
  • 网络St. Croix;Santa Cruz;Isla Santa Cruz;Santa Cruz Island;scz
  1. 但是,圣克鲁斯岛上生态系统的恢复不仅仅是保护灰狐那么简单。

    But the recovery of Santa Cruz Island isn 't just about the fox .

  2. 我们都知道,圣克鲁斯岛仍允许人类登岛,而人类会把狗带到岛上。

    You see , humans are still allowed on Santa Cruz Island , and they bring dogs .

  3. 圣克鲁斯岛位于南加利福尼亚海岸附近,在这里居住着一种神奇的物种,叫作岛屿灰狐。

    Just off the coast of Southern California sits Santa Cruz Island , where a magical creature called the island fox   dwells .

  4. 自然保护协会占有圣克鲁斯岛的大部分土地,负责该项目的运营。

    It is run by the Nature Conservancy which owns most of the island .

  5. 他过去是住在距离厄瓜多尔海岸500英里的圣克鲁斯岛上的火山区,事实上,那里就像是华盛顿,你怎么找也找不到像样的百吉饼。

    He was living in a volcanic field on Santa Cruz island 500 miles off the coast of Ecuador , where you couldn 't find a decent bagel if you tried : in fact , a place a lot like Washington .