspaper .

  17. 厄斯本先生告诉《独立报》记者,人们把这事儿看得那么认真,我觉得太好笑了。

    I think it 's fairly amusing that people took it seriously , Mr Usborne told the Independent .

  18. 《独立报》就此事联系了网飞公司,不过目前还没有得到答复。

    The Independent has reached out to Netflix for comment , but has not yet gotten a response .

  19. 据英国《独立报》报道,该太阳能农场仅在英国就能满足二百五十万户家庭用电。

    According to The Independent newspaper , the farm could power up to 2.5 million homes in Britain alone .

  20. 经济参考报援引英国独立报报道,全球汽车业受到巨大的压力。

    The Economic Reference Press quoted the report of the British Independence Press , the world car industry faced great pressure .

  21. 《独立报》报道,2014年,他因为两次考试不及格被退学。

    In 2014 , he was kicked out of school for failing his exams for a second time , the Independent reports .

  22. 俄罗斯《独立报》记者:一些观察人士说,现在涉及到重大战略性的国际事务中,似乎只有俄罗斯在支持中国。

    Some observers say that it seems that Russia right now is supporting China in the most strategic and important international affairs .

  23. 根据《独立报》,泰国卫生部的一项研究发现,强有力的按摩确实会让实验者的乳房显著变大。

    According to the Independent , a study by the Thai Health Ministry found vigorous massage left volunteers ' breasts measurably bigger .

  24. 中国政府所支持的一家投资集团试图以7亿英镑收购利物浦俱乐部,《独立报》报道。

    An investment group supported by the Chinese state government is attempting to purchase Liverpool for £ 700million , The Independent can reveal .

  25. 但是如果我不能开车,我就不能做我的工作。我是《星期日独立报》的一个新闻记者。

    But if I can 't drive , I can 't do my job . I 'm a journalist with the Sunday Independent .

  26. 这相当于6个单位的酒精量,独立报指出,根据英国法律规定,严格意义上来说,这个91岁的老人应该算是一个酗酒者了。

    At six units of alcohol in total , the Independentpoints out that the 91-year-old is technically considered a binge drinker by UK law .

  27. 据《爱尔兰独立报》报道称,北京与都柏林直飞的航线即将开通。

    That 's according to a report in the Irish Independent , who claim that a route between Beijing and Dublin will be announced shortly .

  28. 今年6月,马告诉《独立报》,他们的“行为运动”有12条黄金规则——其中有禁止也有鼓励。

    Last month , Mar told The Independent their " behavioural campaign " would have 12 golden rules - both prohibitory and encouraging , too .

  29. 它关注了“初创公司、软件以及应用”等最新潮流,“给这部剧一种现代感”,《独立报》写道。

    It focuses on the latest trends of " startups , software and apps , which gives it a modern feel , " wrote The Independent .

  30. “对于奥谢和球队来说这都是很大的打击,因为他几乎什么位置都能打,”弗格森爵士告诉爱尔兰独立报。

    " It 's a bad blow for the boy and for the team because he can play anywhere ," Sir Alex told the Irish Independent .