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mò zǐ
  • Mozi (a thinker of the pre-Qin period and founder of Mohism);The Book of Mozi
  1. 墨子知道了这件事情以后,立刻去见公输子,对他说:

    When Mo Zi ( Master of the Mohist School ) heard of this , the went immediately to see Gongshu Zi and said to him :

  2. 子禽问墨子:“老师,话说得多是否就会引起人们的重视?”

    Zi qin once asked Mohist , " Teacher , it is true that the more you say the more attention you will get from people ? "

  3. 墨子听到以后说:“假如要驾着好马和羊上太行山,如果是你,你是鞭打马好还是鞭打羊好呢?”

    Upon hearing this , Mo Zi said , " If you were driving a swift horse and a goat to ascend2 the Mt. Taihang , which one you would whip , the horse or the goat ? "

  4. 耕柱子回答:“我当然要鞭打好马。”墨子问:“你为什么要鞭打好马而不鞭打好羊呢?”耕柱子回答说:“因为好马值得责打,而羊不值得。”

    Geng Zhuzi replied , " The swift horse , of course . " Mo Zi then asked , " Why the swift horse ? Because the swift horse is worth whipping , the goat is not . " Geng Zhuzi answered .

  5. 墨子回答说:“青蛙和癞蛤蟆的叫声从早到晚没有停过,但是,却几乎没有引起人们的注意。公鸡仅仅只在黎明时分叫上几声,便能将天下的人都唤醒.”因此,话多不一定有好处。

    Mohist answered , " The grog and hop never stop shouting from day to night , but they get little from people . The rooster only sings only for a few minutes in the morning and wakes up all the people . So , it is not necessarily advisable to speak a lot . "

  6. 公元前4世纪,能工巧匠公输班(GongshuBan,即鲁班)和哲学家墨翟(MoDi,即墨子),各自制作出了能随风自由翱翔的鸟形风筝,这对新奇的事物马上流行了起来。

    During the fourth century B.C. , Gongshu Ban and Mo Di , a patron of the arts and a philosopher , respectively , constructed bird-shaped kites that dipped and dove in the wind . The pair 's novelty caught on quickly .

  7. 墨子思想之人民性具有功利性、现实性和空想性特征。

    Mo-tse 's Thoughts feature utilitarianism , reality character and escapism .

  8. 墨子消费伦理观对休闲体育消费的启示

    Influence of Mozi ′ s Consumptive Ethics on Leisure Sport Consumption

  9. 墨子对虚词的研究做出了一定的贡献。

    Mozi has made certain contribution in studying on function word .

  10. 中国古代思想史研究路径探略&以墨子思想研究为例

    Analysis of the Research Approaches to the Chinese Ancient Thoughts History

  11. 三,墨子的言行记录;

    Third , records of Mo Zi 's doings and sayings ;

  12. 一天,子禽问他的老师墨子:

    One day , Zi Qin asked his master Mo Zi :

  13. 墨子及禽滑厘的学说并无争议。

    Theory of Mozi and theory of Qinhuali have nothing debatable .

  14. 论墨子的经济学和经济管理学说

    Discussions on Mo Ti 's Economics and Economical Management Theory

  15. 墨子想了一下回答说:

    Mo Zi thought for a while , and answered :

  16. 第三部分:《墨子》论辩散文的思想内容。

    The third part : " Mo-tse " polemical essays ideological content .

  17. 墨子的非攻观研究关于“非医攻博”的教育问题

    On educational problems in terms of doctoral degree pursuit of non-medical professionals

  18. 墨子与墨家学派的数学思想

    Mathematics Thought of MO Zi and His School of Thought

  19. 墨子的尚贤思想及其创新与发展

    Innovation and Development of Mo Zi 's Thought of Respecting Talented Persons

  20. 此外,“墨子号”已经成功地追踪到了所有地面站点,精确度也很令人满意。

    The satellite has successfully tracked all ground stations with satisfactory accuracy .

  21. 墨子思想与中国和谐社会建设

    On Mozi ′ s Thoughts and China ′ s Harmonious Society Construction

  22. 第二部分:《墨子》辩论思想的渊源。

    The second part " Mo-tse " debate the origin of thought .

  23. 浅析《墨子》论辩中的非逻辑方法

    Preliminary analysis of non-logical methods in Mo Zi 's debate

  24. 墨子和他的时代&墨子思想研究二例

    Mo-tse and His Times Two Samples of the Mo-tse 's Thoughts Study

  25. 墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。

    Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring states .

  26. 期望对《墨子》中绝研究做出贡献。

    Expectations of the " Mo-tse " in the vast research contribution .

  27. 墨子是战国时期著名的思想家、政治家。

    Mozi is a famous ideologist and statesman in the Warring State Period .

  28. 《墨子》其书及其研究价值

    Mo Zi 's Book and Its Value on Research

  29. 论墨子的天鬼观非宗教教义

    Mohist God and Ghost Viewpoint is not Religious Doctrine

  30. 本篇论文的主旨是研究《墨子》中的军事伦理思想。

    The thesis explores the military ethics in Mozi .