
  • 网络mohism
  1. 墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。

    Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring states .

  2. 墨子与墨家学派的数学思想

    Mathematics Thought of MO Zi and His School of Thought

  3. 然而,墨家学派虽逐渐消逝,但墨家著作却始终在流传。

    Although Mohist had gradually disappeared , but the mohist works were always spread .

  4. 论《墨辩》之辩墨家学派兴盛刍议

    Discuss on the Prosperity of Mohist School

  5. 批评墨家学派却持儒家观点,而非道家观点;

    It criticise the Mohist School with the ideas of the Confucian School , not with the idea of Taoist School ;

  6. 中国古典小说所受墨家学派的影响,反映了作者对其思想的认同。

    The Chinese classical novels came under the influence of Mohist school , which represented the authors ' approval of its ideas .

  7. 《墨子》是前秦时期墨家学派创始人墨子以及墨子的弟子根据墨子的言行撰写的文学著作。

    " Mo-tse " is the former Qin period Mohist school founder Mo-tse and the disciples of Mo-tse according to the words and deeds of Mo-tse writing literary works .

  8. 考察历史事实,我们发现稷下学宫里没有墨家学派,只是存在一些墨家思想,这些思想是在学术融合过程中相互吸收的结果,并不能说明墨家学派存在于稷下学宫。

    However , based on historical facts , we found that there existed no Mohist school in Jixia Academy except some Mohist thoughts , which was the result of integration of different academic thoughts .

  9. 墨子去世后,墨家学派一分为三,《墨子》三篇被认为是“三墨”各自所依据的经典。

    denunciation of music as a wasteful activity , and antifatalism . Since Mohism split into three schools after Mo Zi 's death , the three sets of chapters may well represent the three sets of texts preserved by the three schools .

  10. 虽然中日学界对墨家与诸子学派关系研究的侧重点多所不同,但都力求深入分析墨家学说的精髓,可谓相得益彰。

    Although Chinese and Japanese academic circles have different emphases on the relations between Mohist school and other schools , they all try to analyze the essence of mohism profoundly , which complements each other .

  11. 墨家与先秦诸子学派具有相同的学术背景,墨家学说的形成与发展与诸子学派有着天然的同源关系。

    Their study has some differences . Mohist school and other schools in pre-qin period had the same academic background . And the development of Mohism had a natural homologous relation with other schools in pre-qin period .

  12. 笔者借鉴前辈们研究墨家的成果,试图从墨家学派内部的变化及外部环境的影响两方面探求其成因。

    The writer draws lessons from the results of the elder generations ' research of Mo-school and try to search the reasons from the changes of Mo-school itself and the influence of exterior environment .

  13. 从文本出发并且联系整个文学史背景,分析墨家言语方式的优点和他对文学发展做出的贡献,并且分析墨家言语方式的缺点对墨家学派历史命运的影响。

    From the perspective of text and link the whole literary history , analyzes the advantages of the language form and he has made contribution to development of literature , and the influence of the language form the shortcoming of the Mohist school historical destiny .