
shènɡ lǐ
  • Sacrament;holy/sacred/imperial ceremony
  1. 史蒂芬·利神父为死者主持了临终圣礼。

    Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dead men .

  2. 会众参加圣礼

    The congregation assists at divine service .

  3. 慈运理坚持,圣经经文教导主的晚餐只是一个记号(sign),要赋予它更多的意义,就侵犯了圣礼的本质。

    Zwingli insisted that the biblical text taught that the Lord 's Supper was a sign , and that to make it something more violated the nature of the sacrament .

  4. 我连为他做临终圣礼的时间都没有。

    I didn 't even have time to administer his last rites .

  5. 圣礼意味着神秘,与神的显灵有关。

    Sacrament means mystery , relating to the divine presence .

  6. 牧师要来主持临终圣礼。

    The chaplain is going to administer the last rites .

  7. 如果是基督圣礼,那就很难了。

    But if a sacrament this is not so easy .

  8. 赠以面包和酒来纪念最后的晚餐的基督教圣礼。

    A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine .

  9. 小学教师的年度圣礼:火爆的北京奥运!

    Elementary teachers of the year present : Beijing Olympic blast – off !

  10. 洗礼和圣餐是圣礼中的两项。

    Baptism and communion are two of the sacraments .

  11. 种痘是相当于洗礼的医学上的圣礼。

    Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism .

  12. 接受教堂的临终圣礼

    to receive the last rites of the church ,

  13. 精神纯洁与复活的基督教圣礼。

    A Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth .

  14. 作为天主教徒要接受临终圣礼

    In order , as a Catholic , to receive the last sacraments ,

  15. 承认受洗的人完全加入宗教的圣礼。

    A sacrament admitting a baptized person to full participation in the church .

  16. 唯有浸礼和主餐是神命定的圣礼。

    The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord 's Supper .

  17. 过后她就要去领第一次圣礼。呀!

    Then she will take her first communion .

  18. 圣礼的功能是要使得救的信心在被拣选者的内心得到确认。

    The function of the sacraments is to confirm saving faith among the elect .

  19. 神的国度讲到执行神的话和圣礼的职事。

    The kingdom of the Right hand describes the ministry of Word and sacrament .

  20. 圣礼是可见的神的话。

    The sacraments are God 's Word visible .

  21. 她应当几时去领她的第一次圣礼呢?

    When will she take her first communion ?

  22. 一位牧师为她举行临终圣礼。

    A priest gave her the last rites .

  23. 神父为人举行临终圣礼。

    The priest administered the last rites .

  24. 我们在按立牧师的圣礼,或是宣教士的差遣礼中,有多少次听到这段经文?

    How many times have these verses been used in an induction or ordination service ?

  25. 在圣礼中,神庄严地应许赐福予我们;我们满怀感恩地起誓服事、顺从神。

    It is God 's Word of the gospel that gives the sacraments their power .

  26. 神通过圣礼&圣洗礼与圣餐使福音临到人类。

    God has the Gospel come to people through the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion .

  27. 国王得到了临终圣礼

    The King received the last rites ,

  28. 重金属是圣礼吗?

    Is heavy metal a sacrament ?

  29. 一种庄严而方便的圣礼。

    A dignified and commodious sacrament .

  30. 但有个可能被双方都忽视了问题:婚姻的本质,是约定俗成还是基督圣礼?

    The issue is the nature of marriage . Is it a convention or a sacrament ?