
biǎo shù
  • formulation;enunciate
表述 [biǎo shù]
  • (1) [formulation]∶叙述,说明

  • (2) 口述个人对某实际特征的观察结果

  • 一位外科医生表述了现在称之为阑尾炎的情况

  • (3) 传达一种观念、印象或对某些无形事物之性质及特色的了解

  • 现代艺术画是无法解释,甚至是无法表述的

  • (4) 详细说明

  • 曾旅游过世界上各主要国家,并表述了各个国家的情况

  • (5) [enunciate]∶确切地或有系统地阐明

  • 有系统地表述了一种唯物主义的宇宙学说

表述[biǎo shù]
  1. 这种表述比所提决议草案中的说法要弱很多。

    This is a far weaker formulation than is in the draft resolution which is being proposed .

  2. 一维格子自旋开链的Lax表述

    Lax pair formulation for one dimensional lattice spin open chains

  3. 编写操作说明时,表述清晰明白至为重要。

    When writing instructions , clarity of statement is the most important thing .

  4. 我赞同他说的,但我会以不同的方式表述。

    I agree with what he says , but I 'd have phrased it differently .

  5. 你的表述可能引起误解。

    Your statement is misleading .

  6. 他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。

    He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities .

  7. 新的中右翼政府经常以温和的语言表述其激进的目标。

    The new centre-right government 's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms

  8. 她为美国宪法的表述缚住了手脚。

    Her hands were tied by the way that the US constitution is structured .

  9. 对于欧洲人来说,法律是对基本文明行为准则的表述。

    For Europeans , the law is a statement of basic principles of civilised conduct

  10. 他们用提问的方式来表述它。

    They phrased it as a question .

  11. 我本可以把它表述得全然不同。

    I would have phrased it quite differently

  12. 总统因未能清晰表述对外交事务的整体构想而受到指责。

    The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs .

  13. 他要表述一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。

    He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component .

  14. 在谈判桌前,他慷慨陈词,不卑不亢地表述了我方的观点。

    In front of the negotiation table , his impassioned speech demonstrated our points in a way neither servile nor overbearing .

  15. 此次礼服设计团队成员贺阳教授说,“设计过程中需要考虑一个因素,制服应该以一种易于理解和识别的方式展示中国传统文化特征。我们需要在文化表述、礼仪和现代中国运动员精神之间取得平衡。”

    Professor He Yang , one of the designers behind the uniform , said that one of the considerations during the design process was that the uniform should display the traditional Chinese cultural character in an intelligible and the spirit of modern Chinese sportsmen , " said He .

  16. 采矿CAD中图元属性表述方法的研究

    Study on the Describing Methods of Graphic Attributes for Mining CAD

  17. 中国农牧交错带的计算、模拟和基于GIS的地理表述

    The Computation , the Simulation and the Geographic Description Based on GIS for the Chinese Ecotone between Farming and Animal Husbandry

  18. 因此测地坐标的点位表述不仅可用于DEM和GIS三维可视化,也可用于三维GIS建模以及空间度量和分析。

    Accordingly , it is concluded that geodesic coordinate system can be adopted in modelling , visualization and spatial analysis of GIS .

  19. 水相粘度和渗透率下降系数表述为交联剂浓度、聚合物浓度、pH值和成胶时间的函数。

    The aqueous relative permeability reduction factor and viscosity are functions of the polymer concentration , gel agent concentration , pH , and gel time .

  20. 磨牙症更常见的表述是teethgrinding,其症状表现为:一个人在睡觉时咬紧牙关或者磨牙。

    More commonly known as teeth grinding , sleep bruxism is when someone , while sleeping , is known to clench or grind their teeth together .

  21. 除了Web信息的表述,为了实现机器的自动处理,还需要对语义化的Web信息进行智能推理,即需要基于语义Web的推理引擎。

    Except representation web information , we also need intelligent process of these information , so that machine can process automatically , that is to say we need inference engine based on Semantic Web .

  22. 通过改变化学反应温度,制得了成分可表述为Fe82PxB18-x(2.4≤x≤10.1)的系列超细非晶合金微粒。

    A series of Fe-P-B ultrafine amorphous alloy power samples , which can be expressed approximately as Fe_82P_xB_18-x ( 2.4 ≤ x ≤ 10.1 ), have been chemically prepared .

  23. 重点解释了船舶推进力、船舶阻力、船舶操纵和船舶初稳性建模方法,并适当表述了PID控制算法的原理。

    The thesis primary interpreted the shipping propulsive force , shipping obstruction force , shipping manoeuvre and steady modeling especially , and interpreted the principle of PID control algorithm properly .

  24. 本文应用信息论中的Shannon公式表述了群体的基因型熵和表型熵。

    Genotypic entropy and phenotypic entropy of populations have been expressed by using Shannon 's formula in information theory .

  25. 为给出对Lyapunov指数谱及其对状态识别和故障诊断的整体表述,定义了Lyapunov指数谱熵,并基于该谱熵对该型航空发动机进行了状态识别和故障诊断。

    To perfectly describe the Lyapunov exponent spectrum and the capability for fault diagnosis and state recognition , the Lyapunov exponent spectrum entropy is defined .

  26. 文章着重以red,black,blue,green,white为例说明英语颜色词的表述及其引申义。

    This paper deals with the expressions of colors in English , the meanings and usage of the phrases related to color words , based on the examples of red , black , blue , green and white .

  27. 2激素能有效地抑制ICAM-1和TNF-α的表述,从而起到抗炎、防治哮喘的作用。

    Corticosteroids can effectively inhibit expression of ICAM 1 and TNF α, which play an action of anti inflammation and prevention and treatment of asthma .

  28. 在这方面,它关注服务提供和所需的操作、消息,和接口,一些您希望UML能够表述的内容。

    In this respect it is concerned with the operations , messages , and interfaces provided and required by a service , something you would reasonably expect UML to be able to express .

  29. 研究了非线性ROF系统的Volterra级数表述、最小均方和最小二乘两种确定Volterra级数核的自适应算法在非线性ROF系统建模中的应用。

    In this paper , the ROF system is described with Volterra series , and the adaptive algorithm LMS and RLS for identify Volterra kernel are studied .

  30. 通过理想材料零件CAD数据处理的算例,验证了本文中理想材料零件CAD模型及材料信息表述与处理方法完全可以为理想材料零件的数字化制造提供可靠的数据支持。

    Through an example of manufacturing-oriented IFMC CAD data processing , it is proved that the IFMC CAD model and the material information representation and process method proposed in this paper can provide a reliable data support for IFMC digital concurrent design and manufacturing .