
  • 网络SALOME;Salom;Lou Salome;Salomé
  1. 莎乐美之吻:唯美主义、消费主义与中国启蒙现代性

    Salome 's Art of Dying Aestheticism , Consumerism and Chinese Modernity

  2. 《莎乐美》是施特劳斯最具争议性的作品,争议的焦点集中在对作品题材的价值判断上。

    Salome is the most disputed work of Richard Strauss .

  3. 王尔德的《莎乐美》及其圣经原型

    On Oscar Wilder 's Salome and Archetypes in the Bible

  4. 你写的关于莎乐美的故事很精彩。

    Profit , Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic .

  5. 莎乐美:你发过誓的,希律。

    Salome you have sworn an oath , herod .

  6. 七面纱下欲望主体的觉醒与重建&论莎乐美的反叛与超越

    The Desiring Subject 's Awakening and Re-construction : Salome 's Rebellion and Transgression

  7. 莎乐美:我要约翰的头。

    Salome I demand the head of iokanaan .

  8. 莎乐美要他死亡的证据。

    Salome wanted proof that he was dead .

  9. 王尔德悲剧《莎乐美》中的月亮神话

    Moon Myth in Oscar Wilde 's Salome

  10. 论《莎乐美》极致的感官美

    On the Sensuous Beauty of Salome

  11. 一朵美丽的恶之花:读王尔德的《莎乐美》

    A Beautiful " Flower of Evil ": A Critical Reading of Oscar Wilde s Salom é;

  12. 沙果树枝头的金苹果&论王尔德的戏剧《莎乐美》与《圣经》之关系

    A Golden Apple on a Crabapple Branch & A Study of the relation between Oscar Wilde 's Drama

  13. 在中国现代文学中,莎乐美成为一个反抗传统的启蒙主义艺术形象。

    Salome therefore assumed instead the primary role as a rebel and destroyer of tradition in modern Chinese literature .

  14. 莎乐美就是王尔德企图在戏剧中塑造的体现其艺术主张的唯美形象,但是她与此前的艺术形象已经有着本质的不同。

    As a figure to represent his aestheticism in drama , Salome is in nature different from the previous characters .

  15. 在五四呼唤戏剧改良的运动中,王尔德及其唯美主义戏剧的代表作《莎乐美》走上了中国现代戏剧舞台,并掀起了一股不小的唯美旋风。

    During the May 4th Literary Movement , Oscar Wilde and his masterpiece Salome stepped on the modern Chinese stage .

  16. 《莎乐美》之后,王尔德逐步转变成为现实主义的戏剧家,从此,他的艺术实践越来越关注社会、关注道德。

    After writing Salome , Wilde has become a realistic dramatist . His literary practice focuses more and more on society and morality .

  17. 法国画家莫洛的《莎乐美》,曾经影响过19世纪后期艺术世界的唯美主义。

    French artist Gustave Moreau 's painting ," Salome Dansant Devant Herode ", once influenced the aestheticism in the art circles in late19th century .

  18. 19世纪后半叶的一批作家、画家和音乐家,几乎是集体地改写了莎乐美的形象。

    In the latter half of the19 th century , the image of Salome was altered through the collective efforts of a group of writers , artists and musicians .

  19. 王尔德无法通过艺术的手段,把生活在道德现实中的莎乐美塑造成像道连那样的形象,因为他无法消除隐藏在莎乐美身上的道德特征,也无法割断她与道德环境的联系。

    Wilde is unable to create Salome as a character like Dorian , because Salome is a figure living in moral reality that cannot be morally hidden and removed .

  20. 《莎乐美》是爱尔兰剧作家及诗人奥斯卡。王尔德所创作的一部戏剧,该剧讲述了圣经中希律王之继女莎乐美的故事。

    Salome , a drama created by Irish playwright and poet Oscar Wilde , tells a story about Salome , the stepdaughter of Herod the Great in the Bible .

  21. 据路透社报道,周日,好莱坞资深影人阿尔•帕西诺在威尼斯电影节获特别奖,并展映了他的最新导演作品《王尔德的莎乐美》。

    Hollywood veteran Al Pacino was honored at the Venice film festival on Sunday with a special prize and the presentation of his latest directorial project " Wilde Salome ," Reuters reported .

  22. 《王尔德的莎乐美》部分是关于上演奥斯卡•王尔德话剧《莎乐美》的记录片,部分是探讨该作家,部分是电影版的《莎乐美》。

    " Wilde Salome " is part documentary about the staging of Oscar Wilde 's play " Salome ," part exploration of the author and part film version of " Salome " itself .

  23. 因此,论文从研究《莎乐美》文学原著入手,以社会状况、文艺思潮、作者等视角观察作品,力图全面地分析这部戏剧及歌剧产生的原因;

    For this reason , the dissertation studied the original literature work Salome , the status of society , thoughts of literati and the author , in order to study the background of the work .

  24. 别站起来,我的妻子,我的王后,那对你没有好处。她不跳舞我是不会进去的。跳啊,莎乐美,给我跳舞吧。

    Herod do not rise , my wife , my queen , it will avail thee nothing . I will not go within till she hath danced . dance , salome , dance for me .

  25. 当希律王恳求莎乐美跳舞时,他的一系列不自然的反复无常的独白令人难以捉摸,其独白中灵活使用了象征、明喻、暗喻及双关等手法。

    While his intention is to implore Salome to dance for him , Herod ends up delivering a capricious , repetitious and intensely self-conscious monologue . He leaps between symbols , similes , metaphors and occasional puns .

  26. 对月亮的不同描述也揭示了不同人物对莎乐美的不同欲望,及欲望所构建的各自不同的心态。

    Various descriptions of the moon reveal the various watchers ' desires for Salome up to a point . More specifically , however , the descriptions point to the way their desires construct their respective states of mind .