
  • 网络Independent music;indie music;indie pop
  1. 带有独立音乐色彩的摩登天空音乐节于2007年在北京创立。本周一,该音乐节组织者宣布今年10月它计划在美国首次亮相,在中央公园的兰姆西运动场(RumseyPlayfield)举办为期两天的演出。

    The Modern Sky Festival , a music festival with indie leanings that was established in Beijing in 2007 , plans to make its American debut in October when it presents two days of concerts at the Rumsey Playfield in Central Park , the organizers announced on Monday .

  2. KCRW是我最喜欢的电台,提供独立音乐和时事播报服务,还有KJAZZ和KPCC我也很喜欢,不用嫉妒,在网上你们也可以听得到,我最喜欢的节目有三个,美国生活,草率判断,还有每周六的HernyRollins。

    KCRW is my favourite station , for its blend of indie music and current affairs . But I also listen to KJAZZ and KPCC . But before you feel jealous - it 's all online . My favourites : American Life , Snap Judgement and Henry Rollins live every Saturday night .

  3. 长期以来,人们一直认为詹姆斯·默多克最有可能成为父亲的接班人。1995年,他从哈佛辍学,创建了独立音乐厂牌劳库斯唱片(RawkusRecords)。

    James Murdoch , long seen as the most likely heir to his father , dropped out of Harvard in 1995 to start an independent music label , Rawkus Records .

  4. 在这日新月异的时装王国里,有可爱的动物面罩、古意盎然的阿纳·雅克布森(ArneJacobsen)椅子和来自独立音乐店萌宠之声(PetSounds)的唱片。

    Among the ever-changing wares might be cute animal masks , antique Arne Jacobsen chairs or records from the independent Pet Sounds music shop .

  5. 在与阿里巴巴结盟前,BMG曾于2014年11月宣布与中国独立音乐公司巨匠(GiantJump)达成全球协议,管理其国内外的音乐出版和录音版权。

    The alliance with Alibaba follows the announcement in November 2014 that BMG had struck a worldwide deal with Chinese independent music company Giant Jump to manage its music publishing and recording rights both domestically and internationally .

  6. 小清新是一种新兴的亚文化,它源于Indie风格的独立音乐。

    The small fresh is an emerging sub-culture which is from the Indie-style music . The life-style which they like is natural and simple .

  7. Shoutabl直接反映出他在全新独立音乐产业的经验。

    Shoutabl is a direct reflection of his experience in the new independent music business .

  8. 对于许多人来说,音叉音乐网在发展独立音乐方面是佼佼者。

    For many people , Pitchfork is an expert on independent music .

  9. 在大学校园里,有这样一群人变得越来越多&他们穿法兰绒衣服,戴厚框眼镜,听独立音乐。

    They can be seen more frequently than ever before on college campuses , wearing flannel and thick-rimmed glasses while listening to indie music .

  10. 《迷墙》使得绿洲乐队吸引了大批新粉丝,当中的许多人以前从来都没有买过独立音乐唱片。

    " Wonderwall " brought Oasis an entirely new fan-base , most of whom had never bought an indie record before in their life .

  11. 世界每次的革新都不是我们设计或者预料到的,我觉得这恰恰是给予独立音乐一次机会。

    Each innovation of the world is not designed or can be predicted by us , I think precisely this is a opportunity of indie music .

  12. 2003年创建之初,该网站主要致力于独立音乐,大量乐队纷纷加入,自己动手建立乐队主页,并借此发行其创作的音乐。

    When it started in 2003 , it was largely devoted to indie music , with bands joining to create profiles for themselves and circulate their music .

  13. 他是最早活跃于中国独立音乐的创作人之一,并是新裤子乐队主唱。他曾执导多部获奖影视音乐作品。

    He is perhaps best known as the co-founder and lead singer of Beijing indie band New Pants , and has directed several of their award-winning music videos .

  14. 唱片封套设计是音乐唱片的一种包装形式,是对所包装之物的视觉阐释和表现,但独立音乐厂牌的封套设计还呈现出一种独立的艺术价值。

    Music album cover is an album packaging form , which is a visual interpretation and performance of the packaged material . Besides , an independent music label ( IML ) design has been showing of an independent value of art .

  15. 其中,重点分析了当代的民谣诗、摇滚诗以及独立音乐中的独语体(包括实验民谣和摇滚诗)和自白体(包括城市民谣和小资民谣)歌词诗的特点。

    Then analyzes the characteristic of the contemporary folk , rock and independent music , especially Monologue Style ( including experimental folk and rock poetry ), and Confession Style ( mainly indie pop , including City folk and Petty folk ) in poetic lyrics .

  16. 纳克鲁斯出生在布朗克斯,在一些著名的纽约同性恋俱乐部开始了打碟生涯,并使黑人、白人、同性恋和异性恋一起随这种音乐起舞,这种音乐反映了他对复杂的R&B、迪斯科音乐和独立音乐的喜爱。

    Knuckles was born from Bronx , started his spinning at some famous New York gay clubs and brought together black , white , gay and straight dance with the sound that reflected his taste for obscure R & B , disco and esoteric independent music .

  17. 克里斯•卡斯基,独立在线音乐媒体PitchforkMedia总裁

    Chris kaskie , President of pitchfork media

  18. “Prelude”前奏曲,这一古老的体裁经过历史的发展及衍变,在浪漫主义时期终于真正脱离引子功能的附属地位,成为了完全独立的音乐作品&浪漫主义时期的钢琴特性小品。

    Prelude , one of the ancient genres , which has passed through the development and evolution of history , finally separated itself from " introduction " as subordination during the Romantic Period ; and became a completely independent musical genre , the Character piece of the Romantic music .

  19. 浅析个体独立欣赏音乐的能力

    Initial Analysis of One 's Ability to Appreciate Music Independently

  20. 首先那些独立的音乐传统融合起来。

    First , the separate musical traditions were brought together .

  21. 高校独立学院音乐专业学生人文素质培养的途径

    On the ways to Cultivate the Humanity Qualities of Music Majors in Independent Colleges of Higher Education

  22. 愿西风顺心,下一站斯里兰卡,让他们坚持的有思考、独立的音乐得到更多人的亲睐很喜爱。

    Our music represent much of the poem of a Norway poest , whose poems are always sad .

  23. 汉时,由黄门乐署所掌,但还没有成为一个独立的音乐品类。

    Han , from yellow door palm Music Department , but has not yet become an independent music category .

  24. 即便独立于音乐之外进行阅读,该歌剧剧本深情而又不乏反讽地刻画出本雅明既有瑕疵又感人至深的人物性格。

    The libretto Shadowtime , which can be read independently of the music , presents both a loving but also ironic portrait of Benjamin-a character as deeply flawed as he is sympathetic .

  25. 每当一种诗体离乐独立,音乐便会催生出新的诗体,并促成这种新诗体趋向成熟、僵化,变成纯文学,这是音乐与文学既互相制约又互相促进的矛盾运动规律。

    A new verse was given birth when the last one went away from music , moreover , it contribute to this verse to be mature and rigid , then they become pure literature . This is a contradictory law that music and literature check and promote each other .

  26. 二是在理解《吕氏春秋》音乐思想的历史意义时,应把握好其音乐存在的非独立性和音乐追求的人间进取性。

    The other is the non-independence in musical existence in its historical significance and the progress in musical pursuit .

  27. 该项交易不仅涵盖了腾讯自己的平台,还允许腾讯独立地将环球音乐的内容再授权给中国的第三方音乐服务供应商。

    The deal not only covers Tencent 's own platforms but also allows it to exclusively sub-license Universal Music 's content to third-party music service providers in China .