
  • 网络the atlantic;The Atlantic Monthly;TheAtlantic
  1. 《大西洋月刊》在一篇评论文章中说,《重生》中,戈麦斯唱出了“赋权即超越”,还赞许她有一种“平静的力量”。

    In Revival , Gomez sings about " empowerment as transcendence , " said The Atlantic in its review , before complimenting her " calm power . "

  2. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)网站给《纸牌屋》是一部传统的热播剧集这种说法泼了一瓢冷水。

    The Atlantic 's website threw cold water on the idea ofHouse of Cards being a conventional TV hit .

  3. 谷歌无人机项目最早是由《大西洋月刊》网站(TheAtlanticOnline》和英国广播公司(BBC)率先报道的。

    News of the drone project was first reported by The Atlantic Online and the BBC .

  4. 科特斯是《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)的记者,这本书以他给儿子的信的形式写成。

    Mr. Coates , a correspondent for The Atlantic , wrote the book in the form of a letter to his son .

  5. 唐·佩克(DonPeck)在《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)中分析了他所谓的“预测性分析的职场应用”,他问道:

    In an Atlantic analysis of what he describes as " the application of predictive analytics to people 's careers , " Don Peck asks :

  6. 詹姆斯·汉布林(JamesHamblin)在《大西洋月刊》(theAtlantic)杂志发表文章称,2012年的一项研究发现,写作的做法提高了乳腺癌患者的生活质量。

    According to James Hamblin at The Atlantic , a 2012 study found that writing improved quality of life for breast cancer patients .

  7. 现在,这种广告模式不仅被BuzzFeed等新兴的网络公司所采用,就连《福布斯》(Forbes)和《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)等老牌媒体也打上了软广告的主意。

    The approach has been embraced by newer digital ventures such as BuzzFeed and new digital efforts for very old publications like Forbes and The Atlantic .

  8. 2010年,罗森曾在《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)上发表过一篇同名文章,希望回答她自己提出的一个问题:如果后工业时期的现代社会更适合女性,世界将会怎样?

    In 2010 , rosin published an essay of the same name in the Atlantic , hoping to answer her own question : what if modern , postindustrial society is simply better suited to women ?

  9. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)杂志资深语言专栏作家沃拉夫(BarbaraWallraff)说,你和我现在都可以成为自己的字典编纂者了。

    ' You and I can be our own lexicographers now , 'says Barbara Wallraff , the longtime language columnist for The Atlantic magazine .

  10. 班内特表示,《大西洋月刊》会在参与Facebook这个项目时保持警惕。他提到,在Facebook对出版商越来越重要时,它可能就会借势强加不利于出版商的条款。

    The Atlantic is going into the Facebook deal with its eyes open , Mr. Bennett said , referring to the prospect that Facebook might be in a position to dictate less favorable terms if its importance to publishers increases .

  11. 在今年6月《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)刊登的一篇文章中,美国前财长亨利保尔森(HenryPaulson)及罗伯特脠宾(RobertRubin)声称,美国应欢迎并协助中国投资于前者破败的基础设施。

    In an article in the June edition of The Atlantic magazine , former US Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin argue that Chinese investment in America 's creaking infrastructure should be welcomed and facilitated .

  12. 最初将有五家美国机构参与即时文章项目,分别是BuzzFeed、《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)杂志、《大西洋月刊》、NBC新闻和《纽约时报》。每周三,它们各自都将以新的格式发布一篇文章。

    Five American organizations are initially participating in the instant articles project and will publish one item each on Wednesday in the new format : BuzzFeed , National Geographic , The Atlantic , NBC News and The Times .

  13. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)最近撰文称,数字广告是“互联网的原罪”。因此,有少数内心崇高又雄心勃勃(可能也有点幼稚)的公司希望能摆脱这种默认的业务模式。

    The Atlantic recently called digital advertising " the Internet 's original sin . " And so , we have a handful of noble , ambitious , possibly naive attempts to repent by reeling back Web 's default business model .

  14. 因为我在发送电报的时候就已经拿到了一个电子版的预览,我完全可以直接给电报的收件人发email或者短信,或者facebook私信,要么干脆给大西洋月刊投个稿,把想说的话写成文章直接发布在网上。

    Which , because I had already received a digital preview of the telegram when I ordered it , I could have just emailed - or texted , or Facebook messaged , or , you know , published to the Internet in an article for The Atlantic .

  15. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)总编辑詹姆斯·班内特(JamesBennet)称,使用即时文章功能发布新闻报道,意味着“失去对发行渠道的控制权”。

    James Bennet , editor in chief of The Atlantic , one of the project 's initial publications , said that publishing pieces through instant articles means " losing control over the means of your distribution . " On the other hand , he said ,

  16. 自从大西洋月刊刊载了那片文章以来,

    In the time since that Atlantic Monthly story ran ,

  17. 近期发表在《大西洋月刊》上的一篇文章也概述了该研究成果。

    A recent article in The Atlantic provided a summary of the results .

  18. 《大西洋月刊》的凯利就建议大家以“每天读半小时”为目标,

    Aim for 30 minutes a day , advises Kelly from The Atlantic .

  19. 《大西洋月刊》认为洛瓦托“正在经过艰苦的努力争取自主权”。

    Lovato is " sweating for self-determination , " according to The Atlantic .

  20. 据《大西洋月刊》报道称,阿雷利谎称自己将要举办诗歌朗诵会。

    According to the Atlantic , Ariely pretended he was giving a poetry recital .

  21. 他的作品曾发表在《纽约客》、《大西洋月刊》等期刊上。

    His work appears in The New Yorker , The Atlantic Monthly and other publications .

  22. 这是1968年出版的大西洋月刊,美国的自由主义之声

    This one is from 1968 -- The Atlantic Monthly , voice of liberal America --

  23. 丹?斯莱特在《大西洋月刊》上写道:交友软件是种肤浅的偷懒行为。

    Dan Slater , writing for The Atlantic , says dating apps are superficial and lazy .

  24. 这是1968年出版的大西洋月刊,美国的自由主义之声,作者是知名的生物伦理学专家。

    This one is from 1968-The Atlantic Monthly , voice of liberal America-written by an important bioethicist .

  25. 美国《大西洋月刊》评价《我的心灵》为“流行音乐的伤感巅峰”。

    The Atlantic deemed Mind of Mine " the pinnacle of the current sad-dude pop moment . "

  26. 对此,《大西洋月刊》在一篇文章中写到,骑士精神因为中世纪的暴力而兴起。

    Chivalry arose as a response to the violence of the Middle Ages , explains an Atlantic article .

  27. 《大西洋月刊》报道称,这项调查的规模比NerdWallet网站的还大,约17000人参与了调查。

    The study was larger than NerdWallet 's and polled about 17000 people , according to The Atlantic .

  28. 奥尔加·卡赞在《大西洋月刊》上撰文提到她认为克林顿不应该用这么随意的态度对待这个问题。

    Olga Khazan , writing in The Atlantic , thinks Clinton shouldn 't have treated the question so lightheartedly .

  29. 如《大西洋月刊》在一篇文章中所写,美国年轻劳动力的流动性一直是美国经济的巨大财产。

    The mobility of young workers has been a tremendous asset to the US economy , according to The Atlantic article .

  30. 10月20日的《大西洋月刊》甚至将一些学校的着装守则称为是“赤裸裸的性别歧视”。

    On Oct 20 , the Atlantic magazine even zeroed in on certain dress codes as being outright " sexist . "