
  • 网络vocation;Holy Calling
  1. 书面的十字架明确“圣召暨教育基金会”的性质。

    The cross on the book illustrates the character of " vocation and education fund " .

  2. 基督徒的圣召是引领他人进入最真实、完整的人性,并在此过程中使自己也得成为真实而完整的人。

    Christian 's vocation is to become fully human by helping others to achieve a deeper , fuller humanity by all means available .

  3. 我明白爱含有一切圣召,爱就是一切

    I understood that Love encompassed all vocations , that Love was everything " . "

  4. 挑战:今天,我要为圣召,准备一次特殊的牺牲。

    Challenge : Today I can plan a special sacrifice for vocations .

  5. 总祈祷意向:愿平信徒和基督徒团体成为司铎和修会圣召负责任的推动者。

    General : That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and religious vocations .

  6. 查伟思神父讲述选取「视生命为恩赐,并为他人接受及付出」,这种圣召文化的重要性。

    Fr Ch á vez spoke of the importance of opting for a vocational culture which sees life as a gift , received and offered for others .

  7. 他的政治判断不全经得起时间的检验,但是他对自己宗教圣召的反思和对“中国基督圣召”的反思确一直在前进。

    Not all of his political judgments have stood the test of time but his reflections on his own religious vocation and on what he called the " Christian vocation of China " are deeply moving .