
  • 网络Bible Belt
  1. 他成了洁身自好、恪守“圣经地带”德行的典范。

    He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues .

  2. 彼得住在圣经地带五年了。

    Peter lived in the Bible Belt for5 years .

  3. 美国南方圣经地带怪诞的灵魂写手&论奥康纳和她的小说

    A Spiritual Writer of the Grotesque in the " Bible Belt " of the American South : Flannery O'Connor and her Novels

  4. 美国中西部通常被称为圣经地带,因为在那儿居住着很多基督徒。

    The American Midwest is commonly referred to as the Bible belt of America because of the high population of Christians living in the area .

  5. 作为一个虔诚的天主教作家和南方小说家,弗兰纳瑞?奥康纳具有强烈的责任感,她的作品多取材于南方小镇和圣经地带,宗教危机是其作品永恒的主题。

    As a devout Catholic author and a southerner , Flannery O ' Connor had a strong sense of duty and most of her works are set in the southern small towns and areas of the Bible belt . Religious crisis is the recurring motif in her stories .

  6. 她还认为进化论荒谬可笑,不过是“那些不信上帝的愚人所创造出来的谬论”。萨宾教区的负责人萨拉对莱恩父母的抱怨也未加理睬,并告诉他们说这里属于“圣经地带”。

    She also taught that evolution was impossible , calling it a " stupid theory made up by stupid people who don 't want to believe in God . " C.C. 's parents ' complaints fell on deaf ears , with Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb telling them they were in the Bible belt .

  7. 没有什么比美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)在打响南北战争第一枪的《圣经》地带(Biblebelt)小镇,强调基督教恩典教义更让人吃惊的时刻了。

    There was no starker moment than President Barack Obama urging the Christian doctrine of grace on the bible belt in the town where the first shot of the civil war was fired .