
  • 网络Demand Management;requirement management;REQM
  1. RUP需求管理模型的研究及其实现

    Research on the Model of RUP Demand Management and Its Realization

  2. 在需求管理的后台定制中分配策略组到MRP组。

    Assign the strategy group in Customizing for Demand Management to the MRP group .

  3. RichText字段中保留了与其他需求管理工件的链接,以及Web链接。

    Links to other requirements management artifacts , as well as web links , are preserved in the Rich Text field .

  4. 在测试案例的适配器视图中,可单击其他需求管理工件和Web链接。

    From the adapter view of the test case , you can click to other requirements management artifacts , as well as web links .

  5. 在RUP中,需求管理需要通过协作完成。

    Requirements management , as in RUP , requires a collaborative effort .

  6. 从E调看大学而需求管理的关键又在于管住货币。

    On University from the Key of E The key to adjusting the general supply and demand is to control currency volume .

  7. 要创建已定义的需求管理流程,重要的是要定制RationalRequirementsComposer和RationalTeamConcert以满足您的需求。

    To establish the defined requirements management process , it is important to customize Rational Requirements Composer and Rational Team Concert to meet your needs .

  8. RationalDOORS需求管理方案提供了一种清晰的迁移路径,该路径可以帮助您轻松将Word文件迁移到RationalDOORS格式。

    The Rational DOORS requirements management solution offers a clear migration path that helps you easily transition from Word documents to the Rational DOORS approach .

  9. 因为来源于Rose用户的数据是有效的,所以,集成用例管理给需求管理人员提供了更准确、更及时的信息。

    Integrated Use Case Management provides requirements managers more accurate and timely information to work with because that information is available from the Rose users'fingertips .

  10. 需求管理是CMM中的首个关键过程域。

    The software requirement management ( SRM ) is the first key process area ( KPA ) in the CMM .

  11. 交通需求管理理论(TDM)是一种解决城市交通拥挤的有效理论。

    Transportation Demand Management ( TDM ) is an effective theory to solve urban traffic jam .

  12. 从需求管理和供应商关系管理入手,以满足EM公司的客户期望度为目标,对现有的流程和管理现状设计了改进方案。

    From the Demand Management and Supplier Relationship Management to improving EM company customer expectation as the goal to design the improve plan .

  13. 如果您是一个需求管理团队而不是一个人在管理流程,那么使用RationalTeamConcert中的相关工作项对您会非常有帮助。

    The use of a related work item in Rational Team Concert is very helpful if you have a requirements management team managing the process , not just a single person .

  14. 利用现有网络技术、CSCW技术,结合CMM思想,设计一个专用于需求管理的协同工具。

    Integrating current network and CSCW techniques with the thoughts of CMM , a special collaborative system for management is created .

  15. 这些属性需要由管理员或需求管理流程中的另一个项目负责人在ManageProjectProperties视图(参见图2)中创建,使得属性可以在筛选器中使用。

    These attributes need to be created within the Manage Project Properties view ( see Figure 2 ) by the administrator or another project lead in the requirements management process so the attributes can be used in the filters .

  16. 本文介绍了ER关系模型和多维数据模型的一些基本概念,着重介绍了需求管理的多维数据模型设计。

    Some basic concepts of E-R relation model and multi-dimension data model are introduced , and design of multi-dimension data model of demand management is described in detail .

  17. 追溯策略必须预先确定,并且应该编进需求管理计划(标准的RUP工作产品)。

    The traceability strategy must be defined up-front and should be documented in the Requirements Management Plan ( a standard RUP work product ) .

  18. 您将会了解到数据及其结构是如何迁移到DOORS方案的,帮助您发挥这一需求管理解决方案功能强大的需求管理能力。

    You will learn how the data and its structure are migrated to the DOORS solution , helping enable you to unleash the requirement solution 's powerful requirements management capabilities .

  19. 现在假设您的开发组织未使用需求管理工具,而且您希望根据RationalTeamConcert提供的Rational变更管理应用程序中计划的故事来计划您的测试案例。

    Assume now that your development organization is not using a requirements management tool , and you want to plan your test cases from the planned stories in your Rational change management application provided by Rational Team Concert .

  20. 需求管理和TOGAF

    Requirements management and TOGAF

  21. 需求管理KPA是CMM2级中的一个关键过程域,用来指导软件开发需求阶段的管理工作。

    Requirement Management KPA ( key process area ) guides the management of requirement phase .

  22. 而软件工程过程RUP采用面向对象的方法,在需求管理、分析设计、配置及变更管理等方面为开发人员提供准则和相应的管理工具。

    Software engineering process RUP adopts the orient-object method , and it provides appropriate rules and tools in demand management , analysis designing , configuration and changing management for users .

  23. RequisiteProQuickStart是价格固定的现货服务产品,用来使用RequisitePro部署需求管理到你的团队。

    The RequisitePro QuickStart is a fixed-price , off-the-shelf service product to deploy requirements management with RequisitePro to your team .

  24. 至于软件工程的社会效应方面,Scrum已被证实的过程模式可以即时地方便需求管理,变化控制以及项目管理提供。

    Addressing the social side of software engineering , Scrum 's proven process patterns can offer immediate benefit in requirements management , change control , and project management .

  25. soapUI的需求管理功能可以将测试用例和需求有机的结合起来,其中需求可以被直接键入或者导入。

    SoapUI 's requirements management capability connects Test Cases and Requirements which can be directly typed in or imported .

  26. 本文提出裁剪需求管理KPA适应课件开发的思路,说明需求管理的目标是基线化管理;

    This paper discusses tailoring the RM KPA to improve the requirement management of courseware . It brings forward that the requirements management 's aim is the baseline management .

  27. 一个完整的在云上的开发基础架构也需要在EC2实例上安装和设置一些需求管理、测试管理和执行的工具。

    A full development infrastructure on the cloud required also the installation and setup on EC2 instances of several tools for requirements management , test management and execution .

  28. 新的RationalRhapsodyContributor角色支持访问变更管理、报告自定义、规划、设计管理、软件配置管理、自动化(构建系统)、需求管理和测试管理功能。

    The new Rational Rhapsody Contributor role provides access to change management , report customization , planning , design management , software configuration management , automation ( build system ), requirements management , and test management capabilities .

  29. 论述了实施CMM需要的主要工具,包括软件开发过程框架、需求管理工具、面向对象的分析设计工具、配置管理工具、变更管理工具和软件测试工具。

    This paper presents main tools for implementing CMM , include software development process framework , requirement management tool , analysis & design tool , configure management tool , change management tool , and software test tool .

  30. 从其他提供商以服务形式租用软件的原理可以应用于缺陷跟踪、测试用例管理和需求管理(比如,通过HostedJIRA或PivotalTracker)。

    This same principle of renting software as a service from other providers can be leveraged for defect tracking , test-case management , and requirements management ( via Hosted JIRA or Pivotal Tracker , for example ) .