
  • 网络engineering geological investigation;Engineering Geological Survey;engineering geologic investigation
  1. 近年来,各种CT技术在工程地质勘察、建筑物无损检测等工程领域得到了广泛的应用,取得了大量的成果。目前常用的工程CT技术包括弹性波CT、电磁波CT、电阻率CT三大类。

    In recent years , several kinds of CT methods , such as elastic wave CT , electromagnetic wave CT and resistivity tomography , are widely used in engineering geological investigation , nondestructive test and so on .

  2. 矿山竖井工程地质勘察孔的施工体会

    Understanding of the construction of mining shaft engineering geological investigation boring

  3. 介绍了理正工程地质勘察CAD系统在地铁二号线及其它岩土工程勘察中的应用。

    The paper introduces the application of CAD system of LIZHENG ENGINEERING GEOLOGY EXPLORATION in No.2 line subway and other engineering exploration .

  4. FIDIC模式下公路工程地质勘察监理初探

    Exploration for the Highway Survey Supervision on the FIDIC Mode

  5. 工程地质勘察CAD(GICAD)及其应用

    Engineering geological exploration CAD ( GICAD ) and its application

  6. 分析结果表明,地震CT有较高的精度和可信度,在工程地质勘察中能做到对地下介质的精细成像,远远优越于常规勘察方法。

    As the analysis shows , the seismic CT technology have the advantages of higher precision and credibility , which can make preciser imaging of subsurface medium in engineering geophysics than usual explorative methods .

  7. 因此,本文提出了基于GoogleEarth进行铁路工程地质勘察的方法,并对GoogleEarth在铁路工程地质勘察中的应用做了详细研究。

    Therefore , method based on Google Earth for the railway engineering geology survey is put forward and a detailed study on the Google Earth application in railway engineering geology survey is made in this paper .

  8. 针对目前铁路工程地质勘察数据CAD软件在辅助用户进行试样密实度判别、土层湿度分层与密实度分层等方面存在的不足,开发了铁路工程地质勘察数据处理辅助系统。

    Aimed at the lack of the railway engineering geology reconnaissance data CAD software that could assistant users to distinguish close-grained degree of samples and to delaminate humidity layers and close-grained degree layers of soil , etc. The authors developed the Railway Engineering Geology Reconnaissance Data Manage Assistant System .

  9. 充分发挥钻探技术人员在工程地质勘察中的作用

    Fully Strengthen the Role of Drilling Technicians in Geological Engineering Exploration

  10. 水电工程地质勘察中的环境同位素方法

    Environmental isotope method in the engineering geological investigation of hydropower projects

  11. 关于《堤防工程地质勘察规程》中若干问题的探讨

    Some Problem in the Rules of Engineering Geology Prospecting about Dike

  12. 露天煤矿排土场工程地质勘察技术方法浅析

    The analysis of open coal mine engineering geology explore technique measures

  13. 无定向导线在黄河堤防工程地质勘察测量中的应用

    Application of astatic lead to geotectonic investigation for Yellow River dike

  14. 浅谈土坝除险加固工程地质勘察工作

    The geologic exploration work of the strengthening project of earth dams

  15. 岩溶地区桥梁的工程地质勘察与研究

    Engineering geological survey and study in karst areas for bridge building

  16. 公路工程地质勘察中的土工参数统计自动化实现方法

    Method for Realizing Automation of Soil Parameter Statistics in Highway Engineering

  17. 多媒体技术在工程地质勘察研究所的实施方案

    The implementing program of multimedia technology in Engineering Geology Research Institute

  18. 浅谈土石坝安全鉴定工程地质勘察的几点体会

    Some experiences in engineering geological exploration for earth-rock dam safety appraisal

  19. 对长江堤防工程地质勘察几个问题的认识

    Analysis on several problems in engineering geological investigation for Yangtze dyke

  20. 膨胀岩地区浅埋长大隧道工程地质勘察

    The Geological Prospecting of Shallow and Long Tunnels in Expansive Rock Regions

  21. 会东矿西边坡工程地质勘察研究

    Engineering geologic reconnaissance study on the WEST-SLOPE of the Huidong surface mine

  22. 浅谈连通试验在水利工程地质勘察中的应用

    Application of the communicating test in the geologic investigation of hydraulic projects

  23. 基于地震勘探的海洋工程地质勘察

    Engineering geology survey in ocean based on high-resolution seismic exploration

  24. 铁路工程地质勘察数据处理辅助系统的实现

    Implementation of Railway Engineering Geology Reconnaissance Data Manage Assistant System

  25. 抽水蓄能电站工程地质勘察及认识

    Engineering Geological Investigation and Knowledge on Pumped Storage Power Station

  26. 南京地区超高层建筑工程地质勘察技术标准探讨

    Discussion on Geological Investigation Technique Standards of Super High-rise Building in Nanjing

  27. 三维遥感铁路工程地质勘察技术应用研究

    Applicable Research on 3D Remote Sensing Technique for Railway Engineering Geology Investigation

  28. 水文、工程地质勘察中几个常见问题处理的探讨

    How to Solve the Problems In the Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Investigation

  29. 数字全景钻孔摄像技术在铁路工程地质勘察中的应用

    Application of Digital Panoramic Borehole Photography Technique in Railway Engineering Geological Investigation

  30. 上海地区桥梁工程地质勘察与评价

    Engineering geological investigation and evolution of bridge in Shanghai area