
mò xī ɡē rén
  • Mexican
  1. 一个爱尔兰人,一个墨西哥人和一个金发男子在一栋楼房的第三十层施工。

    An Irishman , a Mexican and a blonde guy were doing construction work on the 30th floor of a building .

  2. 墨西哥人打开饭盒看到玉米煎饼也跳了楼,金发人打开饭盒看到大腊肠也跳楼自杀了。

    The Mexican opens his lunch , sees a burrito and jumps too , the blonde opens his lunch , sees the bologna and jumps to his death also .

  3. 墨西哥人至少有9/10是受洗的天主教徒。

    At least nine out of ten Mexicans are baptised Catholics .

  4. 对古代墨西哥人来说,生与死是同一整体不可分割的两个部分。

    For the ancient Mexicans , life and death were inseparable , two halves of the same whole .

  5. 他走到酒吧里的一群墨西哥人那里,跟他们小声交谈起来。

    He went down the bar to a group of Mexicans and talked to them in a low voice .

  6. 然而,墨西哥人可以在当权者发出指示时沉默,而不是在与当权者争吵时表现粗鲁。

    However , Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her .

  7. 墨西哥人打开饭盒说:“又是玉米煎饼。下次如果还是玉米煎饼,我也跳下去。”

    The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed , " burritos again ! If I get burritos one more time I 'm going to jump off , too . "

  8. 古铁雷斯希望历史重演,他告诉墨西哥人迭戈马拉多纳的球队在获得B组第一后变得越来越强。

    Gutierrez is hoping history repeats itself and has told the Mexicans that Diego Maradona 's Group B table-toppers are set to get stronger and stronger .

  9. H1N1流行性病毒让墨西哥人过着虚拟的生活。

    The H1N1 epidemic is creating a virtual Mexico .

  10. Salsa:在韩国想追求一个墨西哥人?

    Salsa : Out for a Mexican in Korea ?

  11. 他和罗伯茨从2001年的《墨西哥人》(TheMexican)开始,已经合作了六部电影。《墨西哥人》也是他们俩人第一次在片场见面。

    He and Roberts have collaborated on six films , starting with The Mexican in 2001 , where they first met on set .

  12. Oaxaca,Mexico墨西哥瓦哈卡州古代的中美洲人是世界上最早的巧克力制造者,从那时起墨西哥人就一直在生产巧克力。

    The ancient Mesoamericans were the world 's first chocolatiers and Mexico has continued to produce chocolate ever since .

  13. 不关心墨西哥人,不关心国家的黑人总统,甚至RosieO'Donnell。

    Not Mexicans , not the kingdom 's black president , not even Rosie O'Donnell .

  14. 她叫Tatiana,但她不是墨西哥人,她是危地马拉人。

    Her name is Tatiana , but she 's not Mexican . She 's Guatemalan .

  15. 我希望那些墨西哥人能够喜欢他们的工作,这样RaymondBoyle和千千万万其他美国人就不会前途未卜了。

    I hope that Mexican man is happy with daddy 's job . So Raymond Boyle and thousands of other Americans just like him face an uncertain future .

  16. 他憎恨墨西哥人的真正原因,可能是由于那个墨西哥逃犯PanchoVilla让他损失了800000英亩的原始树林。

    His real motive for his hatred of Mexicans may have been the loss of800,000 acres of prime timber land to the Mexican outlaw , Pancho Villa .

  17. 墨西哥外长埃斯皮诺萨(PatriciaEspinosa)表示,墨西哥将采取一切措施保卫亚利桑那州墨西哥人的权利和尊严。

    The Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa said Mexico would do everything it could to defend the rights and the dignity of Mexicans in Arizona .

  18. 对于很多墨西哥人来说,看到白皮肤的芭比选择卢克带来的惊讶就犹如美国人在1967年的喜剧片《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》(GuessWho'sComingtoDinner)中看到西德尼•波蒂埃(SidneyPoitier)走进门来一样。

    For many Mexicans , seeing the light-skinned Barbie pick Lucho is akin to the shock Americans had seeing Sidney Poitier come through the door in the 1967 comedy ' Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner . '

  19. 的确,唯一流动性较高的群体是低技能的西语裔墨西哥人:正如经济学家布莱恩.卡德纳(BrianCadena)和布莱恩.科瓦克(BrianKovak)所指出的那样,大量在墨西哥出生的移民仍在搬家找工作。

    Indeed , the only highly mobile group are low-skilled Mexican Hispanics : as economists Brian Cadena and Brian Kovak show , Mexican-born immigrants are still moving to find work in big numbers .

  20. 在这项Badoo票选中,巴西人是排名第二酷的民族,也是拉美第一酷,拉美国家中紧随其后的是墨西哥人跟阿根廷人。

    Brazilians are ranked the second coolest nationality in the Badoo poll and the coolest Latin Americans , ahead of Mexicans and Argentinians .

  21. 荷兰检察官表示,他们逮捕了一名33岁的墨西哥人HerziraRigoAliachigalGambour,他可能是强大的西纳罗亚卡特尔集团的头目之一。

    Dutch prosecutors say they are holding Herzira Rigo Aliachigal Gambour , a 33-year-old Mexican suspected being a leader in the powerful Sinaloa cartel .

  22. 结论韩国人calpain-10基因SNP分布与白人、美籍墨西哥人及美籍Pima印第安人等种族间存在较大差异,与中国和日本人群较为相近,其112/121单倍型组合频率显著高于美籍墨西哥人。

    Conclusion The distribution of SNPs in calpain-10 gene in Korean is similar to that in Chinese and Japanese , but different from that reported in Caucasian , American Mexicans and American Pima Indians .

  23. JesúsGalindoTrejo,一个研究天文考古学、等离子体物理、天体物理学的墨西哥人,回答关于世界末日预言和玛雅历法的问题,即今天是末日。

    Jes ú s Galindo Trejo , a Mexican researcher in astro-archeology , plasma astrophysics and solar physics , answers questions about the end-of-the-world prediction and the Mayan calendar , which ends today .

  24. 下半场刚刚开始,吉奥瓦尼·多斯桑托斯(GiovanidosSantos)就从禁区外一个刁钻的角度地射门成功,这是他两年来在国际比赛中首次射门得分;兴奋感消退后,墨西哥人在很长时间里成功地防住了荷兰队。

    Giovani dos Santos scored his first international goal in two years with a wicked shot from outside the penalty area just after halftime , and once the euphoria subsided , the Mexicans packed in and held off the Netherlands for so long .

  25. 曾参与多个全球性葡萄酒项目的法尔即将前往加州的baja,与一位最近购买了位于法国凯特罗那aglyvalley葡萄园的墨西哥人就一新项目展开合作。

    Already involved in several wine ventures that are global in scope , he is just about to go to Baja , California , to work on a new project with a Mexican who also recently bought vineyards in the Agly Valley in French Catalonia .

  26. 他是墨西哥人,所以你知道他有心脏病。

    He 's Mexican , so you know he has heart .

  27. 墨西哥人吃巧克力也加诸如红辣椒这样的调味品。

    The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers .

  28. 调查:墨西哥人对性丑闻最宽容。

    Mexico is most tolerant nation for sex scandals : poll .

  29. 但是,很多墨西哥人还是对政府的安全措施提出了批评。

    But many Mexicans have criticized the country 's health measures .

  30. 对墨西哥人这样不好。

    And that 's not nice to do to a mexican .