
  • 网络the demand structure;requirement structure;patterns of demand
  1. 本文就物业管理工作的业主需求结构进行了探讨,提出了实施以OSI为导向评价和改进物业管理工作的基本思路。

    In this paper , the authors analyze the owner demand structure of facility management and expatiate the idea of the operating steps of Owner Satisfaction Index Evaluation on facility management .

  2. 本文研究主要涉及以下几个方面:(1)基于Kano分类模型、模糊聚类分析理论和产品需求结构拓扑模型的理论基础,提出了需求层次分析理论模型和多维数据结构模型。

    This paper mainly covers the following aspects : ( 1 ) Based on the theories of Kano , fuzzy clustering analysis and Product demand structure topology model , the paper proposes demand level analysis model and multidimensional demand data structure model .

  3. 本文利用2003和2007年中国居民宏观统计数据,运用ELES模型对中产阶层的需求结构进行实证分析。

    This paper , According to the macroeconomic statistics data of Chinese residents in2003 and2007 , takes an empirical analysis on needing structure of the middle class with the help of ELES model .

  4. 消费者需求结构系统计量模型的演进及评价

    A Review and Evolution on Econometric Models of Consumption Demand System

  5. 第一,调整需求结构,增强消费拉动力。

    Firstly , adjust the demand structure and enhance consumption power .

  6. 我国城镇居民消费需求结构计量经济分析

    The econometric analyses of consumption structure of urban residents in China

  7. 居民体育旅游消费需求结构定量分析&兼与张贵敏先生商榷

    Quantitative Analysis on Demanding Structure of Sports Tourism Consumption for Citizens

  8. 武汉市居民家庭体育消费需求结构定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of family sports consumption need structure of residents in Wuhan

  9. 中国城镇居民需求结构变化及分析

    Change and Analysis of Chinese Urban Residents ' Demand Structure

  10. 饭店资源系统的需求结构分析。

    The demand structure analysis of hotel 's resources system .

  11. 2000年我国木材需求结构预测

    Forecast for Structural Demand of Timber in China in the Year 2000

  12. 发达国家具有比较高级的食物需求结构,发展中国家的食物需求结构也会追随发达国家所经历的轨迹。

    There is a more advanced framework of demanding food in developed countries .

  13. 二是因为消费需求结构在不断变化。

    The constant change of consumption and demand structure .

  14. 政府调控、住房需求结构与住房价格:一个动态模型

    Government Regulation , House Demand Structure and House Price : A Dynamic Model

  15. 山东省三次产业就业需求结构分析与预测研究

    The Labor Demand Structure Analysis and Forecast of the Three Industries in Shandong

  16. 不过,如今和当年的一个关键区别在于市场的需求结构。

    One key difference , however , lies in the structure of demand .

  17. 广东需求结构分析

    Analyses on the Structures of Demands in Guangdong

  18. 二是需求结构变化明显,消费质量不断提高;

    Secondly , the demand structure is changed obviously , consumption quality improves constantly ;

  19. 技术创新刺激需求结构发生变化,从而使产业结构发生变化。

    Technical innovation stimulates demand structure to change , and so changes industrial structure .

  20. 决定产业结构演进的本质变量主要有三:需求结构、相对成本和国际贸易。

    It has three essential determinants : demand structure , relative cost and international trade .

  21. 中小企业融资需求结构分析及相应的对策研究

    A Study on the Structure of Financing Demand of Small and Medium Enterprises and the Counter-measures

  22. 浅析全球金融危机下大学生就业的观念之争与就业需求结构之困

    The Employment Concept of University Graduates and the Struggle with Structure Under the Global Financial Crisis

  23. 而在经济结构中,工业结构特别是产业结构和技术结构与劳动力的需求结构、教育结构之间的相互制约关系最为密切。

    In particular , industrial and technological structures of the economy are strongly interdependent with educational structure .

  24. 铅主要用于制造电池,近年来其需求结构也已得到改善。

    Lead is mainly used in batteries and has enjoyed a structural improvement in demand in recent years .

  25. 为此,本文根据运用主成分分析法分析了港口相关物流企业的信息需求结构,并根据信息需求结构设计了信息整合平台的功能结构。

    Therefore , the information need of logistics enterprises is analyzed by the way of principal component analysis .

  26. 首先,结合企业的生命周期,分析了企业各阶段教育培训投资的需求结构规律。

    Firstly , it analyses law of demand structure of education and training investment concerning with enterprises life cycle .

  27. 目前,中国社会需求结构和消费结构正在发生深刻的变化。

    Analysis on Need and Supply of Iron Ore in China Nowadays , the supply and need structure changes rapidly .

  28. 当前,国际劳务市场需求结构发生变化,对高技能劳务人才提出了新的要求。

    Nowadays , the demand structure of international labor market has changed , which bring new demand for high skilled talents .

  29. 分析了取消纺织品配额后,纺织企业面临的人才需求结构的重大变化。

    In this paper are analyzed the significant changes in personnel demand structure that textile enterprises face with after quota removal .

  30. 审计基本目标是确定我国审计人才总体需求结构和审计人才个体知识能力结构的依据。

    The basic objective of auditing decides the overall demand of auditing talents in China and auditor 's individual knowledge structure .