
  1. 营运机动车排气污染的经济学研究

    Economic study on exhaust pollution of operational motor vehicles

  2. 外部性与农药污染的经济学分析

    Externalities Theory and the Economics Analysis of Pesticide Pollution

  3. 环境污染的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis of the Pollution of Environment

  4. 网络信息污染的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Network Information Pollution

  5. 污染问题属于经济学中市场失灵的外部性问题。

    The pollution problem is an external diseconomy alone to market failure .

  6. 畜禽养殖污染的环境经济学分析

    Analysis of Environmental Economics on the Pollution from Livestock and Poultry Breeding

  7. 试析我国开征包装污染税的经济学意义

    On the Economical Meaning of Taxation of Packaging Contamination

  8. 通过对污染税的经济学分析可以看出其较强的治理效果。

    Economic analysis displays its effectiveness in tackling pollution .

  9. 水污染问题的经济学分析及其对策探讨

    Economics Analysis and Solution to Problems of Water Pollution

  10. 对污染税的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Pollution Tax

  11. 第二,对农业污染产生的经济学根源进行理论分析,并从农业部门、政府政策和宏观社会经济发展层面对我国农业污染产生和加剧的具体原因进行了分析。

    Secondly , the economics reason of agricultural pollution aggravates is analyzed , furthermore , particular reasons of agricultural pollution aggravate from angles of agricultural sector , government policy and socio-economic development are analyzed .

  12. 第二章是关于农业面源污染产生的经济学理论分析,包括农业环境污染问题的库兹涅茨曲线分析、农业面源污染的失灵根源、环境经济手段的具体应用和外部性理论。

    Chapter 2 introduced the economic theories about agricultural non-point pollution source , including EKC analysis , the failure root of agricultural non-point pollution , the specific application of environment economic instruments and externality theory .

  13. 环境污染及治理的经济学分析

    An Analysis of the Economics in Environment Pollution and Countermeasure

  14. 主要包括环境保护的一般理论、环境污染产生的微观经济学和宏观经济学理论以及消除外部性、实现可持续发展的途径。

    It mainly includes the general theories of environmental protection , the microeconomic and macroeconomic theories of the causes of environmental pollution and the ways of the correcting externality and realizing of the sustainable development .

  15. 作者首先在理论上提出一般水污染经济损失计量概念性框架,包括水污染经济损失经济学含义及其分项设置、损失计算的数学处理方法;

    The conceptual frame of water pollution induced economic loss is proposed theoretically . It includes the connotation of water pollution induced economic loss , fractions of loss and mathematical method for loss calculation .

  16. 基于工业水污染与工业活动的规模和结构紧密相关的事实,通过分析城市工业水污染经济学特征,依据环境经济学原理,建立城市工业水污染物排放模型。

    Based on the fact that industrial pollution is close relationship to the scale and structure of production activities , the model of water pollutant discharge has been built by analyzing economic characters of urban industrial water using environmental economics and econometrics .

  17. 我国东、中、西部主要湖泊流域的农业污染都非常严重,且呈现持续增加的态势,对湖泊水体的威胁日益加剧。第二,农业污染产生的经济学根源是市场失灵和政府失灵。

    Increasing agricultural pollution has a strong impact on water quality in key lakes basin of the east , middle , west China . Secondly , market failure and government failure is economics reason of agricultural pollution aggravates .