
  • 网络Republic of Texas;Texas Republic
  1. 1836年的今天,萨姆·休斯顿就职为美国德克萨斯共和国的第一任总统。

    1836-Sam Houston is inaugurated as the first President of the Republic of Texas .

  2. 但这次弹劾活动以失败告终。泰勒成功地遵守了自己的诺言,使得德克萨斯共和国加入美国——1845年,德克萨斯成了美国第28个州。

    It failed . He did succeed in keeping his promise to annex the Republic of Texas , which became the 28th state in 1845 .

  3. 桑塔安娜战败被俘,被迫承认德克萨斯共和国的地位。

    Santa Anna was taken prisoner and forced to recognise the Texas Republic .

  4. 美国:宣布德克萨斯共和国独立,要不就卷好铺盖滚回欧洲!

    United States : Free Texas Republic or just all pack up and go back to Europe .