
  • 网络change in demand;Shift of the Demand Curve;A Demand Shift
  1. 其次分析了货币需求的变动。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the changes in money demand .

  2. 当市场不能立即出清,存在名义粘性时,总需求的变动引起产出的调整。

    If not , the change of aggregate demand wouldn 't affect the output .

  3. 第二环节是总需求的变动是否引起产出的变动。

    The second link is whether the change of aggregate demand would cause the change of the output .

  4. 而且,根据用户需求的变动,日后能方便地加以扩充和更改。

    Furthermore , according to the change of users ' needing , it can be extended and changed easily .

  5. 这表明,我国供给能力的显著提高,使得需求的变动带来的通货膨胀压力减小。

    This shows that the supply ability increases a lot , thus , the change of aggregate demand will has little pressure on inflation .

  6. 新古典经济学认为,在劳动力市场上企业按照工人的边际劳动产品支付工资,随着产品市场需求的变动频繁地增减对劳动力的雇佣数量。

    In the neoclassical economic analysis , enterprises pay their workers the wages equal to the marginal revenue products , raising and lowering the employment levels frequently as shifting demand for the products .

  7. 通过分析,我们认为,中美两国消费需求的变动也是推动中美农产品贸易发展的一个重要动因。

    Through the analysis , we think the change of consumption demands of China and the United States is an important reason of promoting the development of the trade of Sino-America agricultural products too .

  8. 模拟表明,生产外包的期权价值和产品市场价格的变动率、市场需求的变动率及外包成本的变动率是正相关的,而与自制成本的变动率是负相关的。

    The results show that the options value of production outsourcing correlates with volatility of product price , volatility of market demand , volatility of outsourcing cost positively , but with volatility of self-manufacturing cost negatively .

  9. 在供应链整体利益得到改善,而其中一方利益下降的情况下,考虑需求的变动性,引入价格折扣机制来实现利润间的重新分配。

    When the benefits of the whole system are improved but the benefit of one of them is declined , price discounts are used to redistribute the profit among vendors and retailers under the changeable final demand .

  10. 当市场需求的变动率增加、价格的不确定性增加、或者外包成本的不确定性增加,或者自制成本的变动率降低,生产外包就越有利。

    When the volatility of product price , or the uncertainty of market demand , or the uncertainty of outsourcing cost increases , or the uncertainty of manufacturing-in-house decreases , it will be more valuable to outsource the products .

  11. 参考价格效应是指由于商品市场价格与消费者感知基准(也就是参考价格)的不同而引起的消费者感知失去或者得到而引起的需求的变动。

    The reference price effect refers to the demand deviations caused by consumers ' perceived losses or gains when the current market price of a product differs from the cognitive benchmark ( known as the reference price ) formed by customers on the basis of past prices .

  12. 美日居民消费需求结构的变动

    Changes of Resident Consumption Demand Structures in American and Japan

  13. 论转型中需求结构的变动趋势

    Discussion on the movement of demand pattern in transition

  14. 除了价格之外,任何一种决定需求的因素变动时,需求曲线移动。

    When people change how much they wish to buy at each price , the demand curve shifts .

  15. 较大的分类用户,如电力、工业与化工用户等,其市场与价格变动趋势也将相应影响天然气需求价格的变动趋势。

    The market and price fluctuation trend from electric power and chemical industries will also influence natural gas demand price fluctuation trend in return .

  16. 同样,任何一种在每一价格时减少需求量的变动都会使需求曲线向左移动。

    Alternatively , if buyers decrease the quantity demanded at each price , the demand curve shifts left which is called a decrease in demand .

  17. 汇率是外汇市场上的价格,外汇市场上的供给与需求流量的变动对它有着直接的影响。

    Exchange rate is the price in the foreign exchange market . The flow of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market affects exchange rate directly .

  18. 这不仅会让人感到困惑,而且还会影响到对“需求量的变动”和“需求的变动”概念的理解。

    It may not only be confusing , but also has some impact on the understanding of " shift of quantity demanded " and " shift of demand " .

  19. 其原因有很多方面,工期的限制,软件可扩展性,需求的随时变动等都会为软件的完成增加难度。

    There are many reasons : due to time constraints , the scalability of software and changing needs at any time will increase the difficulty for the completion of the software .

  20. 改革以来我国投资需求的实际变动过程与钱纳里标准结构相比,显示出很大的差异性,突出表现为投资率显著偏高、投资规模过大。

    Compared with " Chenery Standard Structure ", the actual evolution process of investment demand since China 's reform and opening up shows great diversity . The prominent phenomenon is that the ratio of investment is too high and that scale of investment is too large .

  21. 讨论了当空间需求的相关系数变动时,安全库存的成本是如何变化的。

    It discusses how the cost of safe stock changes with the correlation coefficient of space requirement .

  22. 老年人口在地域分布及需求结构上的变动与原有的公共服务供给产生了一定的结构性矛盾。

    The changes in regional distribution and demands of the aging face a structural contradiction with the former supply system of public services .

  23. 房价对地价的影响主要是通过房产需求和供给的变动影响房价,并进而影响地价。

    The effects of housing prices to land prices mainly through real estate demand and supply effects of changes in prices , thus affecting land prices .

  24. 因此,人口老龄化间接导致了医疗消费需求及其结构的变动,这必将使得青岛市在较短的时期内出现一个巨大的老年医疗需求群体。

    The change of the consumer demand and structure of health care were brought by population aging indirectly , and the huge medical needs of elderly population occurred in a short time .

  25. 首先,从河北省劳动力供求现状出发,分析了河北省劳动力总体规模、质量和结构在供给和需求两方面的变动情况;

    First of all , proceeding from the current situation of supply and demand of labor force in Hebei , the text analyzed the alteration of supply and demand on total amount , quality and structure .

  26. 供给能力的相对固定,需求的周期性变动,这些因素使得服务业要实现供需平衡远比制造业困难。

    The supplying ability of service industry is relatively fixed , and the demand changes periodically at the same time . It is more difficult for service companies to find the balance point between supply and demand compared with manufacture companies .

  27. 这些偏好和收入制约了数量的需求怎样对价格的变动作出反应。

    These tastes and incomes constrain how the quantity demand will react to changes in price .

  28. 国内外产品的购买过程引起国内外货币需求的相应流动,汇率是两国货币互换的比率,汇率变动随货币需求的改变而变动。

    The consumption of both domestic and foreign products causes an adjustment in demands of local and foreign currencies and thus leads to the change of exchange rate as exchange rate means the ratio to exchange currencies between two countries .

  29. 产业结构与人才需求结构存在着相互依存的关系,产业结构和技术结构的变动引发人才需求结构的变动,这就要求人才的供给结构要做相应的调整。

    The interdependent relation exists in industrial structure and demand structure for talents , the changes of industrial structure and technological structure cause the change of the demand structure of talent , which requires supply structure of talents to make corresponding adjustment .

  30. 最后,对河北省饲草供给与需求的影响因素进行分析,指出这些因素共同综合地影响和决定着饲草供给与需求的变动和饲草产业结构的变动及发展。

    Finally , it analyzed the influencing factors of forage grass supplies and demands in Hebei province , pointed out that these factors comprehensively affected and determine the forage grass supplies and the demands changes and the forage industry structure changes and development .