
tōng háng
  • be open to navigation or air traffic;air or sea navigation
通航 [tōng háng]
  • [air or sea navigation] 指开通航空、航海线路

通航[tōng háng]
  1. 运河可以通航了。

    The canal is open to shipping .

  2. 那段河道太浅,不能通航。

    That stretch of river is too shallow to be navigable .

  3. 许多新工厂坐落在通航河流的沿岸。

    Many new factories are located on navigable rivers .

  4. 这条运河可全年通航。

    The canal is navigable throughout the year .

  5. 基于MVC模式的三峡通航数据维护系统的实现

    Implementation of Data Maintenance of Three Gorges Scheduling System Based on MVC Pattern

  6. 东海大桥非通航孔70m箱梁模板设计与施工

    Design and construction of form for 70m box girder of Donghai Bridge

  7. 渤海海域VLCC通航条件分析及安全保障关键技术研究

    Research on Navigation Condition and Key Technologies to Security of VLCC in Bohai Sea

  8. 为LNG船舶通航安全提供了一种有效的评价方法,对于现实的船舶通航安全问题的解决具有一定的指导意义。

    For the LNG ship navigable safety , it is an effective evaluation method . The real solution to the problem of navigable safety has a certain significance .

  9. 长江素有黄金水道之称,长江干支流通航总里程长达8万Km,三峡工程建成后,库区航道将有较大的改善,万吨级船队可直达重庆。

    The Yangtze River has been called the " golden waterway " . after the completion of the Xian Xia Project reservoir will have a larger waterway improvement , ten thousand-ton vessels can reach Chongqing .

  10. 上海长江隧桥B5标主通航孔变截面钻孔桩直径大,桩长长,质量控制困难。

    Bored piles at B5 bid main navigable hole of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Bridge have variable section with large diameter and length .

  11. VTS投入使用以来,有效地改善了所在港区和航道的通航环境,增强了水上交通安全。

    Since having been put into use , VTS has effectively improving the traffic environment of the port and navigable waterway , and enhancing the safety of the water .

  12. 本文把综合安全评估(FSA)法的流程应用于港口水域船舶通航安全评价中来,试图研究出适合港口水域船舶交通安全的具体方法。

    This thesis introduces FSA procedure to evaluate navigable safety of port waters , and tries to find out the concrete assessment approaches of traffic safety in port waters .

  13. 最高设计通航流量为56700m3/s。

    The maximum navigable river flow is 56700m3 / s.

  14. 研究成果主要包括:一、对碰撞和搁浅事故概率的模型进行比较,根据LNG船舶的实际航行特征,引入调整系数,建立LNG船舶通航风险的计算模型。

    Main research results include : 1 . The collision and grounding probability accident probability model is compared . Adjustment coefficient is introduced into navigational risk calculation model of LNG carrier according to the actual sailing characteristics . 2 .

  15. 东海大桥是中国第一座真正意义上的外海跨海大桥,海上60m非通航孔段桥梁采用6跨60m预应力混凝土连续梁的结构形式。

    Donghai Bridge is the first really significant outland-sea crossing-sea bridge in China . 60-m non-navigation span bridge on sea uses the structural type of 6-span 60-m pre-stressed concrete continuous beam .

  16. 本文对东海大桥辅通航孔桥中的K6桥的施工做了介绍,分析了这类桥梁的特点。

    In this paper , the construction of station K6 bridge of auxiliary navigation opening bridge of Donghai Bridge is introduced and features of this kind of bridge are analyzed .

  17. 东盟秘书长素林(SurinPitsuwan)指出,美国是一个高度商业化国家,在南中国海的通航涉及其重大贸易利益。

    ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan noted that the United States is a highly commercial nation with considerable trading interests passing through the South China Sea .

  18. 荆州长江公路大桥北汊通航孔桥为主跨500m双塔双索面预应力混凝土斜拉桥,其主梁为肋板形式,结构的非线性影响使结构分析较复杂。

    Jingzhou Changjiang River Highway Bridge is a double cable plane double pylons prestressed concrete cable stayed bridge with the main span of 500 m. The main girder is rid plate girder . The structure analysis is complicated for its structure nonlinear influence .

  19. 随后从现有的水上交通安全状况来切入,以近几年上海港的船舶交通事故统计分析为基础,应用PHA方法研究游艇发展的水域通航环境,分析了上海港交通环境的潜在风险;

    Beginning with the existing maritime traffic safety situation , it studies the navigable environment adaptive to yacht development by PHA at the basis of the statistic analysis of maritime incidents during the last years and then analyses the potential risks in marine environment in Shanghai Port .

  20. 南水北调东线工程实施后,京杭运河的正常水位比设计最高通航水位还高0.5m,对船闸的运行管理和船只通航带来一定影响。

    For the influence of South-to-North Water Diversion Project to Yangzhou ship locks , the design maximum water level is higher than the normal water level of the Grand Canal , the high water head affects its ' operation , management and navigation .

  21. 当人工深水航道工程超过引航员视觉极限距离(10km)时,由于被引航船舶的超大型及能见度不良的天气多次出现,按传统方法引航已无法保障船舶在狭窄水道中安全通航。

    When artificial deep water channel engineering exceeds the limited distance of pilot 's vision ( 10 km ), the piloting with traditional method can not ensure navigational safety in narrow waterway for very large ships or in the case of bad weather of low visibility .

  22. 组织代表船型进行实船试验,形成了连续调度快速安全的调度工艺,取得了在139m水位条件下,三峡船闸下行通航效率提高15%的效果。

    Carrying out full scale ship test by organizing representative type of ship to form quick and safe dispatching technique characterized by continuous dispatch and achieve the improvement by 15 % of downbound navigation efficiency at 139 m water level .

  23. 北水南调工程输水渠道不通航方案合理性分析

    Rationality of conveyance channel unnavigable scheme at North-to-South water transfer project

  24. 通航河流中桥梁选址应注意的一些问题

    Several Problems in Consideration to Selecting Bridge Address on Navigable River

  25. 多机并行处理技术在船舶通航电子模拟器中的应用

    Applications of Multicomputer Parallel Processing in Electric Simulator for Ship Navigation

  26. 目标的检测和跟踪在通航船模试验中的应用

    Application of Object Detection and Tracking in Navigable Ship Model Test

  27. 船舶进出宁波港分道通航方案

    Implementation of Traffic Separation Scheme on Vessels Going at Ningbo Port

  28. 航道设计最低通航水位计算方法中的等价问题

    On Equivalence of Calculation Methods for Waterway Design Lowest Navigable Stage

  29. 通航建筑物引航道泥沙问题及其处理途径

    Sediment Deposition and Disposal in the Approach Channel of Navigable Construction

  30. 这两个城市间已有轮船通航。

    Steam navigation has been opened up between the two cities .