
rén dào
  • humanity;human;humane;human sympathy
人道 [rén dào]
  • (1) [humanity]∶以爱护人的生命、关怀人的幸福、维护人的尊严、保障人的自由等为原则的人事或为人之道

  • (2) [human;humane]∶中国古代哲学中与天道相对的概念。一般指人事、为人之道或社会规范

人道[rén dào]
  1. 法官的勇气和人道受到称赞。

    The judge was praised for his courage and humanity .

  2. 他们被控违反人道罪。

    They stand accused of crimes against humanity .

  3. 日本已承诺提供一亿元人道主义援助。

    Japan has pledged $ 100 million in humanitarian aid .

  4. 他们站在人道主义立场要求释放人质。

    They are calling for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds .

  5. 从人道角度,他不能拒绝帮助她。

    He couldn 't humanly refuse to help her .

  6. 驱逐成千上万人意味着人道主义的巨大灾难。

    The expulsion of thousands of people represents a humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions .

  7. 那条狗被人道毁灭了。

    The dog was humanely destroyed .

  8. 林赛没有受伤,但那匹马却不得不被人道毁灭。

    Lindsay was unhurt but the horse had to be destroyed .

  9. 被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道。

    The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions

  10. 对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要也不人道。

    The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman .

  11. 即便是作为一次人道主义行动,它也不过是取得了有限的成功。

    Even as a humanitarian mission it has been only a qualified success .

  12. 屠杀鲸鱼是没有必要的也是不人道的。

    The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman

  13. 空袭遭到了批评,因为从人道主义的立场来看,无辜的平民可能会受到伤害。

    Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer .

  14. 拒绝收容难民是不人道的行为。

    Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action

  15. 我以人道的名义请求政府重新评估这一重大问题。

    In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue .

  16. 扣除战争赔款后,余下的钱将用于购买食品和人道主义物资。

    After deductions for war reparations , the balance would be used to buy food and humanitarian supplies .

  17. 在19世纪中叶,多罗西娅·迪克斯开始发起为精神病患者争取人道待遇的运动。

    In the mid-nineteenth century , Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill .

  18. 两辆卡车被拦了下来,因为里面装有帐篷,按照指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不能算作援助物资。

    Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them , and under the commanders ' definition of humanitarian aid , that didn 't count

  19. 急需食物以避免一场人道主义灾难。

    Food is required immediately to avert a humanitarian catastrophe .

  20. 这个国家主要依靠几个发达国家的人道主义援助。

    This country relies heavily on the humanitarian aid of several developed countries .

  21. 人道主义不能容忍这种罪行。

    Humanity cannot tolerate such guilt .

  22. 战俘应受到人道待遇。

    Prisoners of war should receive humane treatment .

  23. 加沙立即实现开放以接收食品、药物和其他人道主义援助,以色列停止经济封锁,这是非常紧迫的事。

    It is urgent that Gaza be open immediately to receive food , medicine and other humanitarian aid , and that Israel end its economic blockade .

  24. 斯里兰卡无情地忽视人道停火的呼吁

    Sri Lanka has callously ignored calls for a humanitarian cease-fire .

  25. 基于人道精神我们乃教导他们农业与持家之道

    Humanity enjoins us to teach them agriculture and the domestic arts .

  26. 英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。

    The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area .

  27. 一旦战争爆发,人道主义往往就被抛到脑后了

    Humanitarianism is apt to be forgotten when the balloon goes up .

  28. 宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?

    Is it humane to kill animals for food ?

  29. 我们要救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义

    We must heal the wounded , rescue the dying , practicing revolutionary humanitarianism .

  30. 无论如何,中国对更人道地对待罪犯的兴趣有限

    In any event , China 's interest in treating criminals more humanely has limits .