
hánɡ kōnɡ ɡuǎn zhì
  • air traffic control
  1. 但英国航空管制机构NATS表示,出于对火山灰威胁的担心,英国6000米以下空域仍基本禁飞。

    But British airspace remained largely closed to flights below 6,000 metres owing to ongoing fears about the danger posed by volcanic ash , Nats , the air traffic control body said .

  2. 可能会通知航空管制不过不一定

    They 'd inform air traffic control . Or not . Depends .

  3. 基于DSP和GPS定位航空管制空域辅助监测系统浅析

    Assisted airspace monitoring system for air traffic control analysis based on DSP and GPS location

  4. 麦克探员,去faa「航空管制中心」查查那架飞机的飞行计划和认证记录。

    Agent michaels , get FAA flight plans and authorization records on that craft .

  5. 本文研究GIS与IDSS结合起来,充分利用GIS对空间信息的管理能力,和IDSS强大的辅助决策功能,同时结合航空管制方面的知识,发展适合现代化战争需要的航空管制系统。

    Our dissertation combines IDSS with GIS . Taking advantage of the ability of managing spatial information of GIS and associate decision of IDSS , and integrating the knowledge of ATC ( Air Traffic Control ), we develop a new ATC system , which is adept to modern war .

  6. 航空管制工作与救助飞行安全紧密相连

    ATC has strong relationships to the safety of the rescue flight

  7. 北约各国国防部长拒绝对利比亚实施航空管制。

    Nato defence ministers have resisted calls for an air exclusion zone over Libya .

  8. 从周二早上八点钟开始,新的航空管制措施将开始生效。

    New air control measures can come into effect from eight o'clock Tuesday morning .

  9. 新的航空管制措施将从周二早上八点钟开始生效。

    New air control measures can co me into effect from eight o'clock Tuesday morning .

  10. 为安全起见,附近区域被设置为航空管制区。

    For safety reasons , near the area is set to air traffic control zone .

  11. 航空管制在周四早些时候接到飞行员报告有猛烈的暴风雨,随后便与之失去联系。

    Air traffic controllers lost contact with the plane early on Thursday after pilots reported severe storms .

  12. 我们正提议将航空管制系统转为非营利性私营机构。

    We 're proposing to move our air traffic control system to a new self-financing non-profit organization .

  13. 飞行员因为发病而无法操纵飞机,还好地面的航空管制官为他们提供了帮助。

    the pilot felt ill at the controls , but air traffic controllers were on hand to help .

  14. 机载设备包括无线电通信和导航用于学员飞行员获得航空管制和导航仪表的基本技能。

    Onboard equipments include radio communications and navigation for the pupil pilot to gain the basic skills of flight control and navigation instruments .

  15. 2013年,上海一家面包店放弃了用无人机在30分钟内将糕点送到顾客手中的计划,并将原因归于航空管制。

    In 2013 , a Shanghai bakery scrapped plans to deliver cakes within 30 minutes , using drone couriers , blaming airspace regulations .

  16. 飞机下降期间,飞行员没有和航空管制人员有过任何通话,也未发送任何紧急讯号。

    At no point during the descent was there any communication from the cockpit to air traffic controllers or any other signal of an emergency .

  17. 这样的例子最近就有,据中国官方媒体报导,从上周二开始华东地区实行了不明原因的航空管制。

    The most recent large-scale incident began Tuesday , when airspace controls were imposed over eastern China for unspecified reasons , according to state media .

  18. 利用图象序列来检测、识别和选择运动飞机目标,对于诸如航空管制和防空系统有着十分重要的意义。

    Detection , identification , and selection of moving target through image sequence are very important to Air Traffic Control System and Air Defense System .

  19. 航空管制:“阿联酋航空202号航班,请立即返回。”

    AIR CONTROLLER : " Emirates 202 , [ unclear ] actually I have a message for you to go back to the gate immediately . "

  20. 而且,系统不像飞行员,不会受引擎故障或者航空管制指令等其他突发因素影响而分心。

    And , unlike pilots , they are never distracted by other urgent matters , such as a failing engine or an instruction from air traffic control .

  21. 同时由于国家逐步放开航空管制,企业面临着来自国际竞争对手的挑战,航空信息产品已直接置身于国际市场竞争之中。

    In the meanwhile , the control on civil aviation industry in China is gradually loosening , thus the ACC company is confronting to direct international competition .

  22. 飞行员试图联系机场航空管制塔台,但12分钟内无人回应。

    The pilot tried to make contact with the airport 's air traffic control tower , but was unable to do so for a period of 12 minutes .

  23. 上世纪70年代美国开始放松航空管制,低成本航空公司应运而生,90年代以后在全球范围内遍地开花。

    With the advent of aviation deregulation in 1970s , the first low cost airlines emerged in US . In 1990s , low cost airlines are booming in the worldwide .

  24. 随后飞行员把应答机的代码设置为0220,这样飞机的身份信息就能正确显示在航空管制的雷达屏幕上。

    The pilot then selects the 0220 code on their transponder and the track on the radar screen of the air traffic controller will become correctly associated with their identity .

  25. 本文主要介绍在航空管制工作中飞行空域监测的意义,以及逼近空域的飞行目标到空域距离的计算方法。

    This paper describes the airspace surveillance means in the work of air traffic control and the calculation of the distance between the flight object approaching the airspace and the airspace .

  26. 本文主要研究并设计一个建立在机场地图及其属性信息上的决策支持系统,同时采用专家系统技术,初步形成一个智能化的航空管制决策支持系统原型。

    This paper researches and develops a prototype system of air traffic control intelligence decision supporting system by using technology of ES and GIS based on the airport map and the attribute information .

  27. 航空管制的放松和航空产品的自身特性决定了收益管理的兴起,如今收益管理已经成为了航空公司在激烈竞争中的有力武器。

    The relaxation of air traffic control and the characteristics of aviation product determine the rise of revenue management . Revenue management has now become a powerful weapon in the competition of the airlines .

  28. 据航空管制官员介绍,这架隶属于哥伦比亚阿伊列斯航空公司的客机在午夜时分从波哥大起飞,两小时后因能见度降低在圣安德列斯岛坠毁。

    The plane , belonging to Colombia 's Aires airline , left Bogota shortly after midnight and crashed in San Andres in conditions of reduced visibility about two hours later , according to air traffic controllers .

  29. 在航空交通管制(ATC)方面,二次警戒雷达(SSR)较之一次雷达有许多优点,且有较好的性能/价格比。

    Secondary surveillance radar ( SSR ) offers many advantages for air traffic control ( ATC ) compared to normal ( or primary ) radar including substantially lower cost and improved performance .

  30. Grimsvotn火山喷发对欧洲或跨大西洋的航班没有影响,而且没有人想在周日乘飞机,欧洲航空交通管制协会E说到。

    There was " no impact on European or transatlantic flights " after the Grimsvotn volcano 's eruption , and none was expected on Sunday , Europe 's umbrella air traffic control association Eurocontrol said .