
  • 网络movie rights
  1. 让我卖出电影版权然后你猜怎么着

    Let me sell the movie rights , and guess what .

  2. 在我卖了《暗夜流觞》的电影版权后买的

    I bought it right after l sold the movie rights to Tonignts the night .

  3. 传奇影业紧跟PokemonGo游戏热潮,签下该游戏的电影版权。

    On the heels of Pokemon Go fever , Legendary1 has closed a deal for the film rights for the iconic Japanese property .

  4. UltraViolet的理念非常简单:这种格式允许用户购买电影版权,并将其存放在“数字储物柜”中,而用户可利用种类繁多的互联网服务访问电影。

    The idea behind ultraviolet is simple : the format allows buyers to own rights to films , which they can store in a " digital locker " and access via various Internet services .

  5. 基于智能卡的数字电影版权管理系统

    Digital right management system for digital cinema based on smart card

  6. 他已经获得了这本书的电影版权。

    He has acquired the film rights to the book .

  7. 她的故事的电影版权被一家大电影制片公司买走了。

    The film rights to her story were bought by a major studio .

  8. 从国外的经验来看,电影版权证券化和生物制药专利是两个比较适宜证券化的领域,也有很多成功的案例和有益的经验。

    From experience of America , the film rights and bio-pharmaceutical patents are more fit for securitization .

  9. 就在一个月前,他买了那年最有影响小说的电影版权。

    Just a month ago he bought the movie rights to the biggest novel of the year .

  10. 安装是免费的,你每一笔订单赚取特许权使用费,同时保留对您的电影版权。

    Setup is free and you earn royalties on every order while retaining the rights to your film .

  11. 他们开了一个牛奶工厂,一个冰激凌商店,然后出售电影版权。

    They open a milk factory , an ice cream store , and then sell the movie rights .

  12. 1999年为华纳兄弟公司争得哈利·波特系列电影版权的大卫海曼将担任这个电影系列的制片人。

    David Heyman , who famously secured Warner Bros. the rights to the Harry Potter series in 1999 , will produce the series .

  13. 同期,出售给网络视频网站的电影版权达到了近40亿元人民币(5.6亿美元)。

    Sales of film rights to online video sites raked in 4 billion yuan ( 560 million U.S. dollars ) in the same period .

  14. 7月24日晚,两家拥有007电影版权的公司——永世电影制片公司和米高梅电影公司——宣布下一部007系列电影将于2019年11月8日上映。

    Eon Productions and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - the companies behind the James Bond franchise - announced on Monday ( July 24 ) night their next 007 thriller would reach cinemas November 8 , 2019 .

  15. 2009年二月,华纳公司买下了电影版权,之后开始了这部电影的拍摄,影片跨越四个大洲,六个国家,2009年6月19日,影片的拍摄开始于东京,五个月之后在加拿大完成。

    Warner Bros. bought the movie rights in February 2009 and filming began in six countries across four continents , beginning in Tokyo on June 19 , 2009 , and finishing in Canada fivemonths later .

  16. 此外,两国还存在中国出口的服装及视频的贸易纠纷,而更高层次的意见不合则是中国的音乐以及电影版权,还有美国电影进入中国市场等。

    The two nations have also had trade rows over Chinese clothing and food exports , the high level of music and film piracy in China , and the access of US firms to the Chinese market .

  17. 但对于被困地下10周的33名获救矿工,真正的金矿尚未开启产品代言、媒体访问、图书出版,或许还有讲述他们传奇经历的电影版权。

    But for the 33 freed miners who had been trapped underground for 10 weeks , the real gold is to come from product endorsements , media interviews , books , and perhaps film rights to their saga .

  18. 《三生三世十里桃花》搬上大荧幕最新网络平台阿里影业出价购买电影版权,宣布计划在粉丝的支持下将一部畅销网络小说搬上大荧幕。

    Online fantasy to hit the big screen with fan support Alibaba Pictures is the latest online platform to make a bid for the big screen , announcing it plans to turn a popular Internet novel into a movie with the help of fans .

  19. 这家总部设在孟买的公司是在1977年由卢拉的父亲阿扬(Arjan)创建。当时,公司购买宝莱坞电影的版权,然后在国外进行销售。

    The Mumbai-based company was founded by his father , Arjan , in 1977 to buy Bollywood film rights and sell them abroad .

  20. 最终我以适中的价格买下了把小说改编成电影的版权。

    At last I bought the film rights of a novel at a moderate cost .

  21. 在合同里必须把你的书改编成电影的版权问题写清楚。

    Make sure that the film rights for your took are written into your contract .

  22. 因为索尼公司认为《地狱男爵》并不能为他们带来收益,所以决定将电影的版权出售。

    Sony put the rights up for sale since they felt Hellboy wasn 't a profitable franchise for them .

  23. 三月份,迪士尼在签订了710亿美元(5000亿元人民币)的收购合同后获得了21世纪福克斯公司的大部分资产,其中包括好几部电影的版权。

    In March , Disney acquired most 21st Century Fox assets following a $ 71 billion deal -- including several film franchises .

  24. 第三部分,在分析了境外电影作品版权保护的国内外现状的基础上,提出二元承认理论,并阐述其合理性。

    The third part of the analysis of foreign films and foreign copyright status based on the proposed the theory of " dual " recognition , and explains its rationality .

  25. 一本书、一部电影的版权不仅给人们带来精神享受的愉悦,而且也为出版商、制片商等中介利益集团带来巨大的利润。

    A book , a movie not only the copyright bring people enjoy the pleasure of spirit , and also for the publisher , studios and intermediary interest group bring huge profits .

  26. 本章首先总结了我国目前的电影作品版权质押实践中存在的包括担保立法、版权立法等方面在内的问题,并提出了包括政府、电影产业参与者、贷款人参与在内的立体完善机制。

    In Chapter five , the author firstly summarized problems contained in the film copyright pledge , which include problems in security laws and copyright laws , and put forward improvement solutions involved the participations of government , the players in the film industry and the debtors .

  27. 2014年,它推出了一个名为“ErosNow”的在线视频服务,提供版权属于Eros的电影和其他版权内容。

    In 2014 , it introduced a streaming service calledEros Now , which offers access to Eros-owned films as well as licensed content .

  28. 他售出了最新畅销小说的电影和电视版权,现在单等坐收厚利了。

    Having sold the film and TV rights to his new best seller he 's absolutely quids in .

  29. 并建立了制片人中心制、电影保险、版权价值评估体系等风险控制机制。

    Producer system , film insurance , copyright valuation system and other risk control mechanism have also been established in American film industry .

  30. 好莱坞的电影工作室等版权内容持有者将有权要求信用卡公司和广告发布网站终止与侵权外国网站的业务往来;

    Rights-holders , such as Hollywood film studios , will be able to request that a credit-card firm or advertising network stop doing business with a foreign site ;