
háng kōng shè yǐng
  • aerial photograph;aerophotography;airphoto;aviphot
航空摄影[háng kōng shè yǐng]
  1. 城市航空摄影图像融合分割方法

    An Integration Method for Aerial Photograph Segmentation

  2. 通过接收机的性能实验和像控点测量性能实验证明,GPSRTK技术在大比例尺全数字化航空摄影测量中的应用具有良好的前景。

    The function experiment and image by the receiver charge point for measuring function demonstration , the GPS RTK technology has the fine prospect in big architect 's scale entire digitization aerophotography application in measuring .

  3. 航空摄影已经给考古学研究带来了一场革命。

    Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology .

  4. 航空摄影可提供有关降水量、蒸发蒸腾量、入渗和径流量的有价值的资料。

    Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation , evapotraspiration , interception , and runoff .

  5. 基于GPS和GIS的航空摄影测量飞行管理系统关键技术研究

    Research on key technique of aerophotogrammetry flight management system based on GPS and GIS

  6. 基于DEM的航空摄影技术设计系统的建立与应用

    DEM Based Technological Design System for Aerial Photography : Establishment and Application

  7. OTF方法及其在GPS辅助航空摄影测量数据处理中的应用

    OTF method and its practice on Airborne GPS data processing for Photogrammetry

  8. 本文提出基于组件技术的航空摄影测量飞行管理系统,对其GPS、GIS和航空摄影技术的集成和主要功能及关键技术进行了探讨。

    This paper will discuss the integration of GPS , GIS and aerophotogrammetry , main function and key technique of the system .

  9. 数字航摄仪DMC在铁路航空摄影测量中的应用研究

    Application and Research of Digital Aerial Photographer in Railway Aerophotogrammetry

  10. 在此基础上,经与区域网GPS辅助光束法平差的精度相比较,对GPS用于单航线航空摄影测量加密的可行性进行了探讨并提出了相应的作业方法。

    Comparing its theoretical accuracy with one of GPS-supported bundle block adjustment , the GPS application feasibility and method on single strip adjustment was discussed .

  11. 航空摄影测量与RTK技术在峡江水利枢纽工程测量中的应用

    Application of GPS RTK and aerial photogrammetry technology in surveying Xiajiang Hydro-junction Project

  12. GPS在航空摄影测量外业控制测量中的应用&以新疆和静1∶10000基础测绘控制网测布为例

    APPLICATION OF GPS IN CONTROL SURVEY OF AEROPHOTOGRAPHICAL FIELD WORKING & Distributing and Surveying of Control Network in 1 ∶ 10000 surveying Project of Hejing in Xinjiang

  13. 提出了GPS/INS辅助航空摄影测量中对机载GPS定位精度的要求,结合国内情况,进行了基站布设方案的研究。

    Posed the GPS / INS supported photogrammetry in the airborne GPS positioning accuracy requirements , combined with the domestic situation , the layout plan of the base station .

  14. 为保证航摄飞行质量,提高航测的自动化水平,有必要建立基于全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)的航空摄影测量飞行管理系统。

    To ensure the quality of aviation and map , and raise the automation level , it 's necessary to develop a suite of aerophotogrammetry flight management system based on GPS and GIS .

  15. 对差分GPS基准站的布设方案、检校场的布设及飞行、基准站联测等直接影响GPS/INS辅助航空摄影测量精度的关键技术进行了重点论述。

    Discusses the critical techniques in GPS / INS-supported photogrammetry just like how to configure differential GPS base-station locations ? how to plan a calibration field ? how to flythe calibration field ?

  16. 分析了机载LIDAR技术的特点,与航空摄影测量以及InSAR技术进行了对比分析。

    The feature of airborne LIDAR was analyzed and a comparison to the aerial photogrammetry and the InSAR technique respectively was given . 2 .

  17. 论述了3S(RS、GPS、GIS)技术在为四川省攀枝花市城市规划信息管理系统提供数据的该市74.88km21∶500航空摄影测量数字化地形测图工作中的应用。

    This paper narrated the application of 3S ( RS , GPS , GIS ) technique into 1:500 digitalizing topographic mapping in aerophotogrammetry using data supplied with urban planning information management system .

