
  • 网络Cloth;vestment;stole
  1. 穿着沐浴过雅典娜血的圣衣的你们。

    You who have washed your armor with athena 's blood .

  2. 圣衣并不能使肮脏的灵魂乾净。

    A holy habit cleanses not a foul soul .

  3. 你要给你哥哥亚伦做圣衣为荣耀,为华美。

    And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother , for glory and for beauty .

  4. 他甚至敢于进逼昂布伦,黑夜侵入天主堂,卷走圣衣库中的东西。

    He even pushed as far as Embrun , entered the cathedral one night , and despoiled the sacristy .

  5. 那受膏接续他父亲承接圣职的祭司,要穿上细麻布的圣衣,行赎罪之礼。

    The priest who is anointed and ordained to succeed his father as high priest is to make atonement .

  6. 亚伦的圣衣要留给他的子孙,可以穿着受膏,又穿着承接圣职。

    Aaron 's sacred garments will belong to his descendants so that they can be anointed and ordained in them .

  7. 要给亚伦穿上圣衣,又膏他,使他成圣,可以给我供祭司的职分。

    Then dress Aaron in the sacred garments , anoint him and consecrate him so he may serve me as priest .

  8. 他们只能把简陋的乡间圣衣库供他使用,那里只有几件破旧的、装着假金线的锦缎祭服。

    They could only place at his disposal a wretched village sacristy , with a few ancient chasubles of threadbare damask adorned with imitation lace .

  9. 精工做的礼服,和祭司亚伦和他儿子在圣所用以供祭司职分的圣衣。

    And the woven garments worn for ministering in the sanctuary , both the sacred garments for Aaron the priest and the garments for his sons when serving as priests .

  10. 亚郎的圣衣应传给他的子孙,他们穿上这些圣衣才能接受傅油,接受圣职。

    And the holy vesture , which Aaron shall use , his sons shall have after him , that they may be anointed , and their hands consecrated to it .

  11. 你将亚伦和他儿子一同带来,并将圣衣,膏油,与赎罪祭的一只公牛,两只公绵羊,一筐无酵饼都带来

    Bring Aaron and his sons , their garments , the anointing oil , the bull for the sin offering , the two rams and the basket containing bread made without yeast

  12. 以后用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线,做了圣所内行礼穿的祭服,也做了为亚郎穿的圣衣,全照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。

    And he made , of violet and purple , scarlet and fine linen , the vestments for Aaron to wear when he ministered in the holy places , as the Lord commanded Moses .

  13. 他的子孙中凡接位当司祭,进会幕在圣所行礼的,应七天之久穿这些圣衣。

    He of his sons that shall be appointed high priest in his stead , and that shall enter into the tabernacle of the testimony to minister in the sanctuary , shall wear it seven days .

  14. 比撒列用蓝色紫色朱红色线、作精致的衣服、在圣所用以供职、又为亚伦作圣衣。是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

    And from the needlework of blue and purple and red they made the robes used for the work of the Holy place , and the holy robes for aaron , as the LORD had given orders to moses .

  15. 凡心中受感并灵里乐意的,都将耶和华的举祭带来,用以造会幕,并供其中一切事奉之用,又用以作圣衣。

    And they came , everyone whose heart lifted him up and everyone whose spirit made him willing , and brought the heave offering of Jehovah for the work of the tent of meeting and for all its service and for the Holy garments .

  16. 凡心里受感和甘心乐意的都拿耶和华的礼物来,用以作会幕和其中一切的使用,又用以作圣衣。

    And everyone whose heart was moved , everyone who was guided by the impulse of his spirit , came with his offering for the lord , for whatever was needed for the tent of meeting and its work and for the Holy robes .