
  • 网络Electronic Signature;e-signature;digital signature
  1. 探索制定基于数字签名认证中心(CA)的电子签名工作规范。

    To explore and set up electronic signature 's regulations based on CA 's digital signature .

  2. 基于PKI技术的《电子签名法》研究

    A Study on PKI and " electronic signature law "

  3. 基于PKI电子签名技术的电子合同管理系统

    Management System for E-contracts Based on E-signature of PKI

  4. EDI合同电子签名与电子认证法律问题

    Legal issues of electronic signature and authentication in EDI contract

  5. 作为目前被国内外普遍公认为技术相对最成熟的电子签名技术&基于PKI(PublicKeyInfrastructure公钥基础设施)的数字签名技术可以解决这个问题。

    Now generally the digital signature technology based on PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) technology is recognized as being the most mature and having good operability by the experts here and abroad .

  6. 《电子签名法》是PKI技术发展和应用到现阶段的迫切需求和必然产物。

    The " electronic signature law " is the active demand and inevitable result of the PKI technical development and application to the present stage .

  7. 保险公司采用电子签名技术,实现了网上投保、在线支付、网上智能核保和发送电子保单等全E化流程,为保险业的电子商务带来实质性突破。

    By using E-signature technology , insurance companies achieves a significant breakthrough in E-commerce , namely , a fully electronic business process ranging from online application , online payment and online intelligent underwriting to sending the electronic policy .

  8. 本文根据CIPS实时电子签名的特点及需求提出一种安全、有效的实时电子签名实现技术。

    Based on the requirements and feature of real time digital signature in CIPS , an effective , available method to implement it is given .

  9. 我听到的称赞是:航班搜索网站Skyscanner安排商务差旅是多么有用,用谷歌文档(GoogleDocs)安排轮流休假是多么便利,用EchoSign软件在文件上进行电子签名是多么有价值。

    I heard paeans to the utility of Skyscanner for corporate travel , the benefits of Google Docs for holiday rotas and the value of EchoSign for electronic signature of documents .

  10. 实时电子签名是CIPS实现所需解决主要问题之一,其正确性直接关系到系统的安全性及业务流程的正确走向。

    The real time digital signature is one of the important problems in CIPS . It effects the direction and validity of the work flow and the system security of CIPS .

  11. 文章介绍了智能卡中常用的几种加密算法,如DES、RSA,另外,对密码技术在智能卡中的一些典型应用,如电子签名、信息保护等,也作了概括说明。

    Some cryptographic algorithms which is used in smart card , such as RSA , DES , are described in this paper . The typical application of cryptography in smart card , such as electronical signature , information protection , etc. also summarized .

  12. 针对目前电子签名中广泛应用的杂凑函数MD5和SHA-1的被破解,电子签名的安全性受到了挑战,提出了一个改进的签名体制,并予以实现。

    Aiming at some techniques such as MD5 and SHA-1 very widely used in digital signature have been cracked , and signature security is facing the danger , a revised digital signature scheme is proposed and implemented .

  13. 提出体现EMR法律价值必须解决系统的规范化管理设计、对EMR的时限管理设计、保留修改痕迹的设计、警示功能设计、电子签名设计。

    We advanced that we must make the design of standardized management , the design of time limit of EMR , the design of preserving the traces of revision , and those of alarm and electronic signature , for materializing the value of Electronic Medical Record in law ;

  14. 电子签名在网络环境下实现了传统手写签名的功能,而对签名人身份真实性的确认则是通过电子认证来完成的。

    Electronic signature realizes the function of traditional signature in network .

  15. 第四章主要论述我国电子签名立法,包括电子签名立法基础、立法必要性、中央和地方立法现状,我国《电子签名法》主要内容、立法原则、特点、作用及意义。

    The chapter four mainly introduces the E-Signature legislation of China .

  16. 电子签名在电子病历中的应用及相关法律问题

    Appliance of electric signature and related regulations in electric medical records

  17. 中文电子签名的认证方法研究

    Research on Giving Verification of the Electronic Signature in Chinese Characters

  18. 本文从电子签名的证据法研究入手,探讨了电子签名作为证据使用时的相关问题。

    This article focuses on the electronic signature 's evidence questions .

  19. 安全可靠性是电子签名的首要要求。

    The safety and reliability is primary requested for electronic signature .

  20. 但是,电子签名的立法目前还处于相对滞后的阶段。

    But conversely , the legislation in electronic signature remains stagnant .

  21. 对电子签名系统的形式化描述和安全性分析

    A Formal Description and Security Analysis of a Digital Signature System

  22. 浅析电子签名技术在电子公文流转系统中的应用

    Application of Electronics Signature Technique in the Electronic Official Document System

  23. 明钥系统也允许电子签名和数据完整性检查。

    Public-key systems also allow electronic signatures and data-integrity checks .

  24. 电子签名技术及其在公路工程管理中的应用

    Electron Signing Technique and Its Application in Highway Engineering Management

  25. 变电检修现场管理电子签名系统

    Electronic Signature System of Administration on Set on Substation Maintenance

  26. 实施电子签名法税务部门准备好了吗?

    Implementing the electronic signature , has the revenue department got ready ?

  27. 基于电子签名的电子处方的研究与应用

    Research and application on electronic prescription based on electronic signature

  28. 论《电子签名法》上的数据电文效力规则

    A Research on Validity Rules of Data Messages in Electronic Signature Act

  29. 例如,对合同的签名的形式是否包括电子签名等。

    For example , whether the signature in contract includes electronic signature .

  30. 中文电子签名认证的预处理技术研究

    A study of pretreatment at signature verification of Chinese characters