
cān sài zhě
  • contestant;competitor;entrant
  1. 她打败了我和另一个参赛者,最后赢得了奖品。

    She beat me and another contestant and finally won the prize .

  2. 公司将为每个参赛者免费提供一张票。

    The company will furnish each contestant with a free ticket .

  3. 我还得看所有参赛者的实地比赛。

    I 've yet to see all the players in action .

  4. 裁判无法把两位参赛者分出高下。

    The judges found it impossible to separate the two contestants .

  5. 这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的500多名参赛者。

    The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries .

  6. 28名参赛者中,只有8人跑完了全程。

    Only 8 of the 28 starters completed the course .

  7. 参赛者按年龄和能力分组。

    Contestants were grouped according to age and ability .

  8. 如果有参赛者退出,我们可以用他作为替补。

    We can use him as a backup if one of the other players drops out .

  9. 她是除了理查德·米德之外唯一的英国参赛者。

    She was the only British competitor apart from Richard Meade .

  10. 10名参赛者中有4名被淘汰或自行退出了。

    Of the 10 starters , four were eliminated or retired .

  11. 参赛者不得不应付狂风肆虐的天气条件。

    The competitors had to contend with squally weather conditions .

  12. 参赛者将要接受随机药检。

    The competitors will be subject to random drug testing .

  13. 有16名参赛者已经请了律师,正在起诉主办方。

    Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers

  14. 所有参赛者必须保证其参赛作品完全是自己创作的。

    All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work

  15. 优胜者较其他参赛者快两分钟。

    The leaders came in two minutes clear of the field

  16. 一名39岁的马拉松参赛者跑到一半时瘫倒在地,没过多久就死了。

    A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon and died shortly afterwards .

  17. 国际规则规定了外国参赛者的人数。

    International rules stipulate the number of foreign entrants .

  18. 我们的竞赛吸引了大批参赛者。

    Our competition has attracted a huge entry .

  19. 参赛者将分成两个年龄段接受评判:5至10岁和11至14岁。

    Entrants will be judged in two age categories : 5-10 years and 11-14 years

  20. 如果我羞辱参赛者,就会搬起石头砸自己的脚。

    If I was to insult the contestants I would be shooting myself in the foot .

  21. 所有参赛者都一丝不挂地参加比赛。

    All contestants competed stark naked .

  22. 参赛者希望联合会每4年能对该项测试作出调整。

    There is a wish among competitors that the Federation should change the test every four years .

  23. 临时的普通参赛者无法与这种选手所掌握的知识和技巧相提并论。

    There is no comparison between the knowledge and skill of such a player and the ordinary casual participant .

  24. 我为第一天就已耗费相当大体力的参赛者感到非常惋惜。

    I feel very sorry for the competitors who have all worked themselves up to a very high pitch for this first day

  25. 当竞赛评委们难以达成一致的意见时,所有参赛者都在礼堂等着。

    While the contest judges were having a hard time reaching an agreement , all the contestants were waiting about in the hall .

  26. 你成为了第一个在亚洲出生的男子100米参赛者。

    You became the first Asian-born person in the men 's 100 meters .

  27. 威廉姆斯先生煮了每个参赛者的豆子,并挑选了五位经验丰富的村民担任评委。

    Mr.Williams cooked the beans from each competitor and chose five experienced villagers as judges .

  28. 比赛要求在短短20分钟内行驶4.25英里,参赛者经常觉得很困难。

    The race is four and a quarter miles in just 20 minutes and the competitors often face difficulties .

  29. 虽然参赛者不能扔自己的手机,但比赛组织者提供数百部手机以供选择。

    While competitors cannot throw their own phones , the competition organizers provide hundreds of mobiles to choose from .

  30. 每年都有成千上万名参赛者在伦敦马拉松赛上挥汗如雨。

    Thousands of people sweat it out at the London Marathon every year .