
  1. 基于混合互补问题等价的非光滑方程组,提出了求解混合互补问题的一个LG算法,并在不需要严格互补条件成立的条件下证明了算法的全局收敛性。

    This paper presents a Lagrangian globalization algorithm denoted by LG algorithm for solving the mixed complementarity problem based on its equivalent system of nonsmooth equations .

  2. 事实上,此类项目需要大量互补性服务和支持。

    In fact , these programs need plenty of complementary services and support .

  3. 在不需要严格互补条件的较弱假设下,算法是整体和超线性收敛的。

    Under some weaker assumptions , without strict complementary condition , the algorithm is globally and superlinearly convergent .

  4. 详细分析和论证两个模型的局部超线性收敛性及二次收敛性条件,其中并不需要严格互补条件。

    The local superlinear and quadratic convergence of this two models under some mild conditions without the strict complementary condition are analysed and proved .

  5. 在这种情况下,公司之间进行合作,互相提供对方需要的互补型的资源和能力便成为一种合理的选择。公司与公司之间通过不断地合作形成各种经济利益上相联系的战略网络。

    In consequence , it has become a reasonable choice to cooperate between firms and other social actors , provide the resources and capabilities that the other party needs , and gradually create the increasingly strategic network in which various economic benefits linked closely .

  6. 企业需要寻求有互补优势的技术创新合作伙伴,以期保持其持久的竞争优势。

    Enterprises need to seek the cooperation innovation partners complementary advantage , in order to maintain its sustainable competitive advantage .

  7. 西部开发是国家经济发展的重要政策,需要东西部互补,共同发展。

    China western development is the key policy to the economy development in China , which requires the mutually benefit between the east and the west .

  8. 但除非你们相互信任,否则你就无法成其为一个团队,他补充称,要建立一个成功的团队,你需要一个互补型的人才组合。

    But you can 't have a team unless you also have mutual trust , he adds . And you need a complementary mix of talent to build a successful team .

  9. 该结构仅由需要一对互补的单负材料构成,与背景媒质和被隐身的物体无关,只要求每层材料的厚度远低于入射声波的波长。

    The proposed structure only requires a pair of complementary materials which are independent with the parameters of background medium as well as the cloaked object . The only need of the scheme is the thickness of each layer should be much smaller than the wavelength of incident wave .

  10. 基于不同机理采集到的多种模态的医学图像,从不同方面提供了人体内部组织的信息,现代医学常常需要将其中的互补信息有机结合起来进行分析,以提高诊断和治疗水平。

    Modern medicine usually requires integrating the complementary information contained in multimodal images in order to improve the diagnosis and therapy level .

  11. 一是通过分析政党的优势及其内在局限性,说明政党需要民间组织的互补。

    First , by analyzing the advantage and internality of political party , it explains that the political party needs the complement of the NGO .

  12. 评价风光互补发电系统主要部件的实际运行性能,判断风光互补发电系统是否达到设计要求,需要实时测试风光互补发电系统的各项参数。

    It is important to test the parameters of the hybrid wind / photovoltaic power generation system for evaluating the actual operating performance of the system and determine whether the system meet the design requirements .

  13. 另一方面,王安忆的人文价值体系涵盖了世俗关怀和终极关怀两种价值需要,它们是互补统一的。

    On the other hand , Wang An'yi 's humanistic value system involves two types of values , that is , the secular concern and the ultimate concern , which complement each other , forming an organic whole .