- representation;presentation;idea;semblance

[idea] 通过感知而形成的感性形象
With a unitary transformation , the Schrodinger equation is transformed into the standard Mathieu equation in the generalized momentum presentation . The energy spectrum and the wave functions of the system are obtained .
Calculation of the first ionization potential of atoms in coupling presentation
Underneath this image of normalcy , addiction threatened to rip this family apart .
Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content .
In a series of several experiments , the researchers illustrated just how much we 've come to admire busyness , or at least the appearance of it .
Several Issues on the Application of Social Representation Theory in Tourism Research
Templates are supposed to contain only presentational code , so keep as little PHP code in them as possible .
In chapter three , we discuss the problems of Bell measurement and squeeze-swapping in terms of the entangled state representation .
New Outlook on Dirac 's Representation Theory
The ground-state properties of spin-1 / 2 quantum XY model are studied by the bond-operator mean-field approach .
24 varsity swimmers were divided into group A ( swimming flume and image training ), B ( only image training ), and C ( control group ) to carry out a 4-week training at 3 times a week .
The results show that the Cooper pair number-phase-difference quantization scheme is also available for Josephson junction after introducing the entangled state representation .
Express in self representation about the orbit angular momentum Operator , eigenvector of p electron in hydrogen atom and transformation each other about mechanics quantity representation have been discussed with the theory of representation . We have got succinct practical express form .
In1990s based on the eigenfunction method of representation theory of groups , a new method , the symmetrized boson representation ( SBR ) method , was brought forward .
Galton studied the role of representation in memory through the memories of their own experience .
The LS coupling representation of electron - ion system is used , the exchange effect is taken into account and the angular factors of collision matrix elements are treated in detail .
From , it is known that Lyra geometry representation of metric defect has specific superiority .
A four_level atomic system is employed in which three transitions are in N configuration and the middle transition is used as a probe transition . In the dressed states representation the probe transition is split into four transitions that are coupled to each other .
The former put the different activity records representing the same web entity activity together and works for the truth discovery , which can find the truth value from the different records and create a complete and accurate record by solving the data conflict and replenishing the missing data .
The crux of unhealthy appearance in the management of human resources can be grasped and solved reasonably by using the theory of constraints making enterprises get benefits from the development of management of human resources .
In chapter one , we briefly review the related concepts of quantum entanglement and use the technique of the integration within an ordered product to prove that the EPR state of continuum variables is a quan-tum representation .
The modified discrete variable representation for three-dimension ( DVR3D ) method was applied to the determination of the vibrational energy levels of the fundamental electronic state of H_2S and H_2O .
The Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable under Dirac-Pauli Representation and Its Application in Fluid Dynamics ( I )
In Heisenberg picture the difference from the earlier multiple-scale perturbation solution is that the commutation relation of coordinate and momentum operator is naturally simplified and it is very convenient to get classical result from quantum one in limit condition .
When pump depletion is considered , the analytical solution of Fokker-Planck equation of the nonlinear time-dependent degenerate optical parametric amplification ( DOPA ) in the P representation for generation of squeezed light is calculated . And then , the quantum fluctuation near or far away from threshold is evaluated .
Based on the technique of integration within an ordered product ( IWOP ) of operators and the quantum entangled state representation we develop the quantum phase space theory .
Joint Representation Theory and Matrix Formula of Optical Fractional Fourier Transform
An Experimental Research on Presentational Training in the Teaching of Taiji
Transfer Function from Light Field Coherent States Representation to Coordinate Representation
Representations of ideas provide a vivid material basis for imagination .