  18. 本文首先介绍POS与航空摄影系统的集成方法与工作原理;然后初步分析了POS系统的主要误差来源,在此基础上,研究了POS系统数据处理及误差控制方法;

    This paper deals mainly with the integration of GPS / IMU with aerial camera , the data processing and the main error sources of POS.

  19. HG系列大幅面高精度扫描仪作为软拷贝摄影测绘系统的一部分,应用在航空摄影图片的数字化方面。

    HG serials of high accuracy scanner , as an essential part of softcopy photo-gram metric systems , their main use today is definitely in the digitization of aerial images .

  20. MMS数据采集以其高效率、低成本等优点正成为传统人工测量方法与航空摄影测量方法的有效补充。

    This method of obtaining GIS data using MMS is becoming a good complement to the traditional artificial measure method and photogrammetry method with its advantages such as high-efficiency and low cost .

  21. 由于航空摄影和卫星遥感技术相继发展,特别是当前3S技术和数字地球等高新技术蓬勃发展的形势下,如何进行水土流失治理就成为我们当前的历史任务。

    With the good development of the satellite remote sensing and air photography , especially the technique of 3s and the digital-earth , it is the history task that how to deal with the soil-lost .

  22. 作为一种新型的对地测绘手段,机载LIDAR不仅解决了传统航空摄影测量测绘地形困难区域的难题,还在一定程度上指引着今后对地观测技术的发展方向。

    As a newly emerged instrument of terrain mapping , not only airborne LIDAR solves the problem of mapping difficult regions by traditional aerial photogrammetry , but also puts some influence on the development of terrain mapping .

  23. 为了将地理元数据应用在地图中,目前常用的几种采集数据的方法是:航空摄影测量技术,高分辨率卫星遥感技术,地面测绘技术,GPS测量技术,激光扫描,近景摄影测量技术等。

    In order to put the geography metadata into the map , at present several methods of data acquisition used commonly are : aerial photogrammetry , high resolution satellite remote sensing , ground mapping technology , GPS surveying technology , laser scanning , close-range photogrammetry and so on .

  24. 整个校正过程有两个难点:1如何充分利用各个POS/DG参数准确计算像元地面实际坐标,这涉及到航空摄影测量学的知识;

    There are tow problems in the procession of geometric correction : 1 how to compute out each pixel 's coordinates by POS / DG parameters precisely ; This is in the field of airborne photogrammetry .

  25. 本文结合航空摄影模型给出的灭点几何约束,利用自适应模糊Hough变换,提出了一种建筑物垂直边缘检测方法,并用窗户纹理分析技术来验证高层建筑物的垂直边缘。

    In this paper , Combined with vanishing point geometrical restriction given by the aerial photogrammetric modeling , a method for extracting vertical lines based on the adaptive fuzzy Hough transform is presented . Then the extracted vertical lines are validated by analyses of window texture .

  26. 最后,本文对试验结果进行总结并提出了相关建议,对今后POS辅助航空摄影测量的进一步研究提供了方向和前景。

    A complete and viable solution of DOM production using POS-supported photogrammetry has been worked out within this research project . Finally , this paper give a summary of experimental results and related suggestion , It provided the direction and prospects for the further research of POS-supported photogrammetry in further .

  27. 在航空摄影测绘中,利用JX4测图软件获得的数字地形图文件有时需要供其他方面使用,这时就会有数据文件格式的转换问题。

    In the course of AIR Survey , The data files drawn by JX4 mapping application may be used in the other fields , and so may encounter the problem of the data format transfering .

  28. 感光测定在航空摄影图像处理中的应用

    The Application of Sensitometry in The Image Processing of Aerial Photography

  29. 航空摄影陀螺稳定平台的嵌入式计算机控制系统

    Development of Embedded Computer Control System for Aerial Photography Gyro-Stabilized Platform

  30. 航空摄影新技术推动数字摄影测量的发展

    Promote development of digital photo measurement by new air photo technique