
  • 网络super-ministries system
  1. 我国大部门体制下的行政运行机制研究

    A Study of Administration Operating Mechanism under the Super-ministry System in China

  2. 大部门体制与地方行政管理体制改革的进路

    The Super Ministry System and the Path of Regional Administrative System Reform

  3. 因此,大部门体制改革在内容和方式上都需要继续完善。

    So the Super-Ministry System needs to be further perfected both on its content and its means .

  4. 但是研究重点只是集中在中央政府层面,对地方政府如何推进大部门体制改革研究较少。

    But the study focused only on the central government level , how to promote the local government sector structural reform study less .

  5. 转变政府职能、优化政府机构、建立并实行职能有机统一的大部门体制,成为我国机构改革的方向。

    Super-Ministry System which can transform government functions , optimize government agencies , form and implement functional organic unity becomes the direction of institutional reform .

  6. 高校管理机构大部门体制是同高校学术本位取向和精简效能目标内在一致的。

    The administration of higher educational institutions implement large department system is in accord with the orientation of academic-based and the objective of streamlining & efficacy .

  7. 第二部分主要是对相关理论的阐释,包括了行政组织结构的一般理论、大部门体制的一般理论以及我国政府现行机构设置及行政管理体制变革面临的主要困境。

    The second is explanation on related theories , including administrative organization , super department , our main difficulties in present structure setting and administration system changing .

  8. 大部门体制改革既是我国行政管理体制和政府机构改革的必经阶段,又是一个重大的改革难题。

    Super-Ministry System reform is not only a necessary stage of the reform of our system of administrative management and reform of government institutions , but also a big problem in reform .

  9. 十七大和十七届二中全会作出了深化行政管理体制改革的重要部署,要求积极探索实行职能有机统一的大部门体制。

    The Seventeenth National Congress of CPC and the second Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee had made important deployment on deepening administrative reform requiring an active exploration and practice on the organically unified functional Super Ministries System .

  10. 在商务管理、工业和信息化、人力资源社会保障、环境保护、住房和城乡建设、交通运输等领域积极推行大部门体制,相关机构和职能得到有效整合。

    In business management , industrial and information technology , human resources and social security , environmental protection , housing and urban construction , transportation and other areas , Super-Ministry System reform is actively promoted and functions of relevant institutions are effectively integrated .

  11. 提出完善政府决策体制、构建政府内部控制框架、建立行政成本问责制和实现预算管理与机构编制控制有机结合的控制措施,为大部门体制下控制政府行政成本提供参考。

    These countermeasures include consummating administrative decision-making system , building the frame of governmental internal control , establishing administrative cost accountability and combine budget management with organization control , which will offer some constructive reference for controlling administrative cost under the background of super ministry system reform .

  12. 针对火车站地区管委会综合协调、监督力度小、管理范围扩大和管理任务的增加,本文介绍了利用大部门体制理念对火车站地区管委会体制进行改革的可行性和对策。

    Railway Station for coordinating a comprehensive regional management , supervision of small , management and expansion of the scope of administrative tasks , the article describes the use of large sectors of the railway system concept for reform of the regional management system and the feasibility of countermeasures .

  13. 在加大对农村基础设施的财政投入力度的同时,还必须建立职能有机统一的大部门体制,完善制度监督机制,同时要建立起联合维护的保障机制,建好、管好、用好基础设施。

    Increase in the financial input of rural infrastructure , at the meantime , we must also establish a functionally unified sector system , perfect the oversight mechanisms system , and to establish joint maintenance of security mechanism , construct and management good , and making good use of infrastructure .

  14. 加强环境综合管理,积极探索大部门环境管理体制。

    We will strengthen comprehensive environmental management and explore a super-ministry environmental management system .