
gōng zuò miàn
  • face;working face;working surface;acting surface;forefield
工作面 [gōng zuò miàn]
  • (1) [working surface]∶在物件表面上操作或从其量起的表面

  • (2) [face]∶开采矿物时随时根据进度而移动的工作地点

工作面[gōng zuò miàn]
  1. 乡镇煤矿回采工作面局部瓦斯治理简易方法

    Introduction about the Simple Control Measure of Partial Gas Treatment in the Mine Working Face of Township Coal Mine

  2. 采空区场域自燃CO向工作面涌出的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of CO Gushing to Working Face During Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf Field

  3. 在工作面中常见有韵律条带“原矿石”

    Exposures of rhythmically banded protore are common in the workings .

  4. 工作面复杂构造电磁波CT探测研究

    Research on Detection of Complex Structures in a Coal Face with Electromagnetic Wave Tomography

  5. 预测煤矿回采工作面产量的BP网络模型

    BP Neural Network Modeling for Predicting Coal Production of Working Face

  6. 综采工作面生产指标预测的改进型BP神经网络

    A forecasting model of productivity and efficiency for coal mining face based on reformatory backpropagation neural network

  7. U形通风工作面采空区上隅角瓦斯治理技术

    Methane controlling technique at the upper corner of the goaf in U-type ventilation face

  8. 电阻率CT法探测技术能够对工作面底板含水体进行有效探测,因而具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The resistivity computerized tomography ( CT ) technique is of important theoretical and realistic significance because it can detect the water-bearing bodies in the floor of working face .

  9. 数值分析的结果表明,UHF无线电波的较高频段能够在长壁工作面上传播。

    The numerical result shows that the propagation of UHF radio waves favors high frequency .

  10. 本文将长壁工作面上覆老顶视为位于Winkler弹性基础上的Kirchhoff板。

    The paper considers the overlying main roof over a longwall face as a Kirchhoff plate on the Winkler elastic fundament .

  11. 计算结果显示,由于蠕变特性的存在,μDMFC膜电极工作面法向应力随着热-机械载荷循环次数的增加而增大。

    Simulation results showed that because of the effect of creep , the overall normal stresses of the working plane in MEA increased with the increase of thermal-mechanical load cycles .

  12. 为了探讨岩墙在底板围岩破坏及突水中所起的作用,采用ADINA有限元模拟分析了工作面开采的过程。

    For studying the effect of rock wall on the destruction of floor surrounding rock and outbursting water , analyze the full mining process with ADINA finite element simulated analysis .

  13. 顶煤破坏系数随工作面推进距离和工作面长度的增加而变化。考虑矿山压力对顶煤的压裂作用,20m特厚中硬煤层综放工作面的长度应大于300m;

    Top coal failure coefficient varies with face advance distance and face length , the fully mechanized sublevel caving face length for 20m very thick and medium hard seam should be over 300m ;

  14. 本分类方案选用了5个指标,即岩石单轴抗压强度sc、岩石质量指标RQD、煤体抗压强度scm、地下水状况SW和工作面月推进速度。

    Five influence factors , such as uniaxial compressive strength of rock , RQD , compressive strength of coal mass , hydrological condition of roof , and advance velocity of stope , are adoped in the classification .

  15. 研究了第四系底部黏土层在水体下采煤中的作用,认识到当底黏厚度大于3m时,上部含水层对工作面充水量很小。

    The functions of clay layer under Quaternary in under-water mining is studied , and when thickness of clay layer is larger than 3m , work face water inrush quantity is very little from upper water bearing layer .

  16. 报告生成模块主要实现把工作面安全分析数据中心的源数据存入对应报告模版的XML格式数据文件中,并结合AcrobatIAC技术把相关图片插入模版对应位置。

    For generation module , it save the source data of data centre of safety analysis on working face into XML file of corresponding report template , and insert the related pictures into the corresponding place of templates by combining with Acrobat IAC .

  17. 结果表明,两种不同试验模拟手段得到了相近的结果,初次来压步距20m左右,周期来压步距在10~15m之间,并且与实际工作面顶板的垮落形态相吻合。

    Both the numerical simulation and the similar material simulation indicate that the first weighting step distance is 20 m and periodic weighting step distance is 10 ~ 15 m , which is also similar to the actual roof collapse rule .

  18. 本文介绍了利用PROMOS监控系统实现寺河矿大采高综采工作面泵站智能控制的原理、特点以及操作方法等。

    The paper introduces the principle , characteristic and operation method of intelligent control of pump station in fully mechanized mining face with high shear height which is realized by PROMOS monitoring system .

  19. X1-107工作面风巷、机巷顶板及两帮采用高强度螺纹钢锚杆支护、并对顶板采用小孔径预应力锚索加强支护,有效地保持了围岩稳定。

    The air roadway and conveyor roadway of X1-107 mining face are supported by high strength thread steel bolt and enhanced with small diameter prestressed anchor cable on the roof , which has maintain the stability of the surrounding rock effectively .

  20. 提出工作面与巷道合理布局,选取错距为50m-100m,加快工作面推进,尽量缩短侧向支承压力对保留巷道的作用时间。

    It designed program proposed to layout face and roadway , and selected the distance about 50m-100m . It speed up the face forward to try to reduce the pressure on the abutment time to retain the role of the roadway .

  21. 对综采放顶煤工作面回采率情况的调查

    Investigation of Recovery rates of Fully Mechanized Faces with Caving Method

  22. 掘进工作面煤层注水工艺及效果分析

    Technology and Effectiveness Analysis of Coal Seam Waterflooding at Driving Face

  23. 回采工作面空气质量评价模型及应用

    Evaluating model of air quality and its application in working faces

  24. 严重突出回采工作面瓦斯综合治理

    Comprehensive harness of gas in mining working face with serious outburst

  25. 28111工作面顺槽跟底留顶煤桁架支护

    Behind the Bottom Coal and Truss Support in 28111 Face Roadway

  26. 孤岛工作面开采沿空巷道支护技术研究

    Research for the gob-side entry supporting technique for isolated-island coal pillar'mining

  27. 最后,对防止工作面坍塌的工程措施进行了分析。

    Finally , the measures of avoiding the collapse are investigated .

  28. 11056炮放工作面瓦斯增大的成因与对策

    Reason and countermeasures of gas increasing in 11056 explode working face

  29. 综放工作面快速拆除与安装实践

    Fast installation and backout of fully mechanized top coal caving face

  30. 负压降尘技术在工作面防尘中的推广应用

    Application of negative pressure and dust reduction technology in mining face