
  • 网络Special effects
  1. 莫莉:电影特技真是太棒了,但我觉得电影的情节不太好。

    Molly : The special effects rocked , but I am afraid the plot was weak .

  2. 除此之外,电影特技、人脸识别等领域的发展也越来越多的依赖于计算机视觉中三维重建技术的研究与应用。

    In addition , the development of film special effects and face recognition depends on the research and application of three-dimensional reconstruction techniques in the computer vision increasingly .

  3. 飞行员的身份已经确认,他叫李瓦德(JimmyLeeward),现年74岁,是来自佛罗里达州的飞行竞赛选手、电影特技飞行员和房地产开发商。

    He has been identified as74-year-old Jimmy Leeward , an air racer , movie stunt pilot and real estate developer from Florida .

  4. 能获得全球电影特技“最佳动作明星奖”,我深感荣幸。

    I am honored to receive this " Best Action Star " award from the World Stunt Awards .

  5. 在现代的一些虚拟现实系统中,如模拟人体模型、游戏以及电影特技中需要对头发的真实感进行建模。

    In some virtual reality systems , such as simulated human body model , computer games and stunts in movies , there is a need of hair modeling .

  6. 变形技术除了应用于计算机动画外,在许多领域都有着十分广泛的应用,如计算机图形学、工业造型设计、虚拟现实、科学计算可视化、电影特技制作等领域。

    Besides computer animation , morphing technique has widespread applications in many other areas , such as computer graphics , industrial design , virtual reality , scientific visualization etc.

  7. 真实感的三维头像可以应用于诸如电影特技、虚拟电话会议、互联网增值业务和移动互联网增值业务以及软件操作界面等相关领域。

    The third dimension head portrait has been applied to correlative areas , for examples , movie special effects , virtual conference call , internet increment business , mobile internet increment business and software operation interface etc.

  8. 在测绘领域得到广泛使用的同时,在文物保护与重建、城市设计规划与管理、加工制造业、医疗卫生、国防工业、电影特技制作等领域应用前景也日益广泛。

    Widely used in the field of surveying and mapping applications in the field of heritage preservation and reconstruction , urban design , planning and management , processing and manufacturing , health care , defense industry , movie special effects production prospects are increasingly widespread .

  9. 计算机动画的虚拟场景建模一直是计算机图形学领域具有挑战性的热点问题,无论在电影特技、广告,还是游戏、动漫等各个领域都有广泛的应用和发展的空间。

    The virtual scene simulation in computer animation is always a challenging subject and hot topic in Computer Graphics . It is widely applied in film special effects , advertisement , computer games , cartoon and other fields , and has a huge development space in the future .

  10. 那部电影的特技效果尤其令人赞叹。

    The film 's special effects are particularly impressive .

  11. 我给这部电影的特技效果打满分。

    I give this movie ten out of ten for special effects .

  12. 他们在电影的特技中使用最新的动画制图法。

    They are using state-of-the-art graphics in the film 's special effects .

  13. 与此同时,西尔弗的电影为特技效果和动作场面确立了标准。

    His movies , meanwhile , have set benchmarks in special effects and action sequences .

  14. 动画模拟技术现在已经广泛应用到了电影电视特技,电子游戏特效等领域之中。

    Today , animation technology is now widely applied to the film , television stunt , video games and so on .

  15. 现在我们观看的每一部现代电影中,特技效果都很常见。

    Special effects are now commonplace in every modern movie we watch .

  16. 这些人物的特征使他们的电影成为高超特技的场景&完美的好莱坞巨片。

    Iron ManThe nature of these characters make their movies special effects spectacles-the perfect Hollywood blockbusters .

  17. 一年前我给一个叫《你不能亲新娘》的电影做过特技。

    I did a stunt for the movie " You May Not Kiss the Bride " about a year ago .

  18. 参加完职业比赛后,他为电影作过一些特技驾驶。

    After racing professionally , he did some stunt driving for films .

  19. 电影中大量的特技镜头就是最好的例子。

    The large presence of stunt scenes in movies is a good example .

  20. 在流光溢彩的113年的电影历史长河中,电影特技始终如影随形。

    During 113 years of brilliant long history of film , film stunt still goes with it .

  21. 新武侠电影的出现标志着武侠电影科技化、特技化的大胆尝试。

    The new swordsman movie is a good attempt to be more scientific and acrobatic .