
cān zhào wù
  • object of reference
  1. 在文学领域,字是一些中国特色文学的基础,它与语言的关系还可以作为文学分期的参照物;

    In the field of literature , the character is a foundation of some characteristic literature of China , the relation between it and language can also be regarded as the object of reference with phased literature ;

  2. 利率是调节实际产出的最重要手段,因为所有金融资源的走向的基本参照物是利率。

    In view of the fact that it represents the basic object of reference in judging the trend of all financial resources , interest rate is always considered as the most important means for adjusting actual output .

  3. 提出一种新的摄像机标定方法,该方法基于2D共面参照物摄像机标定方法和相移技术。

    A novel calibration technique is proposed based on plane camera calibration technique and phase-shift technique .

  4. 另一组为参照物(B)组,其日粮中无机磷源饲料为分析纯的二水磷酸氢钙。

    The diets of group A was supplement with dicalcium phosphate made from inositol residue , while that of group B was supplemented with pure calcium phosphate .

  5. 方法:以麦角甾苷为参照物,用HPLC方法建立肉苁蓉甲醇提取物的指纹图谱。

    Methods : With acteoside as the reference substance , fingerprint chromatograph for methanol extraction of Cistanche deserticola were established by HPLC .

  6. 方法:以毛蕊花糖苷为参照物,采用梯度洗脱HPLC法。

    Methods : With acteoside as the reference substance , gradient elution HPLC method was applied to establish fingerprint chromatography of Cistanche deserticola .

  7. 建立了265nm知母HPLC指纹图谱,以芒果苷峰作参照物,确定21个共有指纹峰。

    The HPLC-FPs of Rhizoma anemarrhenae were established with 21 common peaks under 265 nm and the peak of Mangiferin was selected as the reference peak .

  8. 以国外的先进泥泵实体为参照物,应用反求设计的方法,在MASTERCAM平台上建立了泥泵叶轮的三维模型,为实际设计叶轮提供了直观的参考;

    With the reference of foreign advanced pump , by using thought way of Reverse design , a virtual 3-dimension model is constructed supported by Master CAM , this model gives an intuitionist consult ;

  9. 并以GPA作为标准参照物与氯化硝基四氯唑蓝(NBT)反应,用以测定糖化血清蛋白。

    GPA can also be used as a standard reference material to react with Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride ( NBT ) in order to measure the glycosylated serum protein .

  10. 结论:以关节突为参照物,通过术前CT测定椎弓根进钉点及TSA指导术中置钉操作,有简便、直观及可靠的优点。

    Conclusions : The way of guiding the operation of pedicle screw entrance by the pedicle screw entrance point and TSA which were determined by CT and taking the joint protrusion as the reference is simple , intuitionistic and reliable .

  11. 至于GIX动力性好与不好只是说话者参照物不同罢了。

    The GIX is good or bad dynamic speaker reference a different .

  12. 在有固定参照物的情况下,只需要一个PPLI定位信息就可以实现平台的协同定位。

    With a referenced fixity , cooperative localization can be achieved by only a piece of PPLI information .

  13. TCDD在这个家族中毒性最强,被用作参照物,所有其它二恶英均根据实验研究确定相对于TCDD的毒性。

    TCDD , the most toxic member of the family , is used as reference compound , and all other dioxins are assigned a toxic potency relative to TCDD , based on experimental studies .

  14. 呃,我需要找个数据确切的参照物。

    Uh , I 'm going to need one known measurement .

  15. 一个比较好的参照物是“星球大战”里的建筑。

    A good reference is Coruscant in " Star Wars " .

  16. 一种图像测量中标定参照物的快速定位方法

    A Fast Locating Method of Reference Template for Image Measurement

  17. 发光细菌毒性测试条件的优化与毒性参照物的应用

    Optimization of Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test and Application of Toxicity Reference Substance

  18. 掌握另一门语言会给你提供一个很好参照物。

    Knowing another language gives you a great measuring stick .

  19. 钟表的参照物只能是另一只钟表很有意思

    The objective referent of clock is another clock . How very interesting .

  20. 翻译中分析的对象与分析的参照物

    The object of analysis and the object of reference for analysis in translation

  21. 如果你仔细观察,你会发现:通常我们并没有指明参照物是什么。

    If you 've noticed , though , often a reference isn 't specified .

  22. 没有别的参照物直到认识其他孩子

    We had nothing else to go on , until we met other children .

  23. 以对照品为参照物,对其他色谱峰的相对保留时间和相对峰面积进行计算,作为技术参数评价中间体的质量。

    The relative time and relative area were calculated to the peak of standard material .

  24. 他们用的参照物是照片。

    That 's comparing people with photographs .

  25. 我有个参照物。

    I have a frame of reference .

  26. 外加参照物不应参加中药指纹图谱相似度计算

    Extra reference substance should not be participated in calculation of chromatographic fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine

  27. 哆啦A梦在日本依然非常受欢迎,它是几代人都能够一眼认出的文化参照物。

    Doraemon remains enormously popular in Japan , serving as an instantly recognisable cultural reference across generations .

  28. 方法:摄X线检查时,通过测量参照物的X线放大率来估计牙槽骨的X线放大率。

    Methods : X ray magnifying power of alveolar was estimated by measuring the power of a reference .

  29. 而就是流体智力可是记忆能力、思考速度以及解决具体问题能力等方面很好的参照物。

    which are better indicators of memory capacity , thinking speed and the ability to solve abstract problems .

  30. 然后,选取典型性最大的地名作为参照物,根据参照物与目标物之间的空间关系得出采用自然语言描述的查询结果。

    Get the query result described by natural language based on the spatial relationship between the target and reference .