
  • 网络luftwaffe;German Air Force;German Luftwaffe
  1. 恰当地说,1940年3月,布莱切利庄园费时费力费钱,终于解出了德国空军的信息,但是结果却是,这些信息几乎只包含几首用来做通信试验的童谣。

    Appropriately , the Luftwaffe messages so laboriously and expensively deciphered at Bletchley in March 1940 turned out to consist mostly of nursery rhymes sent as practice transmissions .

  2. 在接下来的几个月里,英国的眼睛和耳朵主要都是靠雷达,但在这一年的后期,是谜机的破解工作提供了关于德国空军的导航系统的情报。

    In any case , it was radar that dominated the British eyes and ears in the coming months , although later in the year , gems of Enigma information provided clues to the Luftwaffe navigation beams .

  3. 他还不如建议派遣luftwaffe纳粹时代的德国空军来解决欧元区危机呢。

    He might as well have suggested sending in the Luftwaffe to solve the eurozone crisis .

  4. 这就是德国空军昨天想保护的地方。

    That 's what the Luftwaffe were tying to protect yesterday .

  5. 这对德国空军来说是一次明显的惨败。

    This was a recognisable disaster to the German air force .

  6. 非洲战场依旧苟延残喘,德国空军仍然不断地突袭英国。

    The African war dragged on , the Luftwaffe still mounted raids on Britain .

  7. 应该把德国空军的领导层统统绞死。

    They should hang the entire Luftwaffe leadership .

  8. 他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。

    He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe .

  9. 我还可以邀请德国空军来,在他们吊死我前给他们修修面。

    I could invite the Luftwaffe and give them all shaves before they hang me .

  10. 有相当强大的德国空军配置于本地区域。

    A considerable amount of the German Air Force could still be disposed in those areas .

  11. 7.adj.荒谬的,不合理的,可笑的是德国空军在东方失利的一个荒唐借口。

    absurd This was just AN absurd excuse for the failures of the luftwaffe in the east .

  12. 这对德国空军来说是一次明显的惨败。同时,德国空军开始进攻一个没有设防的国家。

    At the same time the German Air Force began to use its might upon a defenseless country .

  13. 我不认为德国空军在数量和质量上能击溃我们的空防。

    I do not think the German Air Force has the numbers or quality to overpower our air defences .

  14. 德国空军军团待命出击以一试其锋芒,已经有七个多月了。

    The German Air Corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle .

  15. 铲子和铁锹在城市里同样被发遣,来拯救德国空军轰炸的受害者。

    Shovels and spades would also be deployed in the cities , to rescue the victims of the Luftwaffe 's bombardment .

  16. 在三十年代末和第二次世界大战时期,道尼尔主要致力为德国空军制造轰炸机。

    For most of the late1930s and World War II , Dornier was primarily concerned with the production of bombers for the Luftwaffe .

  17. 大规模的量产开始于1944年1月,但战况很快显现出德国空军被盟国战斗机所打败。

    Full scale production started in January of1944 , but it soon became apparent that the Luftwaffe was being defeated by Allied fighters .

  18. 事后,该组织声称将发动更多的袭击,并要求德国空军停止使用其在乌兹别克泰尔梅兹的基地。

    The group later promised more attacks , and demanded that the German air force stop using a base at Termez in Uzbekistan .

  19. 与此同时,关于德国空军谜机,布莱切利在1940年初的成功,向实际使用迈出了第一步。

    Meanwhile the work on the Luftwaffe Enigma , the Bletchley success of early 1940 , was taking the first steps towards military usefulness .

  20. 直到有了“占卜师”的说法,他们才开始考虑更好的安排,到法国去对德国空军通信进行破译。

    They had only just begun to consider more satisfactory arrangements for using the Luftwaffe decrypts in France , when events made the oracle irrelevant .

  21. 在法兰西之战中,德国空军的使用已经到了极限。沥青路面极限承载力与使用寿命预估研究

    The German Air Force had been engaged to the utmost limit in the Battle of France . Prediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity and Life-span of Asphalt Pavements

  22. 起重机、荒地停车场以及临时搭建的围墙如今随处可见,更像是遭受德国空军轰炸后百废待兴的英国城市。

    Now , with its cranes , wasteland parking lots and hoardings it has the air of an English town that 's still recovering from the Luftwaffe .

  23. 这正是德国空军在东方失利的一个荒唐借口。有相当强大的德国空军配置于本地区域。

    This was just an absurd excuse for the failures of the Luftwaffe in the east . A considerable amount of the German Air Force could still be disposed in those areas .

  24. 在国王学院时,他们排队进入防空洞(除了庇古,他拒绝向德国空军妥协),但预期的轰炸并没有发生。

    At King 's they had all dutifully trooped down into air raid shelters ( all except Pigou , who refused to compromise with the Luftwaffe ) , but the promised bombardment had not come .

  25. 我们还活着。我们已经击败德国的空军。

    We were alive . We had beaten the German Air Force .

  26. “有了二十五个连的战士,他能抗击整个德国的空军力量保卫岛屿”(温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。

    " With twenty-five squadrons of fighters he could defend the island against the whole might of the German Air Force "( Winston S.Churchill ) .

  27. 布林肯在德国拉姆斯坦空军基地与德国外长海科·马斯会晤时承认,为将美国人、他们的家人和处境危险的阿富汗人运出阿富汗的包机被困在阿富汗的马扎里沙里夫国际机场。

    Meeting with German foreign minister Heiko Maas at Ramstein Air Base in Germany , Blinken acknowledged that planes chartered to bring Americans , their families and at-risk Afghans out of the country have been stuck at Mazar-i-Sharif international airport in Afghanistan .

  28. 尤其是德国,它用空军轰炸不设防的小城镇格尔尼卡,进行试验性的恐怖空袭。

    Germany in particular used her air power to commit such experimental horrors as the bombing of the defenceless little township of guernica .