
Dá dá zhǔ yì
  • Dadaism
  1. 达达主义,它是促成装饰绘画立体化的感性原因。构成主义,它是促成装饰绘画立体化的理性原因。

    Its perceptual cause is dadaism and the rational one is structuralism .

  2. 具体着重阐述泛文化的体现,首先是达达主义、超现实主义的出现。

    Specifically focuses on the cultural embodiment , first is Dadaism , surrealism appearance .

  3. 达达主义者的另一项最爱是叫随机诗歌的东西。

    Another favorite of the Dadaists was something called chance poetry .

  4. 先回顾一下什么是达达主义,好吗?

    But let 's start by reviewing what Dada is .

  5. 在这个过程中他开始了更加具有达达主义色彩的实验。

    During this process , he launched experiments with a more Dadaist flavor .

  6. 这就是达达主义者想的东西。

    This is what the Dadaists had in mind .

  7. 它可以被看作是一种从达达主义中产生的中国版本的观念艺术。

    It can be considered a Chinese derivative of the conceptual art of Dadaism .

  8. 首先,达达主义者希望能彻底摒弃艺术的传统观点。

    First , the Dadaists wanted to completely reject the classical idea of art .

  9. 这就是为什么达达主义者创造出我们上周看到的那种雕塑。

    That 's why Dadaists created sculptures like the ones we saw last week .

  10. 总的来说,萨蒂的音乐创作体现了新古典主义音乐风格与达达主义精神的混成。

    Generally speaking , the compositions of Satie embodied blending style of Neo-Classicalism and Dadaism .

  11. 达达主义已来到了办公室。

    Dadaism has arrived in the office .

  12. 许多艺术品都触及某种状态的荒谬性,带点超现实主义和达达主义的本质;

    Much art touches on the absurdity of a situation , surrealist and dada in essence ;

  13. 让我们回顾一下一些主要的观点,是达达主义的中心。

    let 's review a couple of key ideas that were the backbone of Dada art .

  14. 简论达达主义的艺术观

    On Art View of Dadaism

  15. 达达主义设问“是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。

    Dadaism asked " what is art ?" and used humor and shock value as communicative elements .

  16. 伟大的艺术包括理性,逻辑与美,而这些正是达达主义者想要摒弃的。

    Great art involved reason , the logic , the beauty that the Dadaists wanted to overthrow .

  17. 根据教授所言,为什么一些达达主义者通过从帽子里抽出单词写诗?

    According to the professor , why did some Dadaist write poetry by pulling words out of a hat ?

  18. 你明白的,对于达达主义者来说,古典艺术作品是思想过时的表现。

    So , well , you know , to a Dadaist , classical artwork was a reflection of outdated thinking !

  19. 正如你们记得的,达达主义起源于1916年,在瑞士的苏黎世市。

    OK ? As you will recall , Dada began in Switzerland , in the city of Zurich , in 1916 .

  20. 我们上周开始讲了被称为“达达主义”的艺术运动中的一些画家和雕塑家。

    So last week we started talking about the painters and sculptors who were part of the art movement called Dada .

  21. 而这种随机性和偶然性的思想是达达主义的重要元素,因为对她们来说,整个世界都充满随机性。

    And this idea of chance and randomness was a key element of Dadaism because the whole world seemed so random to them .

  22. “弗斯自由报”是达达主义的范围由持蜡烛的启发,具体时间由木刻字体用于解决这一问题。

    " Vers Libre " is a range of candle holders inspired by Dadaism and specifically by the woodcut fonts used around that time .

  23. 从达达主义兴起之后,现代主义产生,各种实验性文学竞相涌现,法国文学开始了一个实验性的时代。

    From Dadaism , with the emergence of Modernism , several kinds of experimental literature arose , and French literature entered an experimentalism epoch .

  24. 如果正如达达主义者所言,生活充满偶然,为什么我们要创造有秩序有逻辑的艺术?

    Right ? Uh ... if life is random , said the Dadaists , why would we make art that has order and logic ?

  25. 所以今天我想跨出视觉艺术的范围,讲一下表演艺术里(剧院里)的达达主义。

    So today I want to move beyond the visual arts and talk a bit about Dada in the performing arts , in theater .

  26. 在语境构成的章节中,将现代艺术风格中的立体主义、风格派、达达主义、波普艺术、抽象主义作为情景语境做了详细的阐述。

    In the context of chapters , the modern art style Cubism , Dadaism , stylistic , pop art , Abstract Expressionism as " context " in detail .

  27. 康定斯基的绘画理论对达达主义、表现主义、超现实主义等西方现代艺术流派产生了深远的影响。

    The painting theory of Kandinsky has a profound influence on the western modern art schools such as the dada doctrine , the performance doctrine , surrealism and so on .

  28. 达达主义运动,欧洲文学艺术界的运动(1916-1923),通过随意涂写、嘲讽及不和谐的作品来藐视传统的艺术和文化价值。

    Dada , a European artistic and literary movement ( 1916-1923 ) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense , travesty , and incongruity .

  29. 这些研究达达主义的艺术家反对关于美、理性和进步的传统观点,这些自18世纪以来都是西方思想中的(艺术)标准。

    The artists who studied it were reacting against traditional notions of beauty , of reason , of progress , which had been standards of western thought since the 18th century .

  30. 其中以立体主义的形式、未来主义的思想观念、达达主义的版面编排,超现实主义对于插图和版面的影响最大。

    In which , the modality of Cubism , the thinking of Futurism , the layout design of Dadaism and the iconography & layout of the Super realism were influenced most .