- polluter-pays principle

Polluter pays principle and its extensions are the basic principles reflecting the making of environmental policies in the incentive theory .
First , according to the Polluter Pays Priciple , imposing carbon tax on high-carbon products is consistent with environment protection requirement .
As to its essence , there are several kinds of theories , in which doctrine of economic compensation seems most scientific and reasonable .
These theories laid a foundation for the earlier environmental economists to conduct theoretical analysis , that is , to bring forward the polluters pay principle .
The externality theory is the base of environmental economics , it establish the " Polluters Pay Principle " system as the basic principle of the environmental economic policies .
The thought of EPR is applied to waste management widely , it receives the cleaner production tenet , follow the " polluter pay " principle , extend producer responsibility in the whole life cycle flow , especially the abandoned stage .
In the Chapter of party that is liable , it elaborates the right of equal access and non ‐ discrimination rule , and compares and concludes liabilities of the operator and the state with reference to legal texts and state practice .
During 1970 ~ 1980s , the developed countries realized the limit of command-control instruments and began to use economic instruments to deal with environmental problems . The environmental fee is one of the important economic instruments based on the " polluter pays principle " .
Countries should be assessed according to their greenhouse gas emissions , on the " polluter pays " principle .
Pollution-product tax is also a kind of product tax based on stimulating environment tax ; impose tax on product which may bring pollution .
Direct pollution tax is based on stimulating environment taxes conforming to the polluter-pays principle , only the polluters are levied .