
  • 网络The Emperor Jones
  1. 惨遭欲望围困的灵魂&《麦克白》和《琼斯皇》主题评析

    Souls Besieged by Desires : A Thematic Survey on Macbeth and Emperor Jones

  2. 奥尼尔剧作《琼斯皇》的表现主义解读

    An Analytical Study of Expressionism in The Emperor Jones by Eugene O ' Neill

  3. 节奏的魅力&论鼓声在《琼斯皇》剧中的作用

    The Charm of Rhythm & The functions of the drum beating in The Emperor Jones

  4. 《琼斯皇》的神话体系

    Mythological System of the Emperor Jones

  5. 复杂多元博大精深&评奥尼尔的《琼斯皇》

    Complexity and Diversity ; Broadness and Profoundness : A Review of O Neill s The Emperor Jones ;

  6. 《琼斯皇》是奥尼尔现实主义戏剧和现代派戏剧的转折点,融表现主义、象征主义和现实主义戏剧美学思想为一体。

    The Emperor Jones is the turning point of Onear 's realist and modern dramas integrating expressionism impressionism and aesthetics of realist dramas .

  7. 第一部分是对奥尼尔及其成就的介绍,对奥尼尔及其戏剧研究尤其是《琼斯皇》研究的文献回顾以及本研究的目的及意义;

    The first part is an introduction to O'Neill : his achievements , critical responses to his plays as a whole and the play The Emperor Jones , the aim and significance of my study .

  8. 《麦克白》与《琼斯皇》作为不同时代的作品,其成功之处都在于对人物心里深刻细致的刻画,而这种刻画又使用了相近的艺术手法&人物心理的舞台外化。

    Being works of different times , Macbeth and Emperor Jones are successful in the vivid and profound description of characters ' mentality , and this description uses similar artistic method-showing characters ' mentality on the stage .

  9. 关于对奥尼尔表现主义戏剧的研究,评论界一般集中在《毛猿》和《琼斯皇》两部主要作品上,也只是就作品而论作品。

    When it comes to the studies of his expressionist dramas , the critics commonly focus their attention on the two main works , " The Emperor Jones " ( 1920 ) and " The Hairy Ape "( 1922 ), analysing them as they stand .