
  • 网络Encyclical
通谕 [tōng yù]
  • [encyclical] (如由主教或高级教会机构发出的)关于处理一个重大的或当时认为是严重的事件的广为传布的文件;特指由教皇发出的这种通谕

  1. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的关于气候变化和自然的通谕,看来将成为其教皇任期内具有代表性的声明之一。

    Pope Francis 's forthcoming encyclical on climate change and nature looks set to be one of the defining statements of his pontificate .

  2. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁大幅减少碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的经济大国。

    Pope Francis will call for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions and lash out against economic powers that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .

  3. 联合国基金会(UnitedNationsFoundation)副主席蒂莫西·维尔特(TimothyWirth)表示,在制定气候变化政策上,这份通谕给这些国家的政治和经济领导人提供了很多由头。

    It gives a lot of cover to political and economic leaders in those countries , as they make decisions on climate change policy , said Timothy Wirth , vice chairman of the United Nations Foundation .

  4. (上图为一名修女在梵蒂冈阅读教皇方济各的《赞美你》(LaudatoSi)通谕)我并非一名学习神学的学生,因此不能宣称理解天主教会科学教义的细枝末节。

    I am not a student of theology and therefore do not claim to understand the subtleties of the Catholic Church 's teaching on science .

  5. 方济各是第一位来自发展中世界的教皇,他用题为LaudatoSi(赞美你)的通谕来突出气候变化所带来的危机。

    Francis , the first pope from the developing world , used the encyclical titled Laudato Si ', or Praise Be to You to highlight the crisis posed by climate change .

  6. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁“大幅减少”碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的“经济大国”。

    Pope Francis will call for a " drastic reduction " in carbon emissions and lash out against " economic powers " that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .

  7. 八国集团(G8)峰会前夕,本笃十六世(PopeBenedictXVI)发布了教皇通谕,告诫:现代人有时错误地深信,他是自己、自己的人生以及社会的唯一创作者。

    Buried deep in the Encyclical Letter issued on the eve of the G8 Summit , Pope Benedict XVI warns : Sometimes modern man is wrongly convinced that he is the sole author of himself , his life and society .

  8. 对于教皇方济各发表的题为《赞美你》(LaudatoSi)的通谕,令人震惊之处不在于它被提前泄露,甚至也不在于它支持的观点,即大部分温室气体排放是人类活动的结果。

    The shocking thing about the papal encyclical Laudate Si is not that it was leaked in advance nor even that it embraces the idea that most emissions of greenhouse gases are the result of human activity .

  9. 方济各是第一位来自发展中世界的教皇,他用题为“LaudatoSi”(赞美你)的通谕来突出气候变化所带来的危机。

    Francis , the first pope from the developing world , used the encyclical - titled " Laudato Si , " " or " Praise Be to You " - to highlight the crisis posed by climate change .

  10. 在周四即将发表的题为《赞美你》(LaudatoSi)的通谕中(部分内容已被提前泄露),教皇方济各阐明自己支持气候科学解决方法的立场。

    In " Laudato Si " ( Be Praised ) , to be published tomorrow but some of whose contents have been leaked in advance , the Pope has thrown his weight behind the nostrums of climate science .

  11. 梵蒂冈计划于周四发布这则通谕,但意大利杂志L’Espresso周一发布了一份192页的初稿文本。通谕是天主教会最高形式的教廷文书。

    The Vatican was due to publish the document - which counts as the highest form of papal teaching in the Catholic Church - on Thursday , but Italian magazine L'Espresso released a 192-page version on Monday .

  12. 教宗若望保禄二世,《信仰与理性》通谕1998。

    Pope John Paul II , Encyclical letter : Faith and Reason , 1998 .

  13. 教皇通谕对他们的努力没有帮助。

    The encyclical undermines their efforts .

  14. 教皇通谕是教皇写给天主教教职人员和俗世信徒的信,在人们眼中具有权威性。

    Encyclicals are letters to the clergy and laity of the church that are considered authoritative .

  15. 教皇通谕暗示,气候变化是发达国家消费过多的问题。

    The encyclical implies that climate change is a problem of the rich world consuming too much .

  16. 这是贯穿整篇通谕的批判科学的许多例证之一。

    This is one among many examples of a critique of science that runs through the whole document .

  17. 通谕的全文尚未发表,就已经引发了大量争论。

    Even before the full text has been published , it is already attracting a great deal of debate .

  18. 教皇方济各在这份通谕中引述甚广,部分原因是为强调他要传达的信息的普遍性。

    Francis tapped a wide variety of sources in his encyclical , partly to underscore the universality of his message .

  19. 此次泄漏事件导致人们猜测,梵蒂冈内部的方济各反对者希望通过破坏通谕公布来让他难堪。

    The breach led to speculation that opponents of Francis inside the Vatican wanted to embarrass him by undermining the release .

  20. 但如果你通读这则教皇通谕,就会发现其论据有一个瑕疵损害了整个文本的可信度。

    But if you read the encyclical there is a flaw in the argument that undermines the credibility of the whole text .

  21. 梵蒂冈在周四上午公布了通谕,让梵蒂冈官员愤怒的是,三天前一家意大利杂志就在网上发布了泄漏出来的草稿。

    The Vatican released the encyclical at noon on Thursday , three days after an Italian magazine posted a leaked draft online , to the fury of Vatican officials .

  22. 即便如此,世界各地的宗教人士、环保人士、科学家、高管和民选官员都对通谕的正式发布翘首以盼,并在之后安排了新闻发布会或发表了声明。

    Even so , religious figures , environmentalists , scientists , executives and elected officials around the world awaited the official release , and scheduled news conferences or issued statements afterward .

  23. 摘要1922年,罗马教会宗座代表刚恒毅来华,落实教廷《夫至大》通谕,并于1924年召开第一届教务会议。

    In1922 , gang heng-yi , a senior representative from Roman Catholic church , came to China for the imperial decree fuzhida and held , in1924 , the first conference of Chinese educational administration .