
  • 网络Gulf Coast
  1. 美国四大经济增长走廊北美大平原、墨西哥湾沿岸地区、山间西部以及东南部地区获得经济发展的原因不仅在于这些地区拥有自然资源,还在于这些地区的州政府对待企业要友善得多。

    America 's four ' growth corridors ' ─ the Great Plains , the Gulf Coast , the Intermountain West and the Southeast ─ are growing not just because they have natural resources but also because state governments in those regions are significantly more friendly to business .

  2. 这周末是卡特里娜飓风扫平墨西哥湾沿岸地区四周年纪念日。

    This weekend marks the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina 's devastation of the Gulf Coast .

  3. 在过去的两天,我一直在与美国总统奥巴马前往墨西哥湾沿岸地区。

    For the past two days , I 've been travelling with President Obama along the Gulf Coast .

  4. 摩根斯坦称,特朗普将听取有关经济刺激计划的简报,以及一些潜在的正在逼近墨西哥湾沿岸地区的破坏性飓风。

    Morgenstern says Trump is being briefed on economic stimulus talks and a potentially devastating hurricane heading toward the Gulf Coast .

  5. 至今为止,政府内阁中已有十一名成员到访过墨西哥湾沿岸地区,今年年底,我也想去趟新奥尔良。

    To date , eleven members of my Cabinet have visited the Gulf Coast , and I 'm looking forward to going to New Orleans later this year .

  6. 通过分析美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区9个站点1998-2005年8年的无线电探空仪观测资料,研究了当地信风逆温层的一些特性。

    The radiosonde observations of eight years ( 1998-2005 ), launched from 9 stations over the Gulf of Mexico coastlands of the U.S. , are analyzed to investigate local characteristics of Trade-Wind Inversion ( TWI ) .

  7. 这场风暴预计将于今天在墨西哥湾沿岸地区登陆,飓风等级为4级,风速超过每小时150英里,风暴潮超过20英尺。

    The storm was expected to make landfall today on the Gulf Coast at the category four level , with winds racing at more than 150 miles per hour and a storm surge exceeding 20 feet .

  8. 由于墨西哥湾沿岸地区信风逆温的产生机制与夏威夷群岛的不同,因此这两个地区信风逆温的一些基本特性、季节变化和年变化规律均不相同。

    The seasonal and annual variability of the TWI in the Gulf of Mexico coastlands stations are inconsistent with those in Hawaii islands , and these discrepancies can be explained by different mechanisms of the TWI in these two areas .

  9. 来自北极的冷空气正在向墨西哥湾沿岸的南部地区推进。

    Cold air from the arctic is pushing down into the US as far-south as the Golf Coast .