
  • 网络Dogmatism;drsti-vada
  1. 独断论是当今学术研究的弊病。

    Dogmatism is a malady in the academic research nowadays .

  2. 独断论、怀疑论在某种意义上,均属绝对哲学;

    Dogmatism and skepticism are both , in a sense , absolute philosophies ;

  3. 三大独断论的摒弃:当代哲学根本性的理论进展

    Spurning to Three Dogmatisms : Fundamental Advance of Contemporary Philosophy

  4. 这三大独断论分别是终极实在的独断论、非历史的终极状态的独断论以及历史脚本的独断论。

    These three dogmatisms are respectively that of Ultimate Reality , Ahistorical Ultimate State and Historical Scenario .

  5. 前者在被指认为独断论者之后,哲学基本走上了经验主义的道路。

    The former having been identified as " dogmatism ", the philosophy has stepped onto the empiricism path basically .

  6. 以此思维来看待事物,当然就有超越独断论的视野,并且也不致落入怀疑论的立场。

    Viewing things with such a way of thinking , one transcends all forms of dogmatism and also leaves behind skeptical standpoints .

  7. 休谟、康德哲学的不可知论对近代哲学走出“形而上学独断论”的误区,促进自身的进步有着非常积极的作用。

    Agnosticism advocated by Hume and Kant has played an active role in helping modern philosophy step out of " metaphysical dogmatism " towards its further development .

  8. 三大独断论在传统哲学漫长的历史中曾经扮演着重要的角色,给人们的思想和生活带来了重大后果。

    These three dogmatisms have played very important roles in the long history of traditional philosophy and resulted in important consequences to people 's mind and life .

  9. 它的本质是批判与革命。它的形式是对话与辩驳。它的敌人是独断论与诡辩。它的内容是无穷的丰富与具体。

    Its essence is criticism and revolution , its forms are dialogue and dispute , its opposites are dogmatism and sophism , and its contents are unlimitedly abundant and concrete .

  10. 这使得对法之合法性基础的证成变得比较困难&至少,早期那种独断论式的合法性理论已经不能满足这个价值多元时代的需求。

    This has made it more difficult to prove the legitimacy of law , at least the dogmatic legitimacy theory can no longer meet the need of this era of value pluralism .

  11. 绝对主义是韩非政治思维方式的基本特征,他否定矛盾双方具有相互依存、相互调合的可能性,最终走向独断论。

    Han Fei holds absolutism as the basic characteristic of his way of political thinking , and denies the possibility of interdependence and mutual compromise between the two contradicting sides , consequently resulting in his theory of autocracy .

  12. 理性教学认识与非理性教学认识是互补的,因而不能对二者采取非此即彼的独断论式的割舍,更应该采取一种或此或彼的选择论式的态度。

    Rational teaching understanding and irrational teaching understanding are complementary , so we cannot take the " either this or that " dogmatism about them , but should take an " either / or " choice of attitude .

  13. 他认为权利本位只存在于权利与权力关系领域,在权利与权利、权力与权力关系中不存在法本位的问题,具有独断论的色彩。

    His standpoint that the right standard exists only in the relationship between right and power , and there is no law standard in the relationship between right and right , power and power has the meaningfulness of dogmatism .

  14. 在独断论者们看来,人类理性能够独立地、不依赖于任何经验就可以解决有关世界本原、上帝存在等一系列的形而上学问题。

    To dogmatists , a series of metaphysics issues such as the world 's arche and the argument for the existence of God could be solved by human reason independently and is 's not necessary to rely on any experience .