
háng cì
  • the sequence of voyages or flights;voyage or flight number;the number of voyages or flights made;the number of voyages or flights
航次 [háng cì]
  • (1) [the number of voyages or flights]

  • (2) 出航的次数

  • (3) 渡河舰船航渡的次数

  • (4) [the sequence of voyages or flights]∶飞机、船舶出航的次序

航次[háng cì]
  1. 不定期船航次的AHP决策研究

    Research on the AHP Decision Making of the Tramp Ship Voyage

  2. 根据春季在南沙群岛海区2个航次的调查资料,利用P矢量方法对流场进行计算。

    Based on the observational data from two investigation cruises in the Nansha Islands sea area in spring , P-vector method is employed to calculate the current field .

  3. 在此基础上提出了一种求取集装箱船最优初稳性高度GM的简便方法,该方法假定GM主要与船宽、航次所经航区的风浪和甲板上浪的容易程度有关。

    A simple method of getting an optimized value of initial stability is provided based on analysis on the demand of stability about container ships .

  4. 依此建立了不定期船航次决策的层次结构,并构造了符合一致性标准的判断矩阵,从而作出不定期船航次的AHP决策。

    Then the hierarchy structure of TSVD and its judgment matrix corresponding to the consistent standard are established , thus the AHP decision making on tramp ship voyage is given .

  5. 国际大洋钻探(ODP)第184航次是首次在南中国海实现的大洋钻探。

    No 184 Voyage of International Ocean Drilling Project ( ODP ) is the first voyage in South China Sea .

  6. 1994年8月(夏季)和1995年2月(冬季),对25.00-26.50°N,122.00°E以西水域的浮游动物进行了2个航次调查。

    In August of 1994 ( summer ) and February of 1995 ( winter ), surveyes of 2 cruises were carried out in the survey area to the west of 25.00-26 . 5 ° N , 122 . 00 ° E.

  7. 而1998年9月和1999年4月2个航次中20个相同站位的平均ShannonWiener指数同样也未表现出明显的差异(P>0.05)。

    Moreover , there is no marked difference in the average Shannon Wiener indices from 20 common stations between cruises in September 1998 and April 1999 ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 指出现有不定期船航次决策中存在的问题,分析其主要影响因素,介绍AHP法的原理及其步骤。

    This paper points out the problems in the existing tramp ship voyage decision making ( TSVD ), analyzes its main influencing factors and introduces the principle and procedure of the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) method .

  9. 在DSDP/ODP的26年钻探中,有近20个航次钻遇到热液作用踪迹或热液产物。

    Deep-sea hydrothermal activities and hydrothermal products which were found dur-ing nearly 20 cruises in the past 26 years of DSDP / ODP are introduced .

  10. 根据1998&1999年粤西海域4个航次浮游植物的调查资料,在GIS和SPSS的支持下对该海域浮游植物栖息密度的时空分布特征及重心位置的变化进行了初步分析。

    According to the phytoplankton data in the western Guangdong waters from 4 cruises from 1998 to 1999 , this paper , supported by GIS and SPSS , analyzed preliminarily the spatial-temporal distribution and the barycenter variation of the cell density of phytoplankton in the waters .

  11. 该航次黑潮在断面K2的位置在124°E以西,与其他航次时期相比,此时黑潮通过台湾岛东南断面K2的位置明显向东移动。

    The Kuroshio is located west of 124 ° E at Section K2 in December 1997 , i. e. , the location of the Kuroshio at Section K2 during this cruise moves eastward as compared with that during other cruises .

  12. 南海ODP184航次1148站位渐新世沟鞭藻生物地层

    Oligocene dinoflagellate biostratigraphy in northern South China sea , site 1148 of ODP leg 184

  13. ODP184航次在南海北部实施的钻孔为该区水合物研究提供了宝贵的第一手资料。

    The ODP Leg 184 located in the area provides useful first-hand information for gas hydrate research .

  14. ODP184航次岩芯海底沉积物元素相态研究及其对有机质和轻烃的指示意义

    Element phases of drilling core sediment from ODP 184 voyage and their significance for oil gas indication

  15. 本文根据热带西太平洋海气相互作用研究调查(TOGA)第1至5及第8个航次考察结果,对热带西太平洋海&气相互作用作了分析。

    Based on data collected during the TOGA cruises No. 1-5 and 8 , analysis is made on the air-sea heat exchange over the Tropical Western Pacific .

  16. 文中对国际大洋钻探204航次在太平洋水合物海岭8个站位BSR深度以上气体水合物稳定带的沉积物进行了粒度分析和对比研究。

    Grain size of sediments from eight drill holes of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204 are analyzed to understand the relationship between the variation in grain-size of sediments and the occurrence of gas hydrates on the Hydrate Ridge , the East Pacific .

  17. 通过对Sonne号调查船第50航次的地震剖面资料分析,结合一些钻井资料,认为珠江口盆地中部第四纪以来的沉积可分为四套,其中层Ⅰ是浅海相沉积,属全新世;

    Based on data of seismic profiles from SO 50 and several wells , the Quarternary sediments of the central part of Pearl River Mouth Basin can be divided into four layers .

  18. 利用2003年至2005年秋季在南海多个航次的现场观测数据,研究了南海北部海区遥感反射率的变化,并分析了用于全球海洋叶绿素a浓度反演的OC2和OC4模型在本海区的适用性。

    Bio-optical data and chlorophyll-a concentration obtained in the autumn of 2003 and 2005 during the cruises in the northern South China Sea ( NSCS ) are analyzed .

  19. 论文以大洋钻探计划(ODP)184航次南沙1143站有孔虫的稳定氧、碳同位素(δ18O与δ13C)分析为基础,研究了过去5百万年以来南海南部的古海洋学。

    This thesis discusses paleoceanography of the southern South China Sea ( SCS ) over the last 5 million years ( myr ) on the basis of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes on foraminifers (δ 18O and δ 13C ) from Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) Leg 184 .

  20. 根据ODP184航次的电阻率、声波速度、密度等测井资料以及地质资料,初步推断南海陆坡存在天然气水合物。

    On the basis of resistivity , sonic logging , density data and geology data in ODP184 , there exist gas hydrates in the continental slope of the South China Sea .

  21. 我国沿海航次转租船运输争议处理若干问题的探讨

    A Research on the Problems of Settling Coastal Voyage Sub-chartering Disputes

  22. 合同法对航次租船合同适用之研究

    Study on the Application of Contract Law to Voyage Charter Party

  23. 货物数量有限制时的航次最佳选货决策

    Decision-Making for Optimal Selection of Cargo When the Amount Is Limited

  24. 海洋综合调查船设置开放航次之构想

    Visualization of Offering Open Voyage with Vessel for Comprehensive Marine Survey

  25. 最后航次问题是定期租船中一个常见的问题。

    Problems about last voyage usually happen under time charter party .

  26. 国际独立油轮船东协会油轮连续航次租船合同

    International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Consecutive Voyage Charter Party

  27. 船长在航次租船中的地位及履约中若干问题的探析

    The Function of the Captain on Vessel Sail and Voyage Charter

  28. 增加射击密度,提高航次利用效率

    Increase Fire Density and Improve the Utility of the Course Efficiency

  29. 航运企业船舶成本及其航次效益研究

    Researches on the Vessel Cost & Voyage Benefit of Shipping Company

  30. 海洋科学考察可视化航次设计研究及应用

    Study on Visual Planning of Ocean Scientific Survey and Its Application