
  • 网络Behavior
  1. 并且能够在多方位的跟踪用户表现行为,对各种业务的资费调整,优化营销方案。

    The system can track user behavior in the multi-direction , for different kinds of service charges , and optimize the marketing scheme .

  2. 歌唱是音乐教育中重要的组成部分,也是人类最本能、最原始的音乐表现行为。

    Singing is an important constituent part in the music education , is also the mankind 's most instinct and original music performance behavior .

  3. 结果表明,图像特征区域的前半部分和后半部分在焊接过程中的表现行为有所不同,W或LF可以表征前半部分,LR表征后半部分。

    The results show that the variation of the front part of the feature zone is different from that of the rear part . W or LF can describe the front part and LR describes the rear part .

  4. 政治通常是人类不成熟的表现行为。

    Politics is usually the executive expression of human inmaturity .

  5. 应当禁止所有强调力量和表现行为之广告。

    All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned .

  6. 赛会组织机构的组织能力、管理水平对赛场观众的表现行为存在着一定影响。

    It certainly affects audiences'behavior to the organization capability and organizing level of match organization .

  7. 政治通常是人类不成熟的表现行为。美国作家薇拉

    Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity . & Britain Vera , American writer

  8. 事实上,装疯正是一种精神病患者狡猾和控制欲强的表现行为

    And in fact , faking madness is exactly the kind of cunning and manipulative act of a psychopath .

  9. 参与是主体对活动的能动性作用的过程,是能力和倾向的统一。它是共在的人在活动中的一种倾向性表现行为。

    Participation is the process in which principal part affects the activities actively , and is also the unification of ability and tendency .

  10. 第三部分是疯子的细化分类,各种类型的疯子的发疯原因是什么,有何表现行为。

    The third part of this thesis is on the further classification , detailed causes , and observable behavior of various kinds of madness .

  11. 在这三类节目中,除了研究大众出镜的表现行为外对主持人的表现行为也进行了新的探讨。

    In this three programmes , in addition to studythe performance of the public , the new performance act of the host also explored .

  12. 人际间的各种交往活动,靠人的各种表现行为来表达认知信息和情感信息,人的行为表现是一切社会关系的建立中所必需的有机成分。

    The different communicative activities convey cognitive and emotional information by means of different behaviors which are a necessary organic element in establishing all social relationships .

  13. 它也是师生双方进入教学活动,自主地、主动地、创造性地完成教学任务的一种倾向性表现行为,其实质是在教学中解放学生。

    It is also a tendentious behavior that both teachers and students get into the teaching activities and complete the task of teaching independently , actively and creatively . Its essence is to liberate students in the teaching .

  14. 如何通过系统阐述企业信用发生的机理和其表现行为,并结合博弈论的分析,指出企业信用是企业根本利益和长期发展的保证,是本文期望达成的目的之一。

    How to explain the business credit mechanism and behavior through systematical analysis , combining the analysis of the game theory , point out that business credit is enterprises ' fundamental interests which assurance their development for a long time .

  15. 把手机向下放意味着你在努力回归正常的思维方式和表现行为,说明你再次获得了控制时间和集中精力的力量,再也不会让任何软件和电子服务操控你。

    Keeping your phone face-down means that you are trying to normalize the way you think and act , it means that once again you are in control of your time and focus and will not let any app or service control you .

  16. 问题在于这些倾向源于自然还是社会环境影响?我们的爱好和个性取决于与生俱来的生物性别还是后天培养?社会环境和教养方式不同,男性和女性的表现行为各异吗?

    The question is , do these tendencies result from nature with the biological gender we are born with deciding our interests and personalities or do they result from nurture , with society and upbringing creating the differing ways that men and women behave ?

  17. 虚拟人的行为用产生式规则来描述,每条产生式规则具有不同的优先度,可以在不同的行为之间建立合成运算,采用抑制增益系数和疲劳系数来表现行为的时序特征。

    The behavior of virtual human is expressed with productive rules , each productive rule has different prior degree , synthetic operation can be set up among different behaviors , and inhibitory gain coefficient and fatigue coefficient is used to represent sequential feature of behavior .

  18. 辱虐管理作为领导负面行为中一种最普遍的表现行为,它对组织和员工的负面影响受到国内外学者的广泛关注,如何防止或减少辱虐管理的产生是值得学者们研究的重要问题。

    Abusive Supervision as one typical form of negative leadership behaviors , it elicits extensive attention of scholars to the negative impact on organization and employees , and it become a significant and worthy study subject that how to prevent or reduce the Abusive Supervision .

  19. 当管理咨询公司贝恩(bain)研究1981年至2001年期间美国377家大型企业的行为时,它发现,许多首席执行官表现的行为与目前同样过于自信。

    When Bain , the management consultancy , looked at the behaviour of 377 of the largest US companies in 1981-2001 , it found the same overconfident demeanour displayed by many chief executives today .

  20. 针对RTL行为的抽象,提出了用行为倾向驱动引擎展现电路行为的方法:所谓行为倾向,就是电路在当前状态下,最有可能表现电路行为的一次状态变迁。

    A behavior tendency driven engine to reveal circuit behavior is proposed . For a present state , a behavior tendency is defined to be a state transition , which has the most possibility to reveal circuit behavior .

  21. 其差异主要表现在行为能力和一般状态二方面。

    The difference was showed in behavior ability and general state .

  22. 骚扰是不希望受到的或不受欢迎的表现或行为。

    Harassment is any behavior or action that is unwanted or unwelcome .

  23. 但它本身并未提出具体的环境表现(行为)准则。

    It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria .

  24. 第二语言学习者在教室中如何表现请求行为很少为人所知。

    Little is known about how L2 learners perform requests in a classroom .

  25. 遭受意志力丧失的;表现出行为或决断的反常的能力缺失。

    Suffering from abulia ; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions .

  26. 大学生群体表现的行为和情绪问题表明他们的自我反省是不充分的。

    Behavioral and emotional problems from college students indicates their reflection is not sufficient .

  27. 用模型表现集体行为仍将十分困难,存在诸多阻力。

    It will remain difficult to model these collective movements . There is much resistance .

  28. 作为其他症状的结果,孩子在学校会表现出行为问题。

    As a result of the other symptoms , they can exhibit behavioral problems at school .

  29. 在表现或行为中一致的。

    Consistent in performance or behavior .

  30. 他们还小,每一天的表现和行为可能都不一样。

    These are young children and performance and behaviour can vary day to day , she says .