
  1. 《神探夏洛克》的编剧们正在为BBC正式改编《德古拉》。

    The creators of Sherlock are officially adapting Dracula for the BBC .

  2. 惊悚片《消失的爱人》(GoneGirl)里那对讨人嫌的夫妇口中所讲的话,不可靠到了让人脊背发凉的地步,所以票房收入轻而易举地击败了讲话靠不住的“活死人”《德古拉》(Dracula)。

    The unsavory husband and wife in the thriller " Gone Girl " are such chillingly unreliable narrators that they easily beat out the undead unreliable narrator , Dracula , at the box office .

  3. 传说都源于十五世纪的德古拉。

    Modern legends all date back to the15th Century Warlord Dracula .

  4. 因为德古拉是吸血鬼种族的起源。

    Because Dracula is the progenitor of the vampire race .

  5. 你永远无法想象我是多么的鄙视德古拉。

    I despise Dracula more than you can ever imagine .

  6. 他们肯定把所有的装备带到德古拉的老巢去了。

    They must have taken all the equipment to dracula 's lair .

  7. 也许对德古拉来说,这根本不是镜子。

    Maybe , to Dracula it 's not a mirror at all .

  8. 所有的一切都是在德古拉被谋杀后开始的。

    It all started when Dracula was murdered .

  9. 德古拉把我丢给这些妖女。

    Dracula has left me with these women .

  10. 德古拉只是他用过的名字之一。

    Dracula ` s only one of the names he ` s gone by .

  11. 许多环绕在德古拉和吸血鬼身上的传言,都是以这些真实故事为依据。

    These true stories were the basis for the myths that surround Dracula and vampires .

  12. 我们仍然在试图从和德古拉相关的传说中整理出真相。

    We 're still trying to sort out fact from fiction when it comes to dracula .

  13. 故事中的德古拉是白天在棺材里睡觉的吸血鬼。

    In stories , Dracula is a vampire that sleeps in a coffin during the day .

  14. 这个版本是德古拉的基础上密切布拉姆史托克的经典同名小说。

    This version of Dracula is closely based on Bram Stoker 's classic novel of the same name .

  15. 十三世纪、在如今称为罗马尼亚的国度中,弗拉德?德古拉?特佩斯是位王子。

    Vlad " dracula " tepes was a prince during the13th century in what is now known as romania .

  16. 虽然德古拉是虚构人物,但他却是根据一位更邪恶的真实人物衍生而来。

    Even though Dracula is not a real person , he was based on a real man who was much more evil .

  17. 饰演麦考夫一角,怀尔德大胆起用了另一位转型演员,他曾成功塑造维多利亚时代的德古拉伯爵。

    And to play Mycroft , Wilder boldly chose an actor who had become typecast as another great Victorian fictional character , Count Dracula .

  18. 这名英国籍演员因出演哈默恐怖片中的德古拉和弗兰肯斯坦怪物而出名,他一生演过250多部影片。

    The English-born actor , who made his name playing Dracula and Frankenstein 's monster in the Hammer horror films , appeared in more than 250 movies .

  19. 此外,也可在罗马尼亚最特别的「吸血鬼餐厅」里一边享用德古拉吸血鬼风味餐,一边体验当吸血鬼的乐趣。

    In addition , you can have a Dracula style meal in Romania 's famous " Vampire Restaurant ," and experience the joys of being a vampire .

  20. 在成功合作了电影《德古拉》和《弗兰肯斯坦的诅咒》后,汉默电影公司的两位中坚演员重聚于此彼得·库申与克里斯托弗·李。

    And reunited after their successful pairing in both Dracula and The Curse of Frankenstein were those two stalwarts of Hammer films , Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee .

  21. 在场的一位诗人的妻子创作出了恐怖故事《科学怪人》,还有一位诗人创作出了诗篇《一个片段》——德古拉伯爵的故事正是来源于此。

    The wife of one of the poets present produced a gruesome tale called Frankenstein , while another of the poets wrote ' A Fragment ' that later inspired the story of Dracula ;

  22. 随著小说《吸血鬼德古拉伯爵》在世界各地的流传,特兰西瓦尼亚也成了全世界吸血鬼迷心目中的圣地。因此每年都吸引了无数的吸血鬼迷前来朝圣。

    With the spread of the novel " Count Dracula ," Transylvania has become a place that attracts vampire fans from around the world , and countless vampire fans visit this land each year .

  23. 与此同时,史蒂文·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯并没有排除任何其它可能性,尽管他们很快就注意到其他演员都在忙于其他工作-也就是德古拉系列剧。

    Steven Moffat and Mark Gattis , meanwhile , haven 't ruled anything out , though they were quick to note that are both busy working on other projects - namely , a Dracula series .

  24. 大多数年轻人在认可现今领导人之前就已接受科学怪人,德古拉,金刚,哥斯拉或木乃伊的文化地位。

    Most youths would recognize a picture of Frankenstein , Dracula , King Kong , Godzilla , or the Mummy , before acknowledging the political figures in the real world , say , the Now Leaders .

  25. 这部惊悚片以2680万美元的成绩排名票房榜首位,排在第二位的是《德古拉元年》,本周入账2350万美元,华特·迪士尼公司出品的家庭喜剧《亚历山大和糟糕的一天》以1910万美元排名第三。

    The thriller took in 26.8 million dollars and the second place Dracula Untold taken in 23.5 million dollars , while the Walt Disney family comedy Alexander and the Terrible , Horrible , No Good , Very Bad Day came to third with 19.1 million dollars .

  26. 布朗城堡曾属特兰西瓦尼亚公国所有,如今位于罗马尼亚的胡内多阿拉县。人们认为古代罗马尼亚大公弗拉德三世(俗称德古拉)于1462年被罢黜后,在该城被囚7年。

    Now located in Hunedoara , Romania , the Hunyad Castle was part of Principality of Transylvania , and it 's believed to be the place where Vlad III of Wallachia ( commonly known as Dracula ) was held prisoner for 7 years after he was deposed in 1462 .