
xīn wén zì yóu
  • freedom of the press;freedom of the press;freedom of information
  1. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

    The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom .

  2. 我们需要新闻自由来约束政府的越轨行为。

    We need a free press to curb government excesses .

  3. 他们指责政府压制新闻自由。

    They accused the government of muzzling the press .

  4. 新闻自由是自由最大的保障之一

    The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty .

  5. 总统企图遏制新闻自由。

    The President wanted to muzzle the press .

  6. 这种特制的头是用树脂做的。Thatsmyface.com网站称其会将所有该人物玩偶的收益用于新闻自由基金(FreedomofthePressFoundation)。

    The made-to-order head is crafted from says it will donate all proceeds from the action figure 's sale to the Freedom of the Press Foundation .

  7. 新闻自由像Carol所说,是我们再次表彰JasonRezaian的原因。

    A free press is why , once again , we honor Jason Rezaian , as Carol noted .

  8. 菲律宾吊销了一家以批评总统罗德里戈?杜特尔特(RodrigoDuterte)而闻名的、颇具影响力的网络媒体集团的牌照。该集团及其支持者把此举称为对新闻自由的攻击。

    The Philippines has revoked the registration of an influential online media group known for its tough coverage of President Rodrigo Duterte 's administration , in a move the company and its supporters decried as an attack on press freedom .

  9. 每年的5月3日为世界新闻自由日。

    World Press Freedom Day is on May 3 every year .

  10. 压制,箝制(言论);使缄默他们指责政府压制新闻自由。

    muzzle sth They accused the government of muzzling the press .

  11. 他们指责官员的审查及限制新闻自由。

    They 've accused officials of censorship and restricting freedom of the press .

  12. 他就是新闻自由的鲜活证明,

    and it 's a living testament to the very idea of a free press

  13. 我们的新闻自由,再次让真正的记者,揭露骇人丑闻,

    Our free press is why we once again recognize the real journalists who uncover the horrifying scandal

  14. 联合国秘书长潘基文对新闻自由,以及保护记者的重要性发表讲话。

    U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki-moon spoke about the importance of a free media and of protecting journalists .

  15. 这一行动引发了《明报》员工的大量抗议,并让刘进图成为新闻自由的象征。

    The move sparked numerous protests by Ming Pao employees and made him a symbol of press freedom .

  16. 该节日的设立目的是提高人们对新闻自由的重视程度。

    The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press .

  17. 你知道美国有新闻自由。而且这是在宪法中明文规定的。

    You know that the U.S. has freedom of the press . It 's in " The Constitution . "

  18. 一次大突破影响了民主改革,自由选举成为现实,新闻自由,自由崇拜及代表性的议会党都成为了现实。

    free election had become a reality , free press , freedom worship , representative legislatures multi-party system had all become reality .

  19. 在世界新闻自由日,我们还要缅怀那些在报道中牺牲的记者。

    The day is also a special time for journalists to pay tribute to colleagues who have lost their lives while reporting .

  20. 目前议会计划就记者问责制进行改革,批评人士警告称,这个举动可能会终结英国的新闻自由。

    Parliament is now seeking an overhaul of press accountability which critics warn would be the end of the press freedom in Britain .

  21. 联合国教科文组织还为这天设立特别奖项,对向保护和发展新闻自由而做出杰出贡献的个人和组织表彰。

    UNESCO gives a special prize on this day to the person or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to protecting or promoting press freedom .

  22. 它保证新闻自由,但同时也称媒体应该按照国家和社会的基本原则运作。

    It guarantees freedom of the press , but says the media should operate " in accordance with the basic principles of the state and society . "

  23. 是客观新闻自由、事实、证据被削弱甚至被忽视的时刻,这样的环境里。

    and when notions of objectively and of a free press and of facts and of evidence are trying to be underminedor in some cases ignored entirely .

  24. 汤姆汉克斯和梅丽尔斯特里普出演,史蒂文斯皮尔伯格执导,这样一个为新闻自由而战的历史故事,有很多让评委刮目相看的地方。

    Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in front of the camera , with Steven Spielberg directing a historic battle over press freedom - there 's much for awards voters to admire .

  25. 然而,民主派活动人士担心,该市的自主性和英式自由正受到侵蚀,他们指出新闻自由和学术独立面临越来越大的威胁。

    However , democracy campaigners fear that the city 's autonomy and its British-style freedoms are being eroded , pointing to growing threats to freedom of the press and academic independence .

  26. 馨祥博士说,作为中国移民后代,他在种族隔离时代的南非长大,深知新闻自由的价值。

    Dr. Soon-Shiong ( pronounced Soon Shung ) said he appreciated the value of a free press after having grown up in apartheid-era South Africa , the son of immigrants from China .

  27. 尽管李敏与吴晓华的关系同她对吴晓辉一案的报导之间明显存在利益冲突,但一些观察人士也把李敏被逮捕视为政府部门干涉新闻自由的又一起案件。

    Despite the apparent conflict of interest between Ms. Li 's relationship with Wu Xiaohua and her reporting on his brother 's legal troubles , some observers interpret Ms. Li 's arrest as another case of official interference with press freedoms .

  28. 新闻自由组织自由论坛的辛西娅·罗梅罗说道:“有很多恐吓,袭击事件发生,不仅是针对记者,当地记者,而且国际记者也曾遭遇不测,因此国际媒体很难得到一手消息。”

    Cynthia Romero is with the Freedom Forum , a press freedom organization , " There are several cases of intimidation , of attacks , not only of journalists , local journalists , but also as international journalists , which also makes it very difficult for the international press to get the news out about what is happening . "

  29. 他们压制了一切新闻报道自由化的意图。

    They beat down every attempt to liberalize the press .

  30. 据报道超过70000名叙利亚人死亡,现在我们说据报道是因为无法确认数字,或确认暴力事件,这是因为叙利亚并没有给CNN或任何其他国际新闻机构自由进入这个国家的权利。

    More than 70000 Syrians are reported to have been killed , now we say reported because it 's not possible to confirm that number , or to confirm some of the accounts of violence , that 's because Syria hasn 't give CNN or any other International news organizations free access inside the country